



“And so it has been, and so it is written On the doorway to paradise That those who falter and those who fall Must pay the price”“Love is the garden of the young”“Take my hand, and lead me to salvation”“Let us die facing our foes - make them bleed while we can”


“And so it has been, and so it is written
On the doorway to paradise
That those who falter and those who fall
Must pay the price”
“Love is the garden of the young”
“Take my hand, and lead me to salvation”
“Let us die facing our foes - make them bleed while we can”

悲惨世界》用英语表示为: The Wretched,The Miserable Ones。悲惨世界是(法国)雨果的小说,所以书的原名是法文: Les Misérables。

题主可以搜Charles Wilbur(但愿没拼错),Isabel Hapgood 和 Norman Denny 这三个人的译本,看看更喜欢谁的。Charles Wilbur 的最贴近法文原著,但也因此比较艰涩,句子长,单词难。英语水平够的话欢迎挑战。Isabel 的一看就比上面那个版本逗号多。我最早读的是这本,上Gutenberg下免费电子书下到的,感觉还行。Norman Denny 的是这三个译本里最英文化的,遣词造句也相对简单、现代化,比较友好。缺点一个是不够原著,另一个是这译者有时会神奇地把拉丁文、希腊文引文翻译出来。个人不喜 Julie Rose 的译本,现代化得太过分了,举个栗子,她把刑场上格朗泰尔的问话译成了“Alright with you?”……革命不是请客吃饭啊翻译小姐!另外尽量买注解版,注解越全越好。最最最重要的:要买全译本,买来跳着看也可以,全译本才能体现出雨果的话唠风采!顺便,题主要找原版书的话强推两个网站:Free ebooks by Project Gutenberg 和 http://www.goodreads.com/ ,前一个是免费公版书下载,版权过期的名著基本都有,后一个是书评网站,虽然和豆瓣差不多……不过评名著还是很靠谱的。

“And so it has been, and so it is written
On the doorway to paradise
That those who falter and those who fall
Must pay the price”
“Love is the garden of the young”
“Take my hand, and lead me to salvation”
“Let us die facing our foes - make them bleed while we can”
