




杀手是通过投硬币的随机方式决定返身去杀摩斯的妻子(他完全可以带上钱一走了之),这种看似偶然的举动最终却给杀手自己带来一场车祸,为了逃命杀手也不得不开始仓皇狼狈地奔跑(从而失去他先前的强悍坚定)。这正好与影片开始摩斯(那位越战老兵)拿回钱后却莫名其妙的返回沙漠送水最终招来杀身之祸一起形成了互照,影片在此要探讨的就是人性的不可预测性。人的命运常常是不经意中发生了改变,而这种改变看似偶然却是必然(这里有很浓的宿命色彩)。摩斯是不经意碰到偶然(捡到了钱)杀手是选择偶然(投币去杀摩斯之妻)然而他们都无法预知到自己的未来:摩斯不会相信自己丧命(他有过战争经验);杀手也不会相信自己会遇到车祸。 其实影片有很多地方一直在渲染这一主题,象影片开始摩斯打猎却没有打中那头鹿(他可是越战老兵);杀手驾车时却没打中近在咫尺的一只乌鸦;警官贝尔给摩斯的妻子讲到斗牛的故事等等。 当然这部影片的主题有多元化的色彩,还可以从其他的角度来解读。我认为以上的分析是最为主要的组成部分,仅供参考。 via【第三极电影网】

Llewelyn Moss: If I don't come back, tell mother I love her.   Carla Jean Moss: Your mother's dead, Llewelyn.   Llewelyn Moss: Well I'll tell her myself then.  卢埃林·摩斯:如果我再也回不来了,告诉妈妈我爱她。  卡拉·吉恩·摩斯:卢埃林,你妈妈已经死了。  卢埃林·摩斯:那我还是自己告诉她吧。  Anton Chigurh: What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss.   Gas Station Proprietor: Sir?   Anton Chigurh: The most. You ever lost. On a coin toss.   Gas Station Proprietor: I don't know. I couldn't say.   [Chigurh flips a quarter from the change on the counter and covers it with his hand]   Anton Chigurh: Call it.   Gas Station Proprietor: Call it?   Anton Chigurh: Yes.   Gas Station Proprietor: For what?   Anton Chigurh: Just call it.   Gas Station Proprietor: Well, we need to know what we're calling it for here.   Anton Chigurh: You need to call it. I can't call it for you. It wouldn't be fair.   Gas Station Proprietor: I didn't put nothin' up.   Anton Chigurh: Yes, you did. You've been putting it up your whole life you just didn't know it. You know what date is on this coin?   Gas Station Proprietor: No.   Anton Chigurh: 1958. It's been traveling twenty-two years to get here. And now it's here. And it's either heads or tails. And you have to say. Call it.   Gas Station Proprietor: Look, I need to know what I stand to win.   Anton Chigurh: Everything.   Gas Station Proprietor: How's that?   Anton Chigurh: You stand to win everything. Call it.   Gas Station Proprietor: Alright. Heads then.   [Chigurh removes his hand, revealing the coin is indeed heads]   Anton Chigurh: Well done.   [the gas station proprietor nervously takes the quarter with the small pile of change he's apparently won while Chigurh starts out]   Anton Chigurh: Don't put it in your pocket, sir. Don't put it in your pocket. It's your lucky quarter.   Gas Station Proprietor: Where do you want me to put it?   Anton Chigurh: Anywhere not in your pocket. Where it'll get mixed in with the others and become just a coin. Which it is.   [Chigurh leaves and the gas station proprietor stares at him as he walks out]  安东·齐格:通过投硬币决定的事情里,你觉得自己失去最多的是什么?  加油站经营者:你说什么?先生?  安东·齐格:失去最多的,投硬币的时候。  加油站经营者:我不知道,想不起来了。  (齐格从柜台找回的零钱里拿出一枚硬币,弹起落下后,他用手盖住了它)  安东·齐格:猜猜。  加油站经营者:猜?  安东·齐格:是的。  加油站经营者:为什么?  安东·齐格:你就猜吧。  加油站经营者:好吧,如果猜也可以,我得知道为了什么。  安东·齐格:你只管猜,我不能告诉你,否则不公平。  加油站经营者:我根本就不需要猜。  安东·齐格:不,你需要。你刚刚在这里赌上了你的一生,只是你还不知道而已。你知道这枚硬币的年份吗?  加油站经营者:不知道。  安东·齐格:1958年,所以它已经整整做了22年的旅行才抵达这里,现在,它在这里,有正面也有背面,所以你只管猜就对了。  加油站经营者:好吧,我想知道我能赢得什么。  安东·齐格:任何东西。  加油站经营者:怎么可能?  安东·齐格:你可以赢得任何东西,猜吧。  加油站经营者:好吧,我选正面。  (齐格移开了自己的手,发现硬币确实正面朝上)  安东·齐格:做得好。  (加油站经营者紧张地拿走了显然他认为自己已经赢下的那枚25美分硬币和一堆找头,这时齐格开了口)  安东·齐格:别把它放到你的口袋里,先生,别把它放到你的口袋里,那是你的幸运硬币。  加油站经营者:那你想让我把它放到哪儿?  安东·齐格:任何地方,只要不是口袋,因为在那里它会与其它硬币混在一起,成为一枚普通的硬币,它不应该得到这种待遇。  安东·齐格:其实它本来就是。  (齐格离开了,加油站经营者一直瞪着他走出去)  Wendell: You know, there might not have been no money.   Ed Tom Bell: That's possible.   Wendell: But you don't believe it.   Ed Tom Bell: No. Probably I don't.   Wendell: It's a mess, ain't it, sheriff?   Ed Tom Bell: If it ain't, it'll do till the mess gets here.  温德尔:你知道的,那里不可能没有钱。  爱德·汤姆·贝尔:完全有可能。  温德尔:但是你不相信我说的。  爱德·汤姆·贝尔:是的,可能我确实不相信。  温德尔:一片混乱,不是吗?长官?  爱德·汤姆·贝尔:即使不是,这里也迟早会变得一片混乱。  Wendell: You think this boy Moss got any notion of the sorts that're huntin' him?   Ed Tom Bell: I don't know, he ought to. He's seen the same things I've seen, and it's certainly made an impression on me.  温德尔:你认为这个叫摩斯的人,知道有人在追杀他?  爱德·汤姆·贝尔:我不知道,不过他应该知道,他能看到我看到的事情,这让我真的留下了非常深刻的印象。  Man who hires Wells: Just how dangerous is he?   Carson Wells: Compared to what? The bubonic plague?  雇用韦尔斯的男人:他到底有多危险?  卡森·韦尔斯:那得看跟什么比?黑死病?



