The Merchant of Venice(II)
D: Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock. Do not be so bitter.
S: I've promised to take my pound of flesh. If you do not let me have it, that will be a sign of weakness and no one will trust your laws any more. The greatness of Venice will soon be lost. Antonio is my enemy, and I hate him.
B: Do all men kill the things they do not love?
A: It is useless trying to argue with Shylock. Don't wait any longer. Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants.
B: I'll pay you six thousand ducats for the three thousand ducats that Antonio borrowed.
S: If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh. Give me my pound of flesh!
D: Let us be calm, gentlemen. Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?
S: I have done nothing wrong and I fear no judgement. I desire my pound of flesh.
As the Duke is wondering what to do, Nerissa, dressed like a lawyer's clerk, arrives with a letter from the famous lawyer whom Portia has visited. While the Duke is talking to Nerissa, Shylock gets ready to cut his pound of flesh from Antonio.
Then the letter is read out for all in the court to hear. "I am very ill. When your letter reached me, I had with me a .learned young doctor from Rome. I told him about the quarrel between Shylock and Antonio. We studied many lawbooks and he knows what I would say. I ask you to let him stand in my place and give judgement. He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head."
After the letter has been read out to the court, Portia, in lawyer's clothes, enters the room and takes her seat as judge.
D: Greetings, learned judge! I do not envy you your job. This is a most troublesome case.
P: Greetings! Please be seated. Are you Antonio, and is this your agreement with Shylock?
A: It is.
P: Then Shylock must be merciful. He must have mercy on Antonio.
S: Why must I have mercy on him? Tell me that!
P: Mercy brings good. Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth. It blesses those who give it, and those who receive it. We should learn to show mercy to others. Do you still ask for this pound of flesh? S: I ask for what is mine by law!
B: I offer ten times the money that Antonio has borrowed. Please change the law a little so that we may save Antonio.
P: Use your head a little, sir! We cannot change a law. If one law is changed, then people will later want to change other laws.
S: Oh, wise young judge!
P: Let me see this agreement, this promise of Antonio to you.
S: Here it is.
P: I see. According to the law, Shylock may have a pound of flesh to be cut off by him nearest to Antonio's heart. Be merciful! Let me destroy this paper.--No? Then, Antonio, be ready. And Shylock, take your knife and prepare to do the deed.
S: Oh, learned judge! Oh, wise young man!
P: Have you brought anything to weigh the flesh?
S: Yes. I have everything ready here.
P: Do you have a doctor, Shylock, to stop Antonio's blood?
B: That fox!
P: Do you wish to say anything, Antonio?
A: Only a little. Goodbye Bassanio. Don't be sad for me. Tell your wife about me and how much I loved you. If Shylock cuts deep enough, I'll pay him back with all my heart.
B: Let me take you in my arms and say goodbye. I love you more than my own life, more than my wife, and more than all the world. (He cries.)
P: Your wife would not be pleased to hear you say that.
S: We are wasting time.
P: Take your pound of flesh! I declare the court allows it and the law gives it to you.
Shylock advances towards Antonio and prepares to use his knife.
P: Wait! There is something else. Antonio has promised to give you a pound of his flesh. But he has not promised to give you any of his blood. If you let one drop of his blood fall, you will lose all your land and all your money.
S: Is that the law?
P: That is the law. You wanted justice, so you shall get justice, more than you wanted. : I will take the money. Give me three more than Antonio borrowed from me.
B: Here it is. (He cries out, full of joy.)
P: Wait! Shylock would not take the money earlier. All he wanted was right to be done. That is all he can have now. you must cut off one pound of flesh, no more, no less. And not one drop of blood must fall.
Shylock turns and starts to leave the court.
P: Wait, Shylock. The law of Venice says that if anyone tries to kill or murder any citizen of Venice, everything that he owns shall be taken away from him. One half of his money and his goods shall be given to the city of Venice and the other half shall be given to the person he has tried to kill. His life shall be at the mercy of the Duke. therefore, go down on your knees and beg the Duke for mercy.
S: Good sir. I beg for mercy and beg your pardon..
D: I shall not have you killed. But as your punishment, half of your money is now Antonio's. You must give the other half to the city of Venice.
S: Take my life too! My money and goods are as dear to me as life itself. They are my only comfort. When you take those away from me, you also take my life.
A: I shall be happy to give up my part of Shylock's money. Shylock must promise to leave the money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.
S: I promise. Let me go home now. I am not well.
问题1. 首先这是个戏剧不是法律教课案例,智慧的语言和聪明的转折足以吸引观众了,没人会计较律师的陈词是否无懈可击,而且夏洛克的杀人意图很明显,又缺乏贵族的支持,有鲍西亚的陈词足以将他置于死地。有很多年轻人诧异于为什么夏洛克不以死相拼,那是因为他们没有面对过死亡,换了我也要认怂,我怕死。人越年长越能真正意识到死亡意味着什么。
问题2. 你不就在同情夏洛克吗?这就是莎士比亚的厉害之处,他让所有的角色为自己发声说话,你能看到角色自己的行为动机而非作者的好恶,所以他的剧中没有一个恶徒不有招人同情或喜爱之处,也没有一个正面人物完全没有缺陷和私心。我读过一篇文章说莎士比亚的时期英国基本上没有犹太人,如果他没有去过欧洲大陆,特别是意大利的话,可能终生未见过一个犹太人,他所写的是那个时代对犹太人的普遍刻版印象,就像我们现在很多人对其他种族的刻版印象一样。同一时期有很多写贪婪的犹太人的剧,但唯有莎士比亚的夏洛克让我们看到了对群体偏见的不合理性,夏洛克对自己人性的申诉跟鲍西亚的仁慈论一样光照千古。
A pound of that same merchant's flesh is thine:
The court awards it, and the law doth give it.
And you must cut this flesh from off his breast:
The law allows it, and the court awards it.
Tarry a little; there is something else.
This bond doth give thee here no jot of blood;
The words expressly are 'a pound of flesh:'
Take then thy bond, take thou thy pound of flesh;
But, in the cutting it, if thou dost shed
One drop of Christian blood, thy lands and goods
Are, by the laws of Venice, confiscate
Unto the state of Venice.
The Jew shall have all justice; soft! no haste:
He shall have nothing but the penalty.
Therefore prepare thee to cut off the flesh.
Shed thou no blood, nor cut thou less nor more
But just a pound of flesh: if thou cut'st more
Or less than a just pound, be it but so much
As makes it light or heavy in the substance,
Or the division of the twentieth part
Of one poor scruple, nay, if the scale do turn
But in the estimation of a hair,
Thou diest and all thy goods are confiscate.