



————— here we go —————他被Jaime和Cersei推下城堡可能是脸着地的....无论你成什么样。在我心里。你永为开外挂的翻白眼小乌鸦。 — Isaac Hempstead-Wrigh —


冰与火之歌经典语录英文版摘录如下:Can a man still be brave if he’s afraid?”“That is the only time a man can be brave.”* Bran (I)—Bran & Ned“一个人如果害怕,还能勇敢么?”“人只有在害怕的时候才会变勇敢啊。”——Bran和父亲Ned的对话 A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is.* Bran (I)—Lord Eddard Stark一个统治者如果让其他人替自己执行死刑,他很快就会忘记死亡的涵义是什么。——临冬城城主Eddard Stark。(向儿子们解释“判人死刑的人必须自己执行”的原因) Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.* Jon (I)—Tyrion Lannister永远不要忘了你是谁。因为这个世界就不会。把你的特点变成你的力量,它就永远不会成为你的弱点。用它武装自己,它就永远不能伤害你。——Tyrion说起Jon是私生子,给他的建议。 Death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities.死亡一下就把人带到尽头,而活着能有那么多的可能性啊。 My mind is my weapon. My brother has his sword, King Robert has his warhammer, and I have my mind...And a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.吾思即吾剑。我的兄弟有他的长剑、国王罗伯特有他的战锤,而我有的是脑子……头脑要阅读才能保持清醒,就像剑要磨才锋利一样。——Tyrion向Jon解释自己为什么读书He was always clever, even as a boy, but it is one thing to be clever and another to be wise.* Catelyn (IV)—Catelyn Stark从小时候起,他就是一个聪明人。但聪明和明智是有区别的。—— 临冬城夫人 Catelyn Stark (说小指头) I swear to you, I was never so alive as when I was winning this throne, or so dead as now that I've won it. * Eddard (VII)—King Robert Baratheon跟你发誓,赢得王位的时候我感到从未有过的活力,可坐上王位后是从未想过的死气沉沉。—— 国王Robert Baratheon A true man does what he will, not what he must.一个真诚的人会做他想做的事,不是他必须做的事。 When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.你玩权利的游戏,结局要么赢、要么死。没有其他选择。* Eddard (XII)—Cersei Lannister—— Cersei Lannister (王后) You wear your honor like a suit of armor, Stark. You think it keeps you safe, but all it does is weigh you down and make it hard for you to move.* Eddard (XIII)—Lord Petyr BaelishStark,你把你的荣誉像盔甲一样穿在身上。你觉得你好像安全了,却不知道它可以重得压倒你、让你动弹不得。——Petyr Baelish (小指头) You are an honest and honorable man, Lord Eddard. Ofttimes I forget that. I have met so few of them in my life.” He glanced around the cell. “When I see what honesty and honor have won you, I understand why.”“你是一个诚实而高贵的人,Eddard。很多时候我会忘了这一点。我一生中见过这样的人太少了。” 他环视牢房一圈,“而当我看到诚实和高贵给了你什么,我不难理解这是为什么。” There is no creature on earth half so terrifying as a truly just man.世界上,没有比人本身更可怕的生物了。 * Eddard (XIV)—Lord Varys—— Varys(太监议员)满意请采纳,谢谢!
