你们说的角色还不够小把我之前总结的放上排名不分先后NO 1 爱吸烟的怪女人,声音沙哑,浓妆艳抹,很多莫名其妙的表情,比如现在…… 经典语录:-Joey, have you ever seen me ecstatic? -No -Well, here it is -Joey, look at me,look at me.Do I have lipstick on my teeth?-No, can we get back to me? NO 2 从来不笑的怪老头,孤单寂寞,怀疑他唯一的乐趣就是找主人公们的茬儿 直到最后死去,人们才通过他的遗物稍微了解了些他 经典语录: Heckel:You're doing it again Monica:We're not doing any thingHeckel:You're stomping.It's disturbing my birds.Rachel:You don't have birds Heckle:I could have birds NO 3 整剧就出现了30秒左右,却让人印象深刻,他向phoebe说出他老婆的最后遗愿时的一本正经劲儿,让人不禁喜欢上这个老头。 经典语录:Mr Adelman:Oh wait, I remember, she also said she wanted to sleep with me one last time Phoebe:I'm sorry, there's laughing in my head Mr Adelman:Worth a shot, huh?NO 4个性极其鲜明的动物园清洁员,出场时间不长,却那么多经典台词,经典动作,经典表情。 经典语录:zoo guy:Do you have any idea how high up this thing goes? Ross:That guy Lipson?zoo guy:Lipson knows.Hmm,Lipson knows huh zoo guy:Word on the street ,well ,when I say street,i mean those little pretend streets they have here at the zoo Ross:Of course zoo guy: So what is this information worth to you, my friend?Ross: Are you trying to get me to bribe you? zoo guy: Maybe Ross: But you already told me everything. zoo guy: ... NO 5此角色 就一个镜头,一个表情,一个眼神,不需台词pheobe在台上唱歌:sometime man loves man然后这逗比小孩就在台下瞄小钱钱