






来自: 任绝尘帝(事在人为。) 1. But if you choose to stay, remember you chose to be here. What happens from this moment forwards is not my responsibility. It’s yours.
2. You need me a lot more than I need you.
3. Let me try, and we’ll know for sure. Won’t we?
4. Every single day.
5. -There are only five divisions of military intelligence.
-There is no MI6.
-Exactly. That’s the spirit.
6. I hate to say it, but yes.
7. Do you know why people like violence? It’s because it feels good. Humans find violence deeply satisfying. But remove the satisfaction, and the act becomes hollow.
8. -They only beat me up because I’m smatter than they are.
-No, they beat you up because you’re different.
9. Sometimes it’s the very people who no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine.
10. This isn’t about crossword puzzles. It’s about how one approaches solving an impossible problem. Do you take the whole thing at once or divide it into small。
-All the work we’re done today is useless.
-But don’t worry, we’ve a few hours before tomorrow’s messages start flooding in and we start all over again. From scratch.
11. If this job wasn’t already impossible before, it bloody well is now.
12. It doesn’t matter how smart you are, Enigma is always smarter. If you really want to solve your puzzle, then you’re going to need all the help you can get, and they are not going to help you if they do not like you.
13. You know why people like violence? It’s because it feels good. Sometimes we can’t do what feels good. We have to do what is logical.
14. Hardest time to lie to somebody is when they’re expecting to be lied to. If someone’s waiting for a lie, you can’t just give them one.
15. -You’re not god, you don’t get to decide who lives and who dies.
-Yes, we do.
-Because no one else can.
16. Because if you tell him my secret, I’ll tell him yours.
17. You’ve got more secrets than the best of them.
18. -I had suspicions; I always did. But we’re not like other people. We love each other in our own way, and we can have the life together that we want. You won’t be the perfect husband. I can promise you, I have no intention of being the perfect wife. I’ll not be fixing your lamb al day while you come home from the office. I’ll work. You’ll work. And we’ll have each other’s company. We’ll have each other’s minds. That sounds like a better marriage than most. Because I care for you. And you care for me. And we understand one another more than anyone else ever has.
-I don’t care for you.
-I’m not going anywhere. I’ve spent entirely too much of my life worried about what you think of me, or what my parents think of me, or the boys in Hut 8 or the girls in Hut 3. And do you know what? I’m done. This is the most important work I will ever do, and no one is going to stop me. Least of all, you.
19. Every day we decided who lived and who died. Every day we helped the allies to victories, and nobody knew.
20. Was I God? No. Because god didn’t win the war. We did.
21. Tear it down. Light it up.
22. None of you have ever met before.
23. -But the war is over.
-This war is. But there’ll be others. And we know how to break a code that everybody else believes is unbreakable.
24. -Alan, you do not have to do this alone.
-I’m not alone. Never have been.
25. No one normal could have done that. Now, if you wish you could have been normal, I can promise you I do not. The world is an infinitely better place precisely because you weren’t. I think that sometimes it’s the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.

“模仿秀”: mimic

Imitation show

真心话问题: 1.和男/女朋友进行到哪一步了 2.最喜欢在座哪位异性 3.内衣/裤颜色(这个,如果不太熟要慎用啊~) 4.初吻年龄 5.自己最丢人的事 6.最后一次发自内心的笑是什么时候? 7.愿意为爱情牺牲到什么程度 8.朋友和男/女朋友那个重要(这个是不是有点损……) 9.身上哪个部位最敏感 10:如果有来生,你选择当? 11:你会选择Having sex before marriage吗? 12:如果让你选择做一个电影中的角色,你会选谁呢? 13:如果有一天我和你吵架,你会怎么办? 14:哭得最伤心的是哪一次?为什么? 15:如果跟你喜欢的人约会,碰到前任的男(女)朋友,会有什么表现? 16:如果有一天我对你说我爱上你了,你怎么办? 大冒险惩罚 (注:这里的异性都可以自由扩展,比如“离你最近的异性、你印象最好的异性”等) 1.背一位异性绕场一周 2.唱青藏高原最后一句 3.做一个大家都满意的鬼脸 4.抱一位异性直到下一轮真心话大冒险结束 5.像一位异性表白3分钟 6.与一位异性十指相扣,对视10秒 7.邀请一位异性为你唱情歌,或邀请一位异性与你情歌对唱 8.做自己最性感、最妩媚的表情或动作 9.吃下每个人为你夹得菜(如果是辣椒……) 10.跳草裙舞、脱衣舞(反正是冬天) 11.蹲在凳子上作便秘状 12.亲***(这个人可以事先指定),或者亲一位异性,部位不限 13.神情的吻墙10秒 14.模仿古代特殊职业女子拉客 15.模仿脑白金广告,边唱边跳 16.让他到街上大喊“卖拖鞋啦~2块一双,买一送3” 17.抓着铁门喊“放我出去!” 18.对陌生人美眉挤眉弄眼 1. 男的用胳膊从正面量女的胸围or女的量男的腰围(臀围...); 2. 侧抱互相喂 酒、喂吃的; 3. 正面相隔做接吻陶醉状10秒; 4. 原地转10圈(就近靠下); 5. 跳肚皮舞; 6. 跳钢管舞; 7. 对外大喊我是 猪; 8. 走猫步; 9. 摆3个芙蓉姐姐S形; 10. 和左数第一个异性亲一下; 11. 脱一件衣服持续到结束; 12. 背起右边第一 个女生; 13. 做好莱坞kiss; 14. 跪地求婚状:如果我不向你求婚,我会后悔一辈子,因为你是我的惟一。(理察·基尔致朱丽叶·罗伯茨(在电影《逃跑的新娘》中)) 15. 大喊 燃烧吧,小宇宙~ 16. 表演希瑞:“我叫阿多拉,希曼的亲妹妹。这是顺风马,我的坐骑。我有一个不为人知的秘密,当我抽出剑叫道:“赐予我力量吧,我是希瑞!” 只有三个人知道这个秘密,他们是:希望之光,拉兹 夫人,和考尔。我和其他的朋友们一道,为解救以希利亚,与罪恶的霍达克进行着战斗!” 17. 选一个女 生说 :我将把你紧紧 地搂在怀中,吻你亿万次,像在赤道上面那样炽烈的吻。(拿破仑致约瑟芬) 18. 选一个男生 一边捶他的胸一边说: 你好讨厌哦 19. 躺在床上摆pose说 饭在锅里,我在床上。 20. 一人先用嘴吸住一纸牌,另一人用嘴从另一面将纸牌吸住移走; 21. 女生仰躺地上,男生撑在上面,做五下俯卧撑; 22. 男生仰躺地上,女生撑在上面,坚持5秒钟; 23. 男生坐床上,女生躺床上,将头枕男生腿上,对视10秒; 24. 男生将女生逼角落,用"调情式"一手撑墙,两人深情对视10秒; 25. 男生单腿下 跪,女生伸手,男生亲女生手背; 26. 男生单腿下 跪,女生亲男生额头; 27. 男生抱起女生,保持5秒钟; 28. 男生把女生面 对面抱起来,女生用双腿夹住男生; 29. 对喝交杯酒; 30. 对喂花生米; 31. 跳舞转圈; 32. 女生踩男生脚 上跳舞; 33. 女生坐男生小 腿上,男生做仰卧起坐; 34. 拥抱; 35. 亲脸; 36. 对亲脖子; 37. 十指交扣握住 保持一轮; 38. 正面对着十指 交扣,深情对视,深情朗诵骆宾王的《鹅》 39. 情景剧:一男一女相遇,男生说:"你好,我姓锄名禾,你呢?"女生说:"我名叫当午。"男生女生同时说:"哦!原来是锄禾日当午啊!" 40. 站起来,大喊"我是超人,我要回家了!”; 41. 让一个女的想办法让某男兴奋起来; 42. 头顶簸箕,手 拿笤帚,边跳边唱道:我爱劳动,我爱卫生; 43. 两人面对面作搓澡状,屁股还要一扭一扭的,还要唱"洗刷刷,洗刷刷"; 44. 学水兵月做动作,然后对一个人说: 我要代替月亮惩罚你!! 45. 男生摸自 己胸说“唉太小了”; 46. 找一男生把腿架他肩膀上让他捶腿; 47. 亲左数第二个 异性的额头; 48. 和左边第一个 异性换穿上衣; 49. 在厕所里唱歌, 让大家都能听到唱的是什么; 50. 说出京杭大运河的经过的中国五大水系; 51. 左手拉右耳,右手拉左耳,从桌子底下过; 52. 和右边第二个 异性,一个演水兵月,一个演超兽,然后水兵月要把超兽打倒; 53. 穿自己的外套表演 张倾城之“我脱、我穿、我再脱、我再穿”; 54. 露出肚皮,扭腰扭屁股,各扭3圈; 55. 和右边第一个异性关在厕所里等一轮游戏; 56. 用手纸当围巾,围脖子上持续一轮游戏; 57. 为右边第一个 男生脱衣服,由下一轮抽中的人再为他船上; 58. 任选两个男生一起摆芙蓉姐姐的S形; 59. 把右边第一个 异性横抱起来; 60. 慢慢地性感地 把上衣撩起到不能再撩起的位置; 61. 对窗外大喊“我好寂寞啊”; 需要室外环境配合篇: 1. 去那种排队排很长的麦当劳...然后到输的人的时候要点[鲁肉饭一碗]... 通常店员都会说"不好意思喔我们没有卖鲁肉饭" 等店员说完这句话的时候...输的人要说"天阿!!这家店怎么这么烂阿! 2. 拦一部计程车, 上车以后,司机问说去哪里。 说『带我去月球』... 3. 输的人要去买一杯可乐 等店员问你要中杯还是大杯 说:我要D罩杯 4. 在路边拦了一辆计程车 然后上车都不说话 然后5分钟之后 开门下车 跟司机说 我上来吹冷气的啦" 5. 边上一桌在打牌,跑去抽出其中一张,来回看看说 道:"没有问题啊,是好牌,你们继续"说完转身离开 6. 高峰时间走进男(女)厕所,拉开一扇门对里面蹲着的人说:“我们公司的卫生纸擦的干净又不脏手,现在搞免费体验活动,欢迎试用。”

  1. But if you choose to stay, remember you chose to be here. What happens from this moment forwards is not my responsibility. It’s yours.
  2. You need me a lot more than I need you.
  3. Let me try, and we’ll know for sure. Won’t we?
  4. Every single day.
  5. -There are only five divisions of military intelligence.
  -There is no MI6.
  -Exactly. That’s the spirit.
  6. I hate to say it, but yes.
  7. Do you know why people like violence? It’s because it feels good. Humans find violence deeply satisfying. But remove the satisfaction, and the act becomes hollow.
  8. -They only beat me up because I’m smatter than they are.
  -No, they beat you up because you’re different.
  9. Sometimes it’s the very people who no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine.
  10. This isn’t about crossword puzzles. It’s about how one approaches solving an impossible problem. Do you take the whole thing at once or divide it into small。
  -All the work we’re done today is useless.
  -But don’t worry, we’ve a few hours before tomorrow’s messages start flooding in and we start all over again. From scratch.
  11. If this job wasn’t already impossible before, it bloody well is now.
  12. It doesn’t matter how smart you are, Enigma is always smarter. If you really want to solve your puzzle, then you’re going to need all the help you can get, and they are not going to help you if they do not like you.
  13. You know why people like violence? It’s because it feels good. Sometimes we can’t do what feels good. We have to do what is logical.
  14. Hardest time to lie to somebody is when they’re expecting to be lied to. If someone’s waiting for a lie, you can’t just give them one.
  15. -You’re not god, you don’t get to decide who lives and who dies.
  -Yes, we do.
  -Because no one else can.
  16. Because if you tell him my secret, I’ll tell him yours.
  17. You’ve got more secrets than the best of them.
  18. -I had suspicions; I always did. But we’re not like other people. We love each other in our own way, and we can have the life together that we want. You won’t be the perfect husband. I can promise you, I have no intention of being the perfect wife. I’ll not be fixing your lamb al day while you come home from the office. I’ll work. You’ll work. And we’ll have each other’s company. We’ll have each other’s minds. That sounds like a better marriage than most. Because I care for you. And you care for me. And we understand one another more than anyone else ever has.
  -I don’t care for you.
  -I’m not going anywhere. I’ve spent entirely too much of my life worried about what you think of me, or what my parents think of me, or the boys in Hut 8 or the girls in Hut 3. And do you know what? I’m done. This is the most important work I will ever do, and no one is going to stop me. Least of all, you.
  19. Every day we decided who lived and who died. Every day we helped the allies to victories, and nobody knew.
  20. Was I God? No. Because god didn’t win the war. We did.
  21. Tear it down. Light it up.
  22. None of you have ever met before.
  23. -But the war is over.
  -This war is. But there’ll be others. And we know how to break a code that everybody else believes is unbreakable.
  24. -Alan, you do not have to do this alone.
  -I’m not alone. Never have been.
  25. No one normal could have done that. Now, if you wish you could have been normal, I can promise you I do not. The world is an infinitely better place precisely because you weren’t. I think that sometimes it’s the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.

Mimicry show
