莫泊桑的项链所含有的教育意义是什么呢? 爱就是给予和付出。
这是我们组在网上看了些和自己修改出来的,网上没现成的。我们本来要演的,结果现在又不演了 Necklace 剧情:玛是个家境一般却渴望过贵妇生活的女子。去参加一次高档舞会找朋友佛借了项链,却在舞会丢了项链,为了还债,她和丈夫辛苦工作了10年。10年将她变得又老又丑,最后却得知项链本是假的。 道具:音乐(德彪西《月光曲》)翰施特劳斯《蓝色的多瑙河》, 男士西服一套 礼服至少2套 桌子 椅子两张(单人椅) 沙发 公园长椅 门 纸做的窗户 玫瑰花 请柬 玫瑰花 珍珠项链 手链及一些首饰 梳妆盒 扫帚 抹布 水桶 “十年后”的牌子 人物:旁白 Mathilde P Forestier和她仆人 舞会4对 音乐(德彪西《月光曲》)旁白,玛蒂尔德上场,站在窗边凝视窗外,沉思,而后慢慢走向舞台中央,坐下,梦想,神情随旁白内容而变化。 [旁白]:she was one of those pretty and charming young creatures who sometimes are born, as if by a slip of fate, into a family of clerks. She had no dowry, no expectations, no way of being known, understood, loved, married by any rich and distinguished man; so she let herself be married to a little clerk of the Ministry of Public Instruction. She dressed plainly because she could not dress well, but she was unhappy as if she had really fallen from a higher station; since with women there is neither caste nor rank, for beauty, grace and charm take the place of family and birth. Natural ingenuity, instinct for what is elegant, a supple mind are their sole hierarchy, and often make of women of the people the equals of the very greatest ladies. Mathilde suffered ceaselessly, feeling herself born to enjoy all delicacies and all luxuries. She was distressed at the poverty of her dwelling, at the bareness of the walls, at the shabby chairs, the ugliness of the curtains. All those things, of which another woman of her rank would never even have been conscious, tortured her and made her angry. The sight of the little Breton peasant who did her humble housework aroused in her despairing regrets and bewildering dreams. 她也是一个美丽动人的姑娘,好像由于命运的差错生在一个小职员的家里。她没有陪嫁的资产,也没有什么法子让一个有钱的体面人认识她,了解她,爱她,娶她;最后只得跟教育部的一个小书记结了婚。她不能够讲究打扮,只好穿得朴朴素素,但是她觉得很不幸,她觉得她生来就是为着过高雅和奢华的生活,v 第一幕 [接到请柬] One day, Pierrir recieved an education bureau party invitation ,and so happy to go home to prepare to show it to matilde 旁白:一天,皮埃尔拿到一封教育局舞会邀请函,高兴地回家准备给马蒂尔德 皮埃尔上场,音乐中断。 Mathilde Open the door! 皮:(兴奋地敲门——体现拿到请柬后急于要给玛看的心情),玛蒂尔德,开门! what the hell, you have not brought the key? Open the door by your own! 玛:真是的,你没带钥匙吗!自己开!(恼怒美梦被打破) “There,” said he, “there’s something for you.” 皮:(开门——好心情并未被破坏,走向玛)看呀,这儿有点好东西给你。(扬了扬请柬) 玛:是吗?什么东西?(边说边站起,接过请柬——感到有些意外,又非常高兴 她边走边读,慢慢的,情绪由开心转为懊恼,皮紧跟其后,伸着脖子,希望得到赞赏) “What do you want me to do with that?” 玛:(扔请柬)你叫我拿这东西怎么办呢?(一脸懊恼的神情) “But, my dear, I thought you would be pleased. You never go out, and here’s a chance, a fine one. I had the hardest work to get it. Everybody is after them; they are greatly sought for and not many are given to the clerks. You will see there all the official world.” 皮:(迅速小心地捡起请柬,难过地)但是,亲爱的,我原以为你一定很喜欢的,你从来不出门,这是一个机会,这个——一个好机会!我费了多大力气才弄到手,大家都希望得到,可是很难得到——它一向很少发给职员。你在那儿可以看见所有的官员。(玛任性地背着脸,皮围着玛转,体现皮讨好妻子,而玛任性,不听话的 “What do you want me to put on my back to go there?” 玛:可是,你打算让我穿什么去呢?(愤怒,瞪着皮) “But the dress in which you go to the theater. That looks very well to me” 皮:(结结巴巴,尴尬)你上戏园子穿的那件衣裳,我觉得就很好,依我…… ( 玛哭) What’s the matter? What’s the matter?” 皮:(不知所措,着急地)你怎么了?你怎么了? “Nothing. Only I have no clothes, and in consequence I cannot go to this party. Give your card to some colleague whose wife has a better outfit than I.” 玛:(抑制悲痛,擦干泪,平静地)没有什么,只是,没有件象样的衣服,我不能去参加这个夜会,你的同 事,谁的妻子打扮得比我好,就把请柬送给谁去吧。 “See here, Mathilde, how much would this cost, a proper dress, which would do on other occasions; something very simple?” 皮:(难过)好吧,玛蒂尔德,做一身合适的衣服——你在别的场合也能穿——很朴素的,得多少钱呢? "I don't know exactly, but I think I could manage it with four hundred francs." 玛:(暗自盘算了一下,然后迟疑地)准数呢,我不知道,不过我想,有四百法郎就可以办到。 gosh, I just kept such a sum, it seems, I dream of the shotgun, which will vanish 皮:(脸色发白,面向观众,沮丧地)天啊,我恰好存着这么一笔款子,看来,我的猎枪梦,又成泡影了。 “All right. I will give you four hundred francs. But take care to have a pretty dress.” 皮:(对着玛)就这样吧,我给你四百法郎,不过你得把这件长衣裙做得好看些。 I will. It's very nice of you. Honey 玛:(开心地跳起,热烈地)我会的!你真好,亲爱的! 三天后 ( 音乐 :舒伯特《小夜曲》尾声) 夜会的日子近了,但是她显得郁闷、不安、忧愁。(玛坐在椅子上,沉思,面带忧愁) "What is the matter? Come, you have seemed very strange these last three days." 皮:怎么啦,看看,这三天来你非常奇怪(温柔地,关切地)。 “It annoys me not to have a jewel, not a single stone, to put on. I shall look like distress. I would almost rather not go to this party.” 玛: 让我发愁的是一粒珍珠、一颗宝石都没有,没有什么好戴的,我处处带着穷酸气,我还是不去参加这个夜会了。(略带埋怨) “You will wear some natural flowers. They are very stylish this time of the year. For ten francs you will have two or three magnificent roses.” 皮:(沉思片刻)买几朵鲜花吧,在这个季节里,这是很时兴的,花十个法郎,就可以买二三朵别致的玫瑰。 “No; there’s nothing more humiliating than to look poor among a lot of rich women.” 玛:(身子转到一边,依旧任性地)不成,在阔太太中间露穷酸相,再难堪也没有了。 “What a goose you are! Go find your friend, Mme. Forester, and ask her to lend you some jewelry. You know her well enough to do that.” 皮:( 窘迫地立在一边,绞尽脑汁)哎呀,你真傻,向你的好朋友佛莱思节夫人借几样珠宝,不就成了?你跟她很有交情,这点事满可以办到的! “That’s true. I had not thought of it 玛:(兴奋地从座位上跳起来,拉住皮袖子)真的,我倒没想到! 第二幕 借项链 玛:“叮咚,叮咚……”(按着门铃) 佛:“玛丽,玛丽! 仆人:在,夫人。我马上去开。(放下手中的活) 玛: (微笑 )你好 Lady,this is mrs Mathilde 仆人:边让玛进门边说(夫人,是马蒂尔德太太)(见叫了两声仆人的名字没有应,从椅子里站起来,放下手中的宠物) 佛:Oh,玛蒂尔德,原来是你! Oh, Mathilde, so it's you! 玛:你能借我些珠宝吗Can you lend me some jewelry? 佛:当然可以,你等着,(走向卧室去取梳妆盒)Of course, wait for me for a little while 旁白:这时的玛蒂尔德暗暗地笑了,她想象着佛来思节夫人的珠宝首饰……佛来思节夫人取来梳妆盒,放在桌子上,那是一件漂亮贵重的东西。 "Choose, my dear." 佛:(微笑着)挑吧,亲爱的。 So many jewelry! 玛:(打开梳妆盒,惊呆了)这么多珠宝啊!(她先试了试一条手链,觉得不好,又试了另一条,又觉得不好,发现一条项链)珍妮,来,快帮我戴上。 Mathilde, how beautiful you are! 佛:(为玛戴好项链,笑意盈盈)玛蒂尔德,你真漂亮! "Haven't you any more?" 玛:(照了照镜子,觉得项链不太高贵) 珍妮,你还有没有别的,更漂亮一点的? I have a lot of, just choose it by yourself! 佛:多着呢,自己挑吧! Wow, a diamond necklace! Can I wear this necklace 玛:(突然发现一个青缎盒子,赶忙拿在手里,打开一看)哇,钻石项链!(恳求的眼光望着佛):我可以戴它吗? Of course come on, let me help you 佛:当然可以,来,我来帮你。(拿过项链,帮玛戴上) "Will you lend me this, only this?" 玛:(盯着镜子中的她,深情地笑了,这时的她觉得好幸福,觉得自己好高贵,于是,她转过身来对佛来思节夫人)珍妮,我可以借这个吗?我只借这一件。 "Why, yes, certainly." 佛:当然,你看上去漂亮极了! Really? You are so sweet! Thank you very much. 玛:真的吗?你太好了,太谢谢你了!(整个人跳了起来,搂住朋友的脖子, 狂吻,以示感谢,之后,迅速拿起桌上的那个青缎盒子,戴着项链跑了,并且一边跑一边向佛高声嚷)我会还给你的! 佛:(无奈地望着她的背影,笑着摇摇头)唉,这个玛蒂尔德! 第三幕 舞会(音乐起 ——约翰施特劳斯《蓝色的多瑙河》, 伴着音乐,旁白起: The night of the ball arrived. Madame Loisel was a great success. She was prettier than any other woman present, elegant, graceful, smiling and wild with joy. All the men looked at her, asked her name, sought to be introduced. All the attaches of the Cabinet wished to waltz with her. She was remarked by the minister himself. She danced with rapture, with passion, intoxicated by pleasure, forgetting all in the triumph of her beauty, in the glory of her success, in a sort of cloud of happiness comprised of all this homage, admiration, these awakened desires and of that sense of triumph which is so sweet to woman's heart. She left the ball about four o'clock in the morning. 夜会的日子到了,路瓦栽夫人得到了成功。她比所有的女宾都漂亮、高雅、迷人,所有的男宾都注视她,打听她的姓名,求人给介绍;部里机要处的人员都想跟她跳舞,部长也注意她了。她狂热地兴奋地跳舞,沉迷在欢乐里,什么都不想了。她陶醉于自己的美貌胜过一切女宾,陶醉于成功的光荣,陶醉在人们对她的赞美和羡妒所形成的幸福的云雾里。 第四幕丢项链及还债 (音乐弱) The party is really happy today !ah Ah. 玛:(进门后,脱下旧外套,提起裙摆,跳几步华尔兹) 今天的晚会可真愉快啊!。 玛:啊呀! "What is the matter with you?" 皮:怎么啦?(不知发生什么事,语气平缓地) "I have--I have--I've lost Madame Forestier's necklace," she cried. 玛:我……我……我丢了佛来思节夫人的项链了! "What!--how? Impossible!" "You're sure you had it on when you left the ball?" 皮:(急)什么!不会的!你确信你在舞会上还戴着它吗?(找妻子脱下的旧大衣) "Yes, I felt it in the vestibule of the minister's house." 玛:是呀,我肯定掉在舞会上了 But if you had lost it in the street we should have heard it fall. It must be in the carriage." 皮:万一掉在路上了呢,一定是掉在马车上了,马车上。 Yes, probably. it in the carriage 玛:很可能,一定是掉在马车上了。(哭,趴在桌子上) "I shall go back on foot," said he, "over the whole route, to see whether I can find it." 皮:(沉默,吸烟)好吧,我把回来的路找一遍,再去警局问问吧。(下) My necklace, my necklace. God bless 玛:我的项链,我的项链,上帝保佑(在胸口划十字,回忆)(坐下,哭) 旁白:He went to police headquarters, to the newspaper offices to offer a reward; he went to the cab companies--everywhere, in fact, whither he was urged by the least spark of hope. She waited all day, in the same condition of mad fear before this terrible calamity. Loisel returned at night with a hollow, pale face. He had discovered nothing How? 玛:(急忙站起,走到门口,停住做一番祈祷,开门)怎么样? 皮:低下头无奈地摇摇头, so, how could I return the necklace tomorrow? 玛:(哭)那,那我明天怎么去还项链?(坐下更大声地哭) "You must write to your friend," said he, "that you have broken the clasp of her necklace and that you are having it mended. That will give us time to turn round." 皮:(坐下,沉默)那就先给你朋友写封信,说你把项链的搭钩弄坏了,正在修理,过几天再还,这样才能有周转的时间。 Ok 玛:好吧。,(坐下写信) 旁白:Then they went from jeweler to jeweler, searching for a necklace like the other, trying to recall it, both sick with chagrin and grief. They found, in a shop at the Palais Royal, a tring of diamonds that seemed to them exactly like the one they had lost. It was worth forty thousand francs. They could have it for thirty-six. 然而,项链并没有找到。他们四处借钱,买了串一模一样的钻石项链还给佛莱思节夫人。之后他们开始了十年艰辛的还债生活。 第五幕【明真相】 (音乐起——马格纳《美丽的早晨》) ( narrator ) at the end of tenth years, the debt was gone finally. One day, she went to the park for a walk, and get some rest after one weeks tired . Then, she saw a woman walking, it is the Laith 's wife, she is still young, still beautiful. Road tile plant lady get many feelings, and walked up to it 旁白)第十年年底,债务总算还请了。一天,她到公园去走走,舒散一星期来的疲劳。这时候,她突然看见一个妇人在散步,原来就是佛莱思节夫人,她依旧年轻,依旧美丽动人。路瓦栽夫人无限感慨,她走上前去 "Good-day, Jeanne." 玛:你好,珍妮。 But--madame!--I do not know--You must have mistaken." 佛:(非常惊讶,磕磕巴巴地)可是……太太……我不知道……你一定是认错人了。 who are you, dirty dead, don't get close tou our lady! 仆人:你是谁,脏死了,别靠近我们太太! "No. I am Mathilde Loisel." 玛:没错,我是玛蒂尔德啊!(同时用手去抓佛的手) "Oh, my poor Mathilde! How you are changed!" 佛:(把手缩回,上下打量玛)啊!……我可怜的到蒂尔德,你怎么变成这样? "Yes, I have had a pretty hard life, since I last saw you, and great poverty--and that because of you!" 玛:(低下头)是呀,多年不见了。(两个人同时散步,走到公园椅子边坐下)这些年来我忍受了许多苦楚,……而且都是因为你!…… "Of me! How so?" 佛:因为我?……这是怎么讲的? "Do you remember that diamond necklace you lent me to wear at the ministerial ball?"玛:你一定记得你借给我的那挂项链吧,就是我戴了去参加教育部夜总会的那挂。 "Yes. Well?" 佛:(想了一下)噢,记得, (玛低下头,若有所思) Well, I lost it. 玛:我把它丢了。 "What do you mean? You brought it back. 佛:(很惊讶)哪儿的话,你不是已经还给我了吗? "I brought you back another exactly like it. And it has taken us ten years to pay for it. You can understand that it was not easy for us, for us who had nothing. At last it is ended, and I am very glad." 玛:我还给你的是另外一挂,跟你的完全相同,你瞧,我们花了十年功夫, 才还清了它。(佛很惊讶)你知道,像我们这样什么也没有的人,这可不容 易啊! "You say that you bought a necklace of diamonds to replace mine?" 佛:(恍然大悟地)你是说你买了一挂钻石项链赔我吗? "Yes. You never noticed it, then! They were very similar." 玛:(带着天真得意地笑)对呀,(抓住佛的手) 你当时没看出来吧,那简 直就是原来的那一挂呀! Oh, my poor Mathilde! Why, my necklace was paste! It was worth at most only five hundred francs!" 佛:(感动地抓住玛的一只手,站起来)唉,我可怜的玛蒂尔德!可是,我的那一挂是假的,至多值五百法郎!…… 玛:(急忙站出来,呈惊讶状)啊……