
小鬼当家经典语录,小鬼当家又难缠经典台词:Miyo:。I have trouble swinging my butt. 。Tum Tum:。You mean your bat. 。Miyo:。Yes, my butt.。Grandpa:。The ...1905电影网《小鬼当家2》经典台词_经典语录大盘点 –看点啥

小鬼当家经典语录,小鬼当家又难缠经典台词:Miyo:。I have trouble swinging my butt. 。Tum Tum:。You mean your bat. 。Miyo:。Yes, my butt.。Grandpa:。The ...1905电影网《小鬼当家2》经典台词_经典语录大盘点 –看点啥这篇内容是经过特别精心的整理的,这篇经典语录的内容相关性较强,所以,如果您想要看看小鬼当家经典语录,小鬼当家又难缠经典台词:Miyo:。I have trouble swinging my butt. 。Tum Tum:。You mean your bat. 。Miyo:。Yes, my butt.。Grandpa:。The ...1905电影网《小鬼当家2》经典台词_经典语录大盘点 –看点啥的话,这一篇小鬼当家经典语录,小鬼当家又难缠经典台词:Miyo:。I have trouble swinging my butt. 。Tum Tum:。You mean your bat. 。Miyo:。Yes, my butt.。Grandpa:。The ...1905电影网《小鬼当家2》经典台词_经典语录大盘点 –看点啥应该是您需要的。


小鬼当家1的经典台词。 是第1部!!!2013年10月29日百度知道更多小鬼当家又难缠_经典台词_1905电影网


小鬼当家又难缠经典台词:Miyo:。I have trouble swinging my butt. 。Tum Tum:。You mean your bat. 。Miyo:。Yes, my butt.。Grandpa:。The ...1905电影网《小鬼当家2》经典台词_经典语录大盘点 –看点啥


电影小鬼当家2经典台词,经典语录:Harry: Here we are Marv. New York City, the land of opportunity. Smell that? ,哈利...https://ys.km.com 大家还搜小鬼当家2经典台词小鬼当家1经典台词中英小鬼当家2经典台词中英对照小鬼当家2中的经典英文句子小鬼当家2语录小鬼当家经典语录英语小鬼当家2英文好词好句小鬼当家台词摘抄小鬼当家好词好句摘抄小鬼当家经典台词50句小鬼当家中的经典台词小鬼当家经典英语句子小鬼当家台词中英对照小鬼当家2经典英语台词小鬼当家经典台词-高清截图-中英文对白-经典台词网


英: Buzz: I wouldn't let you sleep in my room... if you were growing on my ass. Marv: There! What are we gonna do with him, Harry? Harry: We'll do exactly what he did to us: we're gonna burn his head with a blowtorch. Marv: And smash his face with an iron! Harry: I like to slap him right in the face with a paint can. Marv: And shove a nail through his foot! Harry: First off, I'm gonna bite off his every little fingers one at a time. (Just then, Marley knocks Harry and Marv with his shovel) Kate: Kevin, get upstairs right now. Kevin: Why? Jeff: Kevin, you're such a disease. Kevin: Shut up. Peter: Kevin, upstairs. Kate: Say good night, Kevin. Kevin: "Good night, Kevin." Kate: PETER! (They jump out of bed) Kate and Peter: (shouting) We slept in! Kevin: Buzz! I'm going through all your private stuff! You better come out and pound me! Kevin: Guys, I'm eating junk and watching rubbish! You better come out and stop me! Harry: (seeing Marv laugh) What's so funny? What's so funny? What are you laughing at? (Marv covers his mouth) You did it again, didn't you? You left the water running, didn't you? What's wrong with you? Why'd you do that? I told you not to do it. Marv: Harry, it's our calling card. Harry: Calling card. Marv: All the great ones leave their mark. We're the Wet Bandits. Johnny: (hears knock at door) Who is it? Snakes: (Snakes comes in) It's me, Snakes. I got the stuff. Johnny: Leave it on the doorstep and get the hell outta here! Snakes: All right, Johnny, but what about my money? Johnny: What money? Snakes: Acey said you had some dough for me. Johnny: That a fact? How much do I owe ya? Snakes: Acey said 10% Johnny: (smirks) Too bad Acey ain't in charge no more. Snakes: What do you mean? Johnny: He's upstairs taking a bath, He'll call you when he gets out. Hey, I tell ya what I'm gonna give you, Snakes. (pulls out tommy gun)I'm gonna give you to the count of 10, to get your ugly, yella, no-good keister off my property, before I pump your guts full of lead! Snakes: (wide eyed and calm) All right, Johnny, I'm sorry!, I'm going! Johnny: 1, 2, 10! (starts unloading bullets into Snakes while laughing maniacally) Keep the change, ya filthy animal! Johnny: Who is it? Pizza Man: It's Little Nero's, sir. I have your pizza. Johnny: Leave it on the doorstep and get the hell outta here! Pizza Man: Okay, but what about the money? Johnny: What money? Pizza Man: Well, you have to pay for your pizza, sir. Johnny: How much do I owe you? Pizza Man: That'll be $11.80, sir. (Kevin drops $12 cash from the door hatch) Johnny: Keep the change, ya filthy animal! Pizza Man: Cheapskate. Johnny: Hey, I'm going to give you to the count of 10, to get your ugly, yella, no-good keister off my property, before I pump your guts full of lead! 1, 2, 10! Kevin: A lovely cheese pizza, just for me. Gangster Johnny: Get the hell outta here! Snakes: All right, Johnny, but what about my money? Gangster Johnny: What money? Snakes: Acey said you had some dough for me. Johnny: That a fact? How much do I owe ya? Snakes: Acey said 10% Johnny: (smirks) Too bad Acey ain't in charge no more. Snakes: What do you mean? Johnny: He's upstairs taking a bath, He'll call you when he gets out. Hey, I tell ya what I'm gonna give you, Snakes. Marv: Snakes? Gangster Johnny:I'm gonna give you to the count of 10, to get your ugly, yella, no-good keister off my property, before I pump your guts full of lead! Snakes: (wide eyed and calm) All right, Johnny, I'm sorry!, I'm going! Johnny: 1, 2, 10! (starts unloading bullets into Snakes while laughing maniacally) Keep the change, ya filthy animal! Kate: No, he's just home alone. Buzz: (shouting) Kevin! What did you do to my room! Harry:' Why the hell did take your shoes off? Marv Why the hell are you dressed like a chicken? 中: --我的抢劫日子结束了,亲爱的!我们会有很多钱的,好吗?来得容易的钱,不用中介人,纯利润,严格的课程运作,两个词,绑架! --这就是为什么老家伙喜欢开跑车,但是跑车的问题是,没有其他人的位子,也许没有其他人,但是如果你想经历一次真正的旅行,带着行李和一切,你就没有空间留给朋友.我是说,他们很凉,很快,而且……但是有谁愿意一个人孤独的待在漂亮车里呢? --爸爸,那是她的房子,如果她想宠坏我的话,她可以宠坏我. --我不明白人们为什么总是把电影看一遍又一遍,我看过了,我哭了,一次就够了. --哦!快点,监狱的日子没那么难过,每星期四你就有牛排吃,是的,我了解一些监狱的事情,这就是我遇见你的地方. --我应该去上大学,两年能够成为一名牙科技师,两年! --娜塔莉,我错了,因为爱而糊涂寻找刺激.听着,这是你的世界,不是我的.我现在要做的就是想念我的家人,我爱上了我妻子和小孩,我属于他们的. --我知道这将是有史以来最棒的圣诞节! 1 小鬼当家2 我喜欢的经典对白 奇云:你有带朋友上来吗? 妇女: 我的朋友不多 奇云:哦,抱歉。 妇女:我喜欢鸟儿。人们在街上与我擦肩而过,他们经过我但没看到我,他们不当我是都市的一份子。 奇云:对,跟我的家人一样。我就像家里被忽视的白鸽,只因为我是最小的 妇女:每个人都在争斗,都希望功成名就。 奇云:我想是的,我说太多搞太多,所以常给罚回房。 妇女:我以前不是这样。 奇云:你以前是怎么样的? 妇女:我有工作,我有家,还有家人。 奇云:你有孩子吗? 妇女:没有,我曾经很想有孩子,但我的爱人不再爱我了。我的心被伤透。每当我有机会被爱时,我总是逃避,我无法再信任别人。 奇云:恕我直言,但那样做似乎很笨。 妇女:我害怕再次受伤,有时候你很信任一个人……但一阵子他们便忘了你。 奇云:也许他们只是太忙,也许他们没有忘记你,只是忘了起想起你。我想人不会故意去忘记,只是这些事会发生。我爷爷说,要不是我的头生在颈上,我可能会忘记自己在校车上。 妇女:我只是害怕,假如我真的相信某人。 奇云:我明白,我以前有一只很美的溜冰鞋,我怕我会穿坏它,所以一直放在盒子里,你猜后来怎么样? 妇女:不知道。 奇云:我长大了,再穿不下,我一次也没穿着外出,只在房间穿过两次。 妇女:人的心和感觉和溜冰鞋是不一样的。 奇云:某方面都是一样的,除非你不用心,不然与心碎何异?若你不再用心的话,那和心碎又有什么分别。假如只把心留给自己,也许会像我的溜冰鞋一样。当你想用它的时候,都已经不能用了。你该利用机会,别再错过机会 妇女:听起来颇有道理。 奇云:我想是的,你的心也许会受伤,但还没死。假如你的心已死,你不会还对人这么好。 妇女:谢谢。你知道吗?我已经……几年没和人说话。 奇云:没关系,你说的不错,你不会很无聊,不会喃喃自语和说话时吐痰,你该多些交谈。 妇女:我是否令其他人远离我呢? 奇云:我常常想假如我独自一个人,一定很好玩。但到真的独自一个人时却一点也不好玩、。我不在乎优势别人如何讨厌,我宁愿有人和我一起也不要自己一个人。 妇女:那么你为什么独自一个人在圣诞前夕到处走?遇到麻烦了? 奇云:是的。 妇女:做错什么事了? 奇云:做错了好多事。 妇女:你知道以善抵恶吗? 奇云:我不知道是否有足够的时间来做好事弥补我的过错。 妇女:今天是圣诞夜,做好事可以双倍弥补过错。 奇云:真的吗? 妇女:所以你现在应该好好想想你可以帮别人做什么事。只要依照你心中星星指引。 …… 奇云:假如我没有再见到你,祝你一切顺利。假如你需要找可以信任的人,你可以想到我。 妇女:别许下无法实现的承诺。 站在那里 我知道是你,你一出电梯我就闻到 你昨晚也在这儿吧? 你昨晚在这和我兄弟鬼混 你不用解释了,你和每个人都有一手,史那非,艾里,里奥,还有基夫,我可以一直数下去 好吧,我相信你,但我的机关枪不信,你跪下来说你爱我 这样不够 也许我一时糊涂,但我相信你,所以我给你时间走,我会数到三,给你这贱人滚出去,一!二!三!哈哈哈--圣诞节快乐,畜牲。还有,新年快乐 A:好吧我相信你(All right,I believe you) 但我的机关枪不相信(I believe it but my machine don't) A:你跪下来说你爱我(get down on your knees and say you love me) B:跪下?(get down knees)? B:我爱你(I love you) A:这样不够(that not get better enough) 合:我爱你(I love you) A:也许我一时糊涂但我相信你(maybe I ……but i believe you) 所以我给你时间走(that's why I'm gonna let you go) 我会数到三(I'm gonna give you count three) 给你这贱人时间滚出去 一(one) 二 突突(机关枪声)(two) 三(three) 圣诞快乐 畜生(Merry Christmas,animal) 还有新年快乐(and happy new year) 【送批萨的一段】A:什么人? B:送批萨的。 A放在门阶上,快滚。 B:好的~钱呢? A:什么钱? B:叫批萨是要付钱的。 A:是吗? 要付你多少? B:11元8角 (凯文把钱从门的小洞里递出去) A:不用找了,畜生 (貌似小费不多)B:小气鬼 A:我数到是,你马上给我离开这里 免得我向你乱枪扫射 A:1,2....10 A为电视机里的老头庄尼 B为送批萨的男孩 【贼去凯文家窥视的一段】B:好的,庄尼,钱呢? A:什么钱? B:阿强说你会给我钱 A:有这种事?我该给你多少? B:阿强说一成 A:可惜阿强不再话事 B:什么意思? A:他在楼上洗澡,他出来会给你电话 蛇仔,这样好吧 我会数十声 你不要变蜜蜂窝便最好快滚 B:好的,庄尼,对不起 A:1,2...10 哈哈哈.... B为电视机里的老头庄尼 A为电视里另外一人

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