



Kobe Bryant's Classic Quotes1,“What I’m doing right now, I’m chasing perfection.”“我现在所做的一切,都是为了追求更加完美。”2,“Love me or hate me, it's one or the other. Always has been. Hate my game, my swagger. Hate my fadeaway, my hunger. Hate that I'm a veteran. A champion. Hate that. Hate it with all your heart. And hate that I'm loved, for the exact same reasons."爱我或者恨我,两者必有其一。一直都这样。有人恨我的比赛,我的狂妄自大;恨我的后仰投篮,我对胜利的渴望;恨我是一名老将,恨我获得过总冠军。恨吧,用你的全部心思去恨吧。然而也有很多人深爱着我,理由却和恨我的人一样。3,“I’ll do whatever it takes to win games, whether it’s sitting on a bench waving a towel, handing a cup of water to a teammate, or hitting the game-winning shot.”“为了取得比赛的胜利,要我做什么都可以,不管是坐在板凳席上给队友递毛巾、递水,还是上场执行致胜一投。”4,“As far as carrying the torch for the years to come, I don’t know. I just want to be the best basketball player I can be.”“我不知道需要多长时间才能取得辉煌,我只是想尽我所能去成为最出色的篮球运动员。”5,“Everything negative - pressure, challenges - is all an opportunity for me to rise.”“压力、挑战,这一切消极的东西都是我能够取得成功的催化剂。”6,“I dont want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be Kobe Bryant.”“我可不想成为乔丹第二,我只想成为科比-布莱恩特。”7, “I’m playing against great players, playing against the best in the world. The competition - that’s what I’ve always wanted.”“我正在跟伟大的球员进行对抗,跟世界上最好的球员进行对抗。这种对抗是我一直都渴望着的。”8,“My parents are my backbone. Still are. They’re the only group that will support you if you score zero or you score 40.”“父母仍然是我打篮球的支柱。只有他们自始自终在支持你,不管你得到0分,还是砍下40分。”9,“Sometimes I do wonder what college would have been like. But I made my decision.”“有时候我确实很想知道大学生活会是什么样子的,但是我还是坚持我的决定。”10,“I just go. I just go. I just keep going until it feels right to me,” Kobe says of his habits. “If something doesn’t feel right, I’m gonna stay there until I get it right. I just continue to keep pushing and pushing and pushing. That’s all I’ve known. That’s how my parents raised me. If you’re going to be focused on something, if you want to do something, you can’t, you can’t go about it in a half-assed way. You really gotta dedicate yourself to it, try to be the best at it. That’s the only way.”“我只是不停地训练,不停地训练,直到我满意为止。”科比谈到他的习惯,“如果我感觉一些东西不对,我会呆在那不停地训练,直到我做到对为止。我只是不停地激励自己,不停地激励自己。这是我很了解自己的地方,也是父母教育我的东西。如果你要专注于某些事情,如果你想要做某些事情,你可不能半途而废,你得倾注你全部精力去完成那些事,尽力去完美地完成那些事。这就是事情解决的唯一途径。”11,“It’s funny. I think a lot of people, a lot of writers, try to take shortcuts in their assignments and just regurgitate what somebody else may have written, you know, instead of truly saying what’s going on,” Kobe says. “I’m no different than anybody. Basketball to me, it’s a game that I want to try to be the best at, try to work at as much as possible. But I understand it’s a game. But I’m extremely outgoing. People say, ‘He’s quiet’ and all that stuff. That’s crazy. They obviously don’t know me. So, I mean, people that know me and people that seen me interact, stuff like that, I’m completely opposite of what they read. And a lot of people actually tell me that. They’ll say, ‘Man, you’re nothing like I thought you were.’“这太有意思了。我想很多人,很多作家,老是想尽办法在他们的写作任务中反复其他人可能已经写过的东西,而不是真实记录正在发生的一些事情。”科比说,“我跟其他人没什么差别。篮球对于我来说,是一场我要尽可能努力做到最好的比赛。而我理解那是一场比赛。我是很外向的。人们说我很寡言,那简直胡说。他们显然就不了解我嘛。因此,那些了解我,跟我交流的人知道我跟那些报道中的完全不一样。事实上很多人也会这样跟我说,‘你跟我想象中的完全不同。”“Well, what the hell did you think I was?”“那么,你认为我是什么样的人呢?”12,关于总决赛时雷杰.米勒的表现:“雷杰是那种总是喜欢充当终结者的家伙,每当比赛最后一刻,他就杀机顿现。所以在第6场比赛还剩不到30秒的时候,他那记30英尺外的三分球一点不让我吃惊。但是让我吃惊的是他竟然没有投中?他经常在比赛结束以前那样给对手致命的一击,但是我们现在却为胜利而庆祝了。”13,关于在比赛中奥尼尔的表现:“我认为菲尔给我们带来了一整套的打法,这使我们非常非常容易地围绕他来进行比赛。奥尼尔去年肚子上有伤,你知道,那可是一个十分令人紧张的事情。但是今年,奥尼尔已经痊愈,他可以从今年赛季一开始就发动他的进攻。这一年来,他是我们中表现最伟大的球员。”14,关于自己在比赛中的任务:“去攻击他们,那就是我脑子里所有的想法,在四节比赛中我给对手制造问题,给他们增添麻烦,让他们不知道什么地方换防,但是每当我一发现人群中露出缝隙和破绽时,我就会发动进攻。”15,“艰苦的努力终于有了回报。如果你一开始并未成功,不要泄气,英勇向前,你终会看到雨过天晴的景象。不要计较你的付出与回报是否成比例,早起的鸟儿肯定会有食吃的。”——这是布莱恩特在夺冠后抒发的情怀。 16,科比面对别人说他害怕受伤时说道:“我会不会上场取决于医生的意见,一个人的伤势其实自己并不清楚,只有医生最了解情况,我不是怕硬撑着比赛,伤到自己后下几场比赛没办法上场,正如我所说的那样,医生最了解情况,最有发言权。”




