





#宫崎骏动画经典语录##辉夜姬物语# 昨晚看的这部电影 画风超可爱,最遗憾的就是竹子的愿望没能实现,环境遭到破坏。希望人与自然好好相处 ​​​

【经典语录:人与自然】The crilce is the way to see. The circle is the way to live, always keeping in mind the seven generations to come...以圆视物,以圆生活,把未来七代挂在心间.----Joseph Bruchac

【经典语录:人与自然】The role of science, like that of art, is to blend exact imagery with more distant meaning, the parts we already understand with those given as new into larger patterns that are coherent enough to be acceptable as truth。---Edward O. Wilson

经典语录:人与自然】If you see things in terms of circles and cycles, and if you care about the survival of your children, then you begin to engage in commonsense practices. 如果你以轮回交替方式看事物(世界),如果你关心孩子们的生存,那么你就开始按常识行事。---Joseph Bruchac

【经典语录:人与自然】Hope and future for me are not in lawns and cultivated fields, not in towns and cities, but in the impervious and quaking swamps.我认为希望与未来不在草坪上,不在被耕耘的田野里,不在城镇,而在无法走进去的颤动的沼泽地。 ---Henry David Thoreau

【任务|秀真我荷尔蒙大作战:享受户外,最爱高海拔的挑战 】爱好户外的@大头娃娃00 之经典语录:户外的乐趣,在于享受人与自然接触的畅快感,荒野中完成自我的提升,追求挑战的惊险刺激。虽然语录是这么的文艺,但她可是曾经攀过海拔5276米的四姑娘山的人,来看看人家的生活: O网页链接

工程建设是人类使用一定的技术手段利用自然资源,与自然环境打交道,实现人与自然和谐相处的过程 #裤哥经典语录#
