Silent Hill 2:
"If you really want to see Mary, you should just die. But You might be heading to A different place than MARY, James."
Heather: "God? Don't you mean devil?"
Vincent: "Which ever you like."
"This town is full of monsters! How can you just sit there and eat pizza?!"
"Monsters? They look like monsters to you?"
James: "I can't believe you don't even have a scratch on you."
Laura: "Why should I?"
Marys' letter at the end of Silent Hill 2
"In my restless dreams,
I see that town.
Silent Hill.
You promised me you'd take me
there again someday.
But you never did.
Well, I'm alone there now...
In our 'special place'...
Waiting for you...
Waiting for you to
come to see me.
But you never do.
And so I wait, wrapped in my
cocoon of pain and loneliness.
I know I've done a terrible
thing to you. Something you'll
never forgive me for.
I wish I could change
that, but I can't.
I feel so pathetic and ugly
laying here, waiting for you...
Every day I stare up at the cracks
in the ceiling and all I can think
about is how unfair it all is...
The doctor came today.
He told me I could go
home for a short stay.
It’s not that I'm getting better.
It’s just that this may be
my last chance...
I think you know what I mean...
Even so, I'm glad to be coming
home. I've missed you terribly.
But I'm afraid, James.
I'm afraid you don't really
want me to come home.
Whenever you come see me,
I can tell how hard it is on you...
I don't know if you
hate me or pity me...
Or maybe I just disgust you...
I'm sorry about that.
When I first learned that
I was going to die, I just
didn't want to accept it.
I was so angry all the time and I
struck out at everyone I loved most.
Especially you, James.
That's why I understand
if you do hate me.
But I want you to
know this, James.
I'll always love you.
Even though our life together had
to end like this, I still wouldn't
trade it for the world. We had
some wonderful years together.
Well, this letter has gone on
too long, so I'll say goodbye.
I told the nurse to give
this to you after I'm gone.
That means that as you read
this, I'm already dead.
I can't tell you to remember me,
but I can't bear for you to
forget me.
These last few years since I
became ill... I'm so sorry for
what I did to you, did to us...
You've given me so much and
I haven't been able to return
a single thing.
That's why I want you to live
for yourself now.
Do what's best for you, James.
You made me happy.
"这是你的选择..."黑暗体对露丝提出"WHY ME?"(为什么是我?)的问题时,一句短而经典的回答..."It's your chooes!"(好象拼错了...=.=~) 对,这确实是露丝的选择,她在教堂里曾经对那个女警说:"当我第一眼看到莎仁(善良体)的时候,我就喜欢上了她."...露丝选择了莎仁,也就等同于选择了自己的命运,因为莎认总会有这么一天要回到SILENT HILL,这是无法阻止和更改的~是露丝自己选择的命运..... "妈妈是孩子眼中的上帝."在艾丽丝完成了复仇之后,没有被杀死的达琳默默的提问:"为什么我没有被杀死?"露死轻声地这么回答~.....当年在教会要将仅因为没有父亲就被裁决为恶魔艾丽丝"净化"(就是一把火烧掉而已)时,达琳亲手把艾丽丝交给了他们,这让艾丽丝后来很是愤慨~尽管在执行"净化"时达琳也冲出来想要阻止,但她的行动根本没有起到任何的作用(最后还是上天帮助了艾丽丝,铁架给塌了)....但最后艾丽丝还是没有将她生母达琳杀死,也许达琳此时也觉得自己该死,因为她没有意识到,艾丽丝对自己还是有"爱"的;这也是为什么达琳在前面从来没进教堂也不会被里世界的怪物杀掉的原因,因为艾丽丝不想让她的母亲达琳死,至少不是被自己杀死~....