只要我还在这儿,我就不会让你失望。(英文:As long as I am here,I will not disappoint you)
Captain Amelia: I'm Captain Amelia. Late of a few run-ins with the Procyon Armada, nasty business, but I won't bore you with my scars; You've met my first officer, Mr. Arrow? Sterling, tough, dependable, honest, brave and true.
Mr. Arrow: Please, Captain...
Captain Amelia: Oh, shut up, Arrow. You know I don't mean a word of it.
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Captain Amelia: [to a protesting Doppler] Let me make this as... monosyllabic as possible. I... don't much care for this crew you hired. They're...
[to Arrow]
Captain Amelia: how did I describe them, Arrow? I said something rather good this morning before coffee.
Mr. Arrow: 'A ludicrous parcel of driveling galoots,' ma'am.
Captain Amelia: [to Doppler] There you go, poetry.
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John Silver: [to Captain Amelia] Ahh, t'is a grand day for sailin', Cap'n! And lookit yeh! You're as trim an' as bonnie as a sloop with new sails and a fresh coat o' paint!
[takes off his hat and bows to her]
Captain Amelia: You can keep that kind of flim-flammery for your spaceport floozies, Silver!
Morph: [changes into a miniature Amelia and mimics her] Spaceport floozies, spaceport floozies-
[Silver scoops him into his hat and puts it on]
John Silver: Yeh cut me to the quick, Cap'n! I speaks nothin' but me heart, at all times...
[Silver's hat suddenly rises off his head and Morph squeaks from under it]
Morph: Nothin' but me heart...
John Silver: [nervously] A-hem!
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Jim Hawkins: Without the map we're dead. If we try to leave we're dead. If we stay here...
Morph: [imitating Jim] "We're dead!" "We're dead", "we're dead", "we're dead"!
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B.E.N.: I'm starting to see my life pass in front of my eyes! At least, I think it's my life.
B.E.N.: [shouting] Was I ever dancing with an android named Lupé?
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Doctor Doppler: Dang it, Jim. I'm an astronomer, not a doctor! I mean, I am a doctor, but I'm not that kind of doctor. I have a doctorate, it's not the same thing. You can't help people with a doctorate. You just sit there and you're useless!
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Doctor Doppler: Excuse me, brutish pirate?
Brutish pirate: [belches]
Doctor Doppler: Yes, you. I have a question. Is it that your body is too massive for your teeny-tiny head, or is it that your head is too teeny-tiny for your big fat body?
Brutish pirate: I pummel you good!
Doctor Doppler: Yes, I'm sure you will! But before you do, I have one more question!
[Dr. Doppler holds the pirate at gunpoint]
Doctor Doppler: Is this yours?
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John Silver: Jimbo! Playing games... are we?
Jim Hawkins: Yeah. Yeah, we're playing games.
John Silver: [readying a blaster behind his back] Oh, I see. Well, I was never much good at games. Always hated to lose.
Jim Hawkins: [stabs Silver in the leg] Me, too!
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[two robot constables who caught Jim solar surfing in a forbidden area bring him home]
Jim Hawkins: [casually] Okay, thanks for the lift, guys.
Robo-Cop 1: Not so fast!
Robo-Cop 2: [to Sarah Hawkins] We apprehended your son operating a solar vehicle in a restricted area.
Robo-Cop 1: Moving violation nine-zero-four, section fifteen, paragraph - uh...
Jim Hawkins: Six.
Robo-Cop 1: Thank you.
Jim Hawkins: Don't mention it.
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[after discovering the map to Treasure Planet]
Jim Hawkins: Mom, this is it! This is the answer to all our problems!
Sarah Hawkins: Jim, there is absolutely no way...
Jim Hawkins: Don't you remember? All those stories?
Sarah Hawkins: That's all they were! Stories!
Jim Hawkins: [frustrated] With that treasure, we could rebuild the Benbow a hundred times over!
Sarah Hawkins: Well this- it's just- oh, my. Delbert, would you please explain how ridiculous this is?
Doctor Doppler: [sternly] It's totally preposterous! Traversing the entire galaxy alone!
Sarah Hawkins: Now at last we hear some sense!
Doctor Doppler: That's why I'm going with you!
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[first lines]
Narrator: On the clearest of nights, when the winds of the Etherium were calm and peaceful, the great merchant ships, with their cargos of Arcturian solar crystals, felt safe and secure. Little did they suspect that they were persued by... pirates. And the most feared of all these pirates was the notorious Captain Nathaniel Flint.
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Captain Amelia: Doctor, you have... wonderful eyes.
Doctor Doppler: She's lost her mind!
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Doctor Doppler: It's the suit, isn't it? I should never have listened to that pushy two-headed saleswoman... this one said it fit, that one said it was my color, I don't know what to do, I get so flustered.
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Jim Hawkins: So, uh, how'd that happen anyway?
John Silver: You give up a few things, chasing a dream.
Jim Hawkins: Was it worth it?
John Silver: I'm hoping it is, Jimbo. I most surely am.
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John Silver: Now, you listen to me, James Hawkins. You got the makings of greatness in you, but you got to take the helm and chart your own course. Stick to it, no matter the squalls! And when the time comes you get the chance to really test the cut of your sails, and show what you're made of! Well, I hope I'm there, catching some of the light coming off you that day.
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Sarah Hawkins: Jim, I just don't want to see you throw away your entire future!
Jim Hawkins: [to himself] Yeah, what future...?
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John Silver: Jimbo! I've got two new friends I'd like you to meet. Say hello to Mr. Mop and Mrs. Bucket!
Jim Hawkins: [flat] Yippee.
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B.E.N.: [fixing the gravity] Back you go, you naughty plug!
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Doctor Doppler: It's...
Jim Hawkins: Treasure Planet!
Doctor Doppler: [in disbelief] No!
Jim Hawkins: That's Treasure Planet!
Doctor Doppler: Flints' Trove? The loot of a thousand worlds? Do you know what this means?
Jim Hawkins: It means that all that treasure is only a boat ride away!
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Sarah Hawkins: Jim, I don't wanna lose you.
Jim Hawkins: Mom, you won't. I'll make you proud.
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John Silver: Look at you! Glowing like a solar fire. You're something special, Jim. You're gonna rattle the stars, you are!
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Billy Bones: He's a comin'. Can ya hear 'im? Those gears and gyros clickin' and whirrin' like the devil himself!
Jim Hawkins: Hit your head there pretty hard, didn't ya?
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Onus: We are going to need a bigger pot!
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[while Doctor Doppler is flying the ship]
Onus: We were better off on exploding planet!
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Scroop: [about to cut Jim's life line] Do say hello to Mr. Arrow...
Jim Hawkins: [jumps down and knocks Scroop off the ship into space] Tell him yourself!
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Jim Hawkins: All that talk of greatness, light coming off my sails... What a joke.
John Silver: Now, see here, Jimbo...
Jim Hawkins: I mean, at least you taught me something, "Stick to it", right? Well, that's just what I'm gonna do! I'm going to make sure that you never see one drubloon of *my* treasure!
John Silver: That treasure is owed me, by 'tunder!
Jim Hawkins: Well, try to find it without *my* map, "by 'tunder"!
John Silver: Ohhh, you still don't know how to pick you fights, do ya, boy? Now, mark me. Either I get that map by dawn t'morrow or so help me, I'll use the ships cannons t'blast ya'll ta kingdom come!
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Doctor Doppler: Woof!
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Doctor Doppler: Well, Jim, this should be a wonderful opportunity for the two of us to get to know one and other. You know what they say. "Familiarity breeds..." um... well, "contempt". But, in our case...