




谢邀。我只想说《魔戒》三部曲的。经典台词太多,最终决定选出10段。以下排名,全凭主观,毫无根据,如有雷同,做朋友吧。请注意,文字本身有时并不能凸显台词的经典,请默默回想电影的桥段,这应当是一个有声音的答案。1.来源:《魔戒2·双塔奇谋The Two Towers》佛罗多:我办不到。Frodo: I can't do this, Sam.山姆:我知道,这不公平;我们本来就不该来。但是我们来了。Sam: I know. It's all wrong. By rights, we shouldn't even be here. But we are.山姆:这就像我们听过的精彩故事,歌颂伟大的事迹,充满了黑暗和危险。有时候你不想知道结局,因为怎么可能有快乐结局?发生这么多可怕的事,这世界怎么回到从前?Sam: It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end, because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was, when so much bad had happened?山姆:但是最后可怕的阴影终究会消失,就连黑暗也会消失,崭新的一天将会来临,太阳也会散发更明亮的光芒。这才是让人永生难忘、意义非凡的成人故事,纵使你太年轻不明白为什么;但是我想我明白了,我现在明白了。Sam: But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you, that meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now.山姆:这些故事里的主角,有很多机会半途而废,但是他们并没有,他们决定勇往直前。因为他们抱着一种信念。 Sam: Folk in those stories, had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going, because they were holding on to something.佛罗多:我们抱着什么信念?Frodo: What are we holding on to, Sam?山姆:这世上一定存在着善良,值得我们奋战到底。Sam: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for.获选理由:想必这段话打动了无数的人……陷入困境时偶尔回想起这一段,总会再次鼓起勇气和力量。2.来源:《魔戒3·国王归来The Return of the King》阿拉贡:坚守阵地!坚守阵地!Aragorn: Hold you ground! Hold you ground!阿拉贡:刚铎的子民,洛汗的子民,我的兄弟们!我看到你们的眼里有着和我心里同样的恐惧。Aragorn: Son of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me.阿拉贡:或许有一天,人类变得畏缩懦弱,我们舍弃朋友,断绝盟谊;但绝不是这一天。或许有一天,豺狼攻破人类城池,人类的年代崩析瓦解;但绝不是这一天。这一天我们誓死奋战!为了这片美好土地上你们所拥有珍惜的一切,我命令你们抗敌,西方人类!Aragorn: A day may come when the courage of Men fails when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship. But it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of Men comes crashing down. But it is not this day. This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!获选理由:人皇的伟岸英姿显露得淋漓尽致,此外,我个人是阿拉贡脑残粉。3.来源:《魔戒3·国王归来The Return of the King》形式:清唱皮聘:远离家乡 / 踏上征途 / 前路漫漫 / 冲破阴暗 / 到达黑夜边缘 / 星光闪烁如昼 / 阴霾雾霭 / 暗沉乌云 / 都将消散 / 都将消散Pippin: Home is behind / The world ahead / And there are many paths to tread / Through shadow / To the edge of night / Until the stars are all alight / Mist and shadow / Cloud and shade / All shall fade / All shall fade背景:歌词源于原著的一首诗歌;是导演组临时决定加上的,临时谱曲,皮聘扮演者Billy Boyd只练了三天,所有人(包括导演组)都没想到录制效果非常好,有一种悲剧式的压抑感和渲染力。Billy Boyd有一副好嗓子,他还是《霍比特人3》片尾曲《The Last Goodbye》的演唱者。4.来源:《魔戒1·魔戒远征The Fellowship of the Ring》凯兰崔尔:历史成为传说,传说成为神话。Galadriel: History became legend, legend became myth.获选理由:中土世界的历史厚重感由此揭开。这句话除了凯兰崔尔,没有第二个人适合去说。5.来源:《魔戒1·魔戒远征The Fellowship of the Ring》甘道夫:你不能过去!Gandalf: You cannot pass!甘道夫:我是秘火的仆人,高举着亚诺炽焰。邪恶之火不会帮你,乌顿之火!Gandalf: I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn!甘道夫:滚回黑暗中吧!Gandalf: Go back to the shadow.甘道夫:你不能过去!Gandalf: You shall not pass!获选理由:三个字,帅!哭!了!6.来源:《魔戒3·国王归来The Return of the King》金雳:没想到我竟然要跟个精灵并肩战死。Gimli: Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an Elf.莱戈拉斯:那跟个朋友并肩作战如何呢?Legolas: What about side by side with a friend?金雳:好。死而无憾。Gimli: Aye. I could do that.背景:精灵和矮人即便用不上世仇这个词,也差不多了;金雳是屈指可数的拥有精灵之友称号的矮人。7.来源:《魔戒2·双塔奇谋The Two Towers》山姆:我想也许我们会被编成诗歌或故事。Sam: I wonder if we'll ever be put into songs or tales.佛罗多:什么?Frodo: What?山姆:我想也许以后会有人说:“咱们听听佛罗多和魔戒的故事”。另一个人会说:“是啊,那是我最爱听的故事。佛罗多真的很勇敢,对吧,爸爸?”“是啊,孩子。他是最有名的霍比特人,真了不起。”Sam: I wonder if people will ever say, "Let's hear about Frodo and the Ring." And they'll say, "Yes! That's one of my favorite stories. Frodo was really courageous, wasn't he, Dad?" "Yes, my boy. The most famousest of Hobbies. And that's saying a lot."佛罗多:你忘了一个重要人物:勇士山姆·怀斯。“我想再听听山姆的故事。”Frodo: Well, you've left out one of the chief characters: Sam Wise the Brave. "I want to hear more about Sam."佛罗多:“佛罗多没有山姆就走不远。”Frodo: "Frodo wouldn't have got far without Sam."山姆:不,佛罗多先生,别开玩笑了,我是认真的。Sam: No, Mr.Frodo, you shouldn't make fun. I was being serious.佛罗多:我也是。Frodo: So was I.背景:可与No.1连着看。在原著第三部的国王加冕仪式上,有位游吟诗人献上了一首长篇诗歌,《九指佛罗多和魔戒的故事》,达成了山姆的意愿。获选理由:最坚实的伙伴,最诚恳的信赖。如果你有一个像山姆一样的朋友,请珍惜。8.来源:《魔戒3·国王归来The Return of the King》希优顿:伊欧墨,你的部队攻击左翼。Théoden: Éomer, take your Éored down the left flank.伊欧墨:准备完毕。Éomer: Flank ready.希优顿:加姆林,跟随国王的旗帜攻击中路。葛林伯,穿过人墙后攻击右翼。Théoden: Gamling, follow the king's banner down the center. Grimbold, take your company right after you pass the wall.希优顿:勇往直前,不惧黑暗!Théoden: Forth, and fear no darkness!希优顿:奋战!奋战!希优顿的骑士们!矛会折断,盾会击穿!挥剑之日,洒血之日!冉冉旭日即将升起!Théoden: Arise, arise! Riders of Théoden! Spears shall be shaken, Shields shall be splintered! A sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!希优顿:冲啊!冲啊!冲啊!冲向毁灭!冲向世界的末日!Théoden: Ride now! Ride now! Ride! Ride for ruin, and the world's ending!希优顿:杀!Théoden: Death!众骠骑:杀!Riders: Death!希优顿:杀!Théoden: Death!众骠骑:杀!Riders: Death!希优顿:杀!Théoden: Death!众骠骑(以及梅里和伊欧玟):杀!Riders(with Merry and Éowyn): Death!希优顿:前进,伊欧的子孙!Théoden: Forth, Eorlingas!获选理由:非常燃的一段;讲道理,这一段的光线、视角、配乐、场景,都比阿拉贡那一段要燃。只有台词本身可能逊色一点,何况我是人皇脑残粉。9. 来源:《魔戒2·双塔奇谋The Two Towers》形式:清唱伊欧玟:邪恶的死亡带走了高贵的战士 / 悲伤的吟游诗人唱起哀歌 / 他消逝在了梅杜西金殿中 / 最珍爱他的国王 / 最爱她的亲人 / 邪恶的死亡……Éowyn: Bealocwealm hafað fréone frecan forth onsended / Giedd sculon singan gléomenn sorgiende on Meduselde / þæt he manna wære his dryhtne dierest / and maga deorost. / Bealo...现代英语翻译:An evil death has set forth the noble warrior / A song shall sing sorrowing minstrels in Meduseld / that he was of men dearest to his lord / and bravest of kinsmen. / An evil death...背景:原歌词为古英语(我不懂古英语,如有拼写错误请指出),是原著中一段诗词的节选。获选理由:我是执意想在这里再选一段演唱。伊欧玟在电影中有两段演唱,第二段是她受伤后被阿拉贡医治的背景乐,也非常委婉动听;此外阿拉贡有两段,第一部的露西安之歌节选,和第三部加冕仪式上的歌唱,都很短,且都是精灵语;皮聘和梅里有过霍比特人式的演唱;最后选了这首比较能体现原著底蕴的。10. 来源:《魔戒3·国王归来The Return of the King》山姆:那让我们把魔戒毁了吧,永远地。来吧,佛罗多先生。我不能为你背负魔戒,但我能背着你!来吧!Sam: Then let us be rid of it, once and for all. Come on, Mr. Frodo. I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you. Come on!获选理由:同No.7。







