




汉默:我是汉默准将,放下武器,放下来!This is General Hummel.Drop your weapons.Drop'em!安德森:我是安德森中校汉默将军,特遣队队长。Anderson here,General Hummel.Commander.Team leader.汉默:安德森中校,如果你爱惜兄弟性命,你就命令他们放下武器。Commander Anderson,if you have any concern for the lives of your men...you will order them to safety their weapons and place them on the deck.安德森:先生,我们知道你的目的,我也完全同意你,但我也跟你一样,誓言捍卫祖国抵挡敌人,无论他们是外国人或是本国人!将军,我们都为这国家洒下热血,你知道我不能下达这个命令!Sir,we know why you're out here.God knows I agree with you.But like you,I swore to defend this country against all enemies...foreign,sir,and domestic.General,we've spilled the same blood in the same mud.You know goddamn well I can't give that order.汉默:我们居高临下,中校,我不会再要求你了,别做傻事,没有人愿意死在这里。Your unit is covered from an elevated position,Commander.I'm not gonna ask you again.Don't do anything stupid.No one has to die here.安德森:跟着将军的这些人,你们在海军陆战队誓言效忠国家!你们忘了吗?我们都有袍泽丧命战场,有些甚至是被五角大楼的人所遗弃,但你们也无权叛变啊!Men following the general,you're under oath as United States Marines!Have you forgotten that?We all have shipmates we remember.Some of them were shit on and pissed on by the Pentagon.But that doesn't give you the right to mutiny!汉默:随你怎么说!我们占了优势,你们犯了大错,中校!You call it what you want!You're down there,we're up here.You walked into the wrong goddamn room,Commander!安德森:别动!Stand fast!汉默:该死!中校,最后一次,命令你的手下放下武器!Goddamn it,Commander,one last time.You tell your men to safety their weapons,drop'em on the deck.安德森:我无法下达那个命令!I cannot give that order!汉默:我不想再说一次!I am not gonna repeat that order!安德森:我无法下达那个命令!I will not give that order!汉默:你是怎么了?What the hell is wrong with you,man?安德森:别动!别动!Stand fast!汉默:我再说一次,命令你的手下放下武器!One last time.You order your men to safety their weapons...将军手下故意弄下石头,交火....我边看电影边打的字呵呵~~希望可以帮到你~ 英文已经打上了~本人不精通英语~边看边打~眼都花了呵呵~







  歌单:   曲目   1、《Task Force X》   2、《Arkham Asylum》   3、《I'm Going To Figure This Out》   4、《You Make My Teeth Hurt》   5、《I Want To Assemble A Task Force》   6、《Brother Our Time Has Come》   7、《A Serial Killer Who Takes Credit Cards》   8、《A Killer App》   9、《That's How I Cut and Run》   10、《We Got A Job To Do》   11、《You Die We Die》   12、《Harley And Joker》   13、《This Bird Is Baked》   14、《Hey Craziness》   15、《You Need A Miracle》   16、《Diablo's Story》   17、《The Squad》   18、《Are We Friends Or Are We Foes?》   19、《She's Behind You》   20、《One Bullet Is All I Need》   21、《I Thought I'd Killed You》   22、《The Worst Of The Worst》 ==应该是第一个 如果对你有帮助 请采纳 谢谢。  
