select a.stuNo from score a,score b
where a.cNo='c001' and b.cNo='c002' and a.stuNo=b.stuNo and a.score>b.score
select stuNo,avg(score)from score
group by stuNo
having avg(score)>60
select a.stuNo,a.stuName,count(cNo),sum(score) from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo
group by a.stuNo,a.stuName
select count(tName),tName from teacher
where tName like '赵%'
group by tName
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo not in
(select a.stuNo from student a,score b where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and cNo in
(select d.cNo from teacher c,course d where c.tNo=d.tNo and c.tName='钱市保'))
select a.stuNo,a.stuName from student a,score b,score c
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and b.stuNo=c.stuNo and b.cNo='c001' and c.cNo='c002'
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo in (select stuNo from score a,course b,teacher c
where a.cNo=b.cNo and b.tNo=c.tNo and c.tName='钱市保'
group by stuNo
having count(a.cNo)>=(select count(cNo) from course d,teacher e
where d.tNo=e.tNo and e.tName='钱市保'))
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo in (select a.stuNo from student a,score b where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and b.cNo in
(select cNo from teacher c,course d where c.tNo=d.tNo and c.tName='钱市保'))
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo in
(select a.stuNo from score a,score b
where a.cNo='c001' and b.cNo='c002' and a.stuNo=b.stuNo and a.score>b.score)
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo in (select stuNo from score
where score<60
group by stuNo
having count(cNo)=(select count(cNo) from course))
select b.stuNo,a.stuName,count(b.cNo) from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo
group by b.stuNo,a.stuName
having count(b.cNo)<(select count(cNo) from course)
select distinct a.stuNo,stuName from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and cNo in (select cNo from score
where stuNo='001')
&&& select distinct a.stuNo,stuName from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and cNo all join (select cNo from score
where stuNo='001')
update score set score=savg
from score d,(select avg(score) as savg,a.cNo from score a,course b,teacher c
where a.cNo=b.cNo and b.tNo=c.tNo and tName='钱市保'
group by a.cNo) e
where d.cNo=e.cNo
update score
set score=(select avg(score) from score
group by cNo
having cNo=(select a.cNo from course a,teacher b where a.tNo=b.tNo and b.tName='钱市保'))
where cNo=(select a.cNo from course a,teacher b where a.tNo=b.tNo and b.tName='钱市保')
select * from score
select stuNo from score
where cNo in (select cNo from score where stuNo='005')
group by stuNo
having count(cNo)=(select count(*) from score where stuNo='005')
delete from score where cNo=(select cNo from course a,teacher b where a.tNo=b.tNo and b.tName='钱市保')
select * from score
--按如下形式显示: 学生ID,C语言,sql,JAVA,有效课程数,有效平均分
select cNo,max(score) as 最高分,min(score) as 最低分 from score
group by cNo
select avg(c.score),count(a.score)/count(b.score) from score c,(select a.cNo,count(a.score) from score a
where a.score<60
group by a.cNo) d,(select b.cNo,count(b.score) from score b
group by b.cNo) e
where d.cNo=e.cNo
group by c.cNo
order by avg(c.score) desc
(select a.cNo,count(a.score) from score a
where a.score<60
group by a.cNo) d
(select b.cNo,count(b.score) from score b
group by b.cNo) e
--20.查询如下课程平均成绩和及格率的百分数(用"1行"显示): C语言(001),数据结构(002),JAVA(003),离散数学(004)
select tNo,a.cNo,avg(score) from course a,score b
where a.cNo=b.cNo
group by tNo,a.cNo
order by avg(score) desc
--22.查询如下课程成绩第 3 名到第 6 名的学生成绩单:C语言(001),数据结构(002),JAVA(003),离散数学(004)
-- [学生ID],[学生姓名],C语言,数据结构,JAVA,离散数学,平均成绩
--23.统计列印各科成绩,各分数段人数:课程ID,课程名称,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[ <60]
select distinct e.cNo,count(a.stuNo) as '100-85',count(b.stuNo) as '85-70',count(c.stuNo) as '70-60',count(d.stuNo) as '<60' from score a,score b,score c,score d,score e
where a.cNo in (select cNo from course) and a.score between 85 and 100 and b.cNo in (select cNo from course) and b.score between 71 and 84 and c.cNo in (select cNo from course) and c.score between 60 and 70 and d.cNo in (select cNo from course) and d.score<60
group by e.cNo,a.stuNo,b.stuNo,c.stuNo,d.stuNo
having a.stuNo<>b.stuNo and a.stuNo<>c.stuNo and a.stuNo<>d.stuNo and b.stuNo<>c.stuNo and b.stuNo<>d.stuNo and c.stuNo<>d.stuNo
select cNo,count(stuNo) from score
where score between 70 and 100 and cNo='c001'
group by cNo
select stuNo,avg(score) from score
group by stuNo
order by avg(score) desc
select a.stuNo,a.cNo,a.score
from score a
where a.score in (select top 3 score from score b
where a.cNo=b.cNo
order by score)
order by a.cNo
select b.cNo ,count(stuNo) from score a right join course b
on a.cNo=b.cNo
group by b.cNo
select b.stuNo,a.stuName from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo
group by b.stuNo,a.stuName
having count(b.cNo)=1
select stuSex,count(stuSex) from student
group by stuSex
select * from student
where stuName like '赵%'
select a.stuNo,a.stuName,count(a.stuNo) from student a,student b
where a.stuName=b.stuName and a.stuSex=b.stuSex and a.stuNo<>b.stuNo
group by a.stuNo,a.stuName
select cNo,avg(score) from score
group by cNo
order by avg(score) asc,cNo
select b.stuNo,a.stuName,avg(score) from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo
group by b.stuNo,a.stuName
having avg(score)>70
select a.stuName,b.score from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and score<70 and b.cNo=(select cNo from course where cName='java')
select a.stuNo,c.cNo from student a,score b,course c
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and b.cNo=c.cNo
order by a.stuNo
select a.stuNo,cNo from student a left join (select a.stuNo,c.cNo from student a,score b,course c
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and b.cNo=c.cNo) d
on a.stuNo=d.stuNo
order by a.stuNo
select a.stuName,b.cNo,score from student a,score b
where score>70 and a.stuNo=b.stuNo
select cNo,score from score
where score<60
order by cNo
select b.stuNo,a.stuName from student a,score b
where b.cNo='c003' and score>60 and a.stuNo=b.stuNo
select count(a.stuNo) from (select distinct stuNo from score) a
select b.stuNo,a.stuName,max(score) from student a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and b.cNo in (select a.cNo from course a,teacher b where a.tNo=b.tNo and b.tName='钱市保')
group by b.stuNo,a.stuName,b.cNo
having b.cNo in (select a.cNo from course a,teacher b where a.tNo=b.tNo and b.tName='钱市保')
select cNo,count(stuNo) from score
group by cNo
select b.cNo ,count(stuNo) from score a right join course b
on a.cNo=b.cNo
group by b.cNo
select a.stuNo,a.cNo,a.score from score a,score b
where a.stuNo=b.stuNo and a.score=b.score and a.cNo<>b.cNo
--43. 查询每门功成绩最好的前两名
select a.stuNo,a.cNo,a.score
from score a
where score in(select top 2 score from score b
where a.cNo=b.cNo
order by score desc)
order by a.cNo
select cNo,count(stuNo) 课程数 from score
group by cNo
having count(stuNo)>2
order by count(stuNo) desc,cNo
select stuNo from score
group by stuNo
having count(cNo)>=2
select a.cNo,b.cName from score a,course b
where a.cNo=b.cNo
group by a.cNo,b.cName
having count(a.stuNo)=(select count(stuNo) from student)
select a.cNo,b.cName from score a,course b
group by a.cNo,b.cName,b.cNo
having a.cNo=b.cNo and count(a.stuNo)=(select count(stuNo) from student)
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo not in (select stuNo from score a,course b,teacher c
where a.cNo=b.cNo and b.tNo=c.tNo and c.tName='钱市保'
group by stuNo
having count(a.cNo)<=(select count(cNo) from course d,teacher e
where d.tNo=e.tNo and e.tName='钱市保'))
select stuNo,stuName from student
where stuNo not in
(select stuNo from score where cNo in
(select cNo from teacher c,course d where c.tNo=d.tNo and c.tName='钱市保'))
select stuNo,avg(score) from score
where score<60
group by stuNo
having count(cNo)>2
select stuNo from score
where score<60 and cNo='c004'
order by score desc
delete from score where stuNo='002' and cNo='c001'
1. “学习”二字出自我国的思想家、教育家孔子的“学而时习之”这句话。“学”就是效仿,即从别人或书本、环境、媒体等处获得知识、增长智慧等;“习”的原义是小鸟频频起飞,这里指从自身实践经验中获得知识技能等,如幼儿在挨烫后才知道热火炉不能摸,这是他习得的知识,而如果他从大人口中得知热火炉不能摸,这是学得的知识。上面是孔子所认为的学习,你心目中的学习是什么呢? 2. 每个人都可以对快乐赋予一个最基本的定义,而最终我们会提出这样一个问题:什么才是快乐?从古至今,每个人都有他自己的快乐:李白的快乐是写诗;易安的快乐是写词;屈原的快乐是用自己的一切行动报效祖国;姚明的快乐是打篮球。你的快乐是什么?是放风筝?踢足球?还是玩蹴鞠?而我要告诉你,我的快乐就是:学习。 3. 书本把语文丰富的知识都挥散出来,那些美丽的修辞方法,标点,符号,把语言的魅力,都挥放出来,让文章变得更加生动,豪迈。读《三国》体验到了诸葛亮的机智,智慧,刘,关,张的友谊,亲情。阅《水浒传》感受到了一百单八将的勇猛,宋江的谦逊,鲁智深的义气和武松的勇敢。赏《西游记》品到了孙悟空的神通广大,变化莫测,领略到了猪八戒的大智若愚,感受到了沙师弟的憨厚老实。 4. 虽然在学习的过程中会遇到许多不顺心的事,但古人说得好——吃一堑,长一智。多了一次失败,就多了一次教训;多了一次挫折,就多了一次经验。没有失败和挫折的人,是永远不会成功的。 5. 习是每个一个学生的职责,而学习的动力是靠自己的梦想,也可以这样说没有自己的梦想就是对自己的一种不责任的表现,也就和人失走肉没啥两样,只是改变命运,同时知识也不是也不是随意的摘取。要通过自己的努力,要把我自己生命的钥匙。 6. 学习,是每个学生每天都在做的事情,学生们从学习中获得大量的知识,但是,如果问起他们为什么要学习?为谁而学习?估计大多数学生都不知怎么回答,当你问一个高材生为什么让读书时,他也许会说为了不让别人看不起;当你问起一个学习成绩一般的学生,他也许会说为了不被父母责骂,也有可能会说为了不让父母失望;当你问起一个学习成绩不理想的学生,他有可能会说考得好可以得到父母的奖励 7. 学习会使你获得许多你成长所必需的“能源”,学习会给你带来更多的希望,学习会让你拥有更多的“资本”。但同时,学习也使你付出许多,其中包括你的努力、你的钻研、你的时光、你的心血和汗水等。 8. 学习就是一种会使你更快乐、生活质量更好、更有自尊、对社会贡献更大的一种素质提高过程。 9. 学习是把知识、能力、思维方法等转化为你的私有产权的重要手段,是“公有转私”的重要途径。你的一生,无法离开学习,学习是你最忠实的朋友,它会听你的召唤,它会帮助你走向一个又一个成功。 10. 学习是个人生存和发展的基本手段。人既是自然人,又是社会人,而人的本质在于人的社会性。自然人是婚姻的产物,社会人则是学习的产物。在学校里学习学科知识,你所获得的不单是学科知识,你还会获得做人的原则、知识运用的技巧、分析问题与解决问题的思维方式等。 11. 学习是件苦恼的事,每天两点一线,从学校到家里,日子过得平淡无奇,每天面临着大量的习题和作业,日久天长,学生对学习失去了兴趣,使我对学习产生了苦恼的感觉,但转念一想,我做为学生,主要任务就是学习,古人说:“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”,只有付出了努力,才会有成功!不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹,成功等于一份天赋加百分之九十九的努力,这样想来,我又埋头作学了起来。 12. 知识是智慧的火炬。 13. 读一书,增一智。 14. 不吃饭则饥,不读书则愚。 15. 世界上三种东西最宝贵——知识、粮食和友谊。