



死神为了探究人类对他的恐惧与嫌恶,于是化做一位美男子到人间去探个究竟。新闻媒体大亨威廉姆帕里全家井然有序的宁静生活被一位神秘的不速之客乔布莱恩(布拉德·彼特)打断,这位年轻的访客竟很快爱上了帕里美丽的女儿苏珊( 克莱尔·弗兰妮 )发展出令人惊讶震撼的恋情。对于帕里和苏珊整个家庭来说,这段罗曼史最终变得玄妙复杂,同时又苦乐参半,因为,乔布莱恩实际上是死神的化身。只是不小心爱上了女主角的死神,竟也饱受人间七情六欲的煎熬体验了爱情德酸甜苦辣。 当死神发觉自己爱上了人类,但也必须结束人间旅程时,他依依不舍对女主角说“我不想离去”,款款情深的女主角一把搂住死神,恳切的对他说“那么就不要走”,短短数语,却让人倍感死神内心的强大矛盾。但死神真的能留下吗?


今天正好有人跟我讨论电影,截图如下下面进入正题,说下我对这部电影的感受。片子很长,将近3个小时,但看下来并没有感觉很拖沓。不是专业的影评人,也很久没刷这部电影了。我现在想想最能打动我的几个点,一个是咖啡馆中两人的对话,简单谈他们对于伴侣的看法,男主认为可以为伴侣放弃梦想,再配上皮特那张脸,那个时候皮特当时还是小鲜肉,颜值高峰,简直就是一剂荷尔蒙好吗。当然只对于女性。一个是老爸跟女儿的那段对话,讨论对爱情的看法,总结起来就一句话,“心灵的悸动”。当然,这里不乏一些经典语录。这里,是我对爱的理解和期待。一个是死神带走女主父亲那段,没有眼泪,没有懦弱,甚至没有后悔,里面一句台词深深击中我心:“this is life.what can i tell you”这句电影里翻译的超好,“这就是人生,不可言喻”。这里是我对人生的期待。老霍在里面扮演的那个人简直太绅士了,我觉得真的是完美。嗯,还有个小场景,死神在生日晚宴上向服务生要花生酱,很可爱。 @一风荷

  SUSAN   You're not listening --   PARRISH   Oh yes, I am. Not an ounce of   excitement, not a whisper of a   thrill, this relationship has all   the passion of a pair of titmice.   SUSAN   Don't get dirty, Dad --   PARRISH   Well, it worries me. I want you   to get swept away. I want you to   levitate. I want you to sing with   rapture and dance like a dervish.   SUSAN   That's all?   PARRISH   Be deliriously happy. Or at least   leave yourself open to be.   SUSAN   'Be deliriously happy'. I'm going   to do my upmost --   He smiles.   PARRISH   I know it's a cornball thing but   love is passion, obsession, someone   you can't live without. If you   don't start with that, what are you   going to end up with? I say fall   head over heels. Find someone you   can love like crazy and who'll love   you the same way back. And how do   you find him? Forget your head and   listen to your heart. I'm not   hearing any heart.   (a moment)   Run the risk, if you get hurt, you'll   come back. Because, the truth is   there is no sense living your life   without this. To make the journey   and not fall deeply in love -- well,   you haven't lived a life at all.   You have to try. Because if you   haven't tried, you haven't lived.   SUSAN   Bravo.   PARRISH   Aw, you're tough.   SUSAN   I'm sorry. But give it to me again.   The short version.   PARRISH   Stay open. Who knows? Lightning   could strike.   Silence.   PARRISH (cont'd)   Forgive the lecture --   SUSAN   I won't. And when I tell Drew about   it, he won't either.   PARRISH   You won't tell him, and even if you   did, he'd clock it and punch it into   his laptop in order to pull out some   key phrases when he gives the   Commencement Speech at Wharton.   SUSAN   You're terrible.   PARRISH   I know. But I'm the only father   you've got.   She kisses him on the cheek.   SUSAN   Thank God.   PARRISH   He doesn't care. But thanks anyway.   更多请参考剧本:http://www.imsdb.com/scripts/Meet-Joe-Black.html
