
eminem歌词经典语录,小洲2017经典语录2歌词,eminem 歌词

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  10.Keep it Real!别装X  9.NO one's ever regretted a tattoo.爷们纹了身从来不后悔。  8.With foreign markets volatile, now's a good time to invest in bonds.  国外市场变幻莫测,现在是时候投资点债券了。  7Go see "Toy Story 3", the toys are back in town.去看《玩具总动员3》吧!玩具们又回家家了!  6.Always purchase music through authorized retailers that pay royalties to the artists.  请支持正版,保障艺人权益,永远要从经过授权的经销商那购买正版。  5.Don't get mixed up with dr*gs, gangs or oil executives.永远别掺和毒品、黑社会、石油泄漏这些东东。  4.Remember the magic words,"Please","Thank you" and "Step off, bi**h"请牢记这些万能词汇:“请、谢谢还有滚开~~。”  3.Money dosen't buy happiness; it buys crazy-ass happiness.  金钱买不来快乐,它买到的是超级让你疯癫的快感。  2.If I sign something for you and I see it on Ebay.When you go home, I'm gonna be under your bed.  如果,我给你签名了,然后我又在Ebay上看到它,那么,当你回家时,我很可能在你床下等你……  1. Don't waste your time watching this show.别浪费时间看这个节目了。  ——《eminem送给孩子的十句话》



eminem 歌词


  您好! 下面是中英文歌词对照,供你参阅: Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted, one moment Would you capture it, or just let it slip? Yo His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy There’s vomit on his sweater already, mom’s spaghetti He’s nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin’ What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud He opens his mouth, but the words won’t come out He’s chokin’ how, everybody’s chokin’ now The clock’s run out, time’s up, over, bloah! Snap back to reality, oh, there goes gravity Oh, there goes Rabbit, he choked, he’s so mad But he won’t give up that easy, no, he won’t have it He knows his whole back’s to these ropes It don’t matter, he’s dope He knows that, but he’s broke, he’s so stagnant, he knows When he goes back to his mobile home, that’s when it’s Back to the lab again, yo, this whole rhapsody He better go capture this moment and hope it don’t pass him You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime The soul’s escaping through this hole that is gaping This world is mine for the taking, make me king As we move toward a new world order A normal life is boring, but superstardom’s close to post-mortem It only grows harder, only grows hotter He blows us all over, these hoes is all on him Coast to coast shows, he’s known as the globetrotter Lonely roads, God only knows he’s grown farther from home He’s no father, he goes home and barely knows his own daughter But hold your nose cuz here goes the cold water These hoes don’t want him no mo’, he’s cold product They moved on to the next schmoe who flows He nose dove and sold nada So the soap opera is told and unfolds, I suppose it’s old partner But the beat goes on da da dum da dum da da You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime No more games, I’ma change what you call rage Tear this mothafuckin’ roof off like 2 dogs caged I was playin’ in the beginnin, the mood all changed I been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage But I kept rhymin’ and stepwritin’ the next cypher Best believe somebody’s payin’ the pied piper All the pain inside amplified by the fact That I can’t get by with my nine to five And I can’t provide the right type of life for my family Cuz man, these goddam food stamps don’t buy diapers And it’s no movie, there’s no Mekhi Phifer This is my life, and these times are so hard And it’s getting even harder tryin’ to feed and water my seed, plus Teetertotter caught up between bein a father and a prima donna Baby mama drama screamin on and too much for me to wanna Stay in one spot, another day of monotony Has gotten me to the point I’m like a snail I’ve got to formulate a plot or end up in jail or shot Success is my only mothafuckin’ option, failure’s not Mom, I love you, but this trailer’s got to go I cannot grow old in Salem’s lot So here I go with my shot, feet fail me not This may be the only opportunity that I got You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime You can do anything you set your mind to, man 中文歌词: 听着,如果你有一次机会 实现你的梦想…这一刻 你是抓住它,还是让它溜走呢? 他的掌心在冒汗 膝盖发软 胳臂沉重 妈妈的意大利面 吐在了毛衣上 他很紧张 只是表面沉着冷静 像要一鸣惊人 但是他忘词了 忘记了写过的东西 人群开始聒噪 他张开了嘴 却不知说什么 他卡壳了 大家开始嘲笑 时间到 结束了,天哪! 转眼又回到现实 哦,他很失落 哦,Rabbit他卡壳了 他很生气 但是他不会放弃,是吧?不 他知道这里的规矩 他没戏了 没关系 他还是很棒的 他知道 但是他身无分文 他很难过地 回到了自己的‘汽车之家’ 当他再次返回那个‘战场’ 再次面对那里的时候 他最好抓住机会 不要让它错过 你最好投入到音乐中 这一刻 属于你 不要让它溜走 你只有一次机会 不要轻易错过 这种机会只在你的一生中出现一次 他的灵魂在逃避 穿过胡乱的思想 这个世界为我而造 让我成为国王 我们制造新的秩序 平凡的生活太枯燥 但是明星的生活更危险 生活越来越难 朋友越来越火 他战胜了对手 妓女都投向他的怀抱 一场接一场的演出 他就像个环球旅行者 孤独的道路 只有上帝知道 他的父亲在哪 他没有父亲 他回到家 几乎认不出自己的女儿 最好捂住你的鼻子 因为这里的气氛很冷 妓女们不再理他 他的性欲变冷 她们转向另一个说唱歌手 他一落千丈 一无所有 就像上演了一出肥皂剧 我猜这种事天天发生 但是节奏依然继续 希望这首歌给你带来了感动!。  fall歌词eminem。

认真听歌词的话其实打动人的歌词数不胜数。感触最深的是mockingbird和 I need a doctor,写给最爱的女儿和恩师伯乐Dr Dre的两首歌,句句都是真情流露,牛逼的歌词配上姆爷爆炸的说唱能力。听过才懂eminem我还是我歌词。
