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Maria: He's very talented. 这个人很有才华。

Ezio: Immagino. (I guess.) 哦。

Maria: Self expression is vital to understanding and enjoying life. You should find an outlet. 表达自我对于理解和享受生活至关重要。你也应该找一个表达自我的方式。

Ezio: I have plenty of outlets. 我有很多表达自我的方式。

Maria: I meant besides vaginas. 〇道不算。

Ezio: Mother! 妈!




Ezio: Cristina... Cristina!

Cristina: Who's there? 是谁?

Ezio: Me! 是我!

Cristina: Ezio! I should have known. 我就知道。

Ezio: May I come in? 我可以进来吗?

Cristina: Fine. But only for a minute. 好吧。但是只给你一分钟。

Ezio: A minute is all I need. 一分钟足够了。

Cristina: Indeed. 是啊。

Ezio: Wait... that came out wrong. 等等……好像有哪里不对。



Ezio: Good morning, father. 早上好啊爸。

Giovanni: Come with me. 你给我过来。

Ezio: Is something wrong? 怎么了?

Giovanni: Do you think me blind and deaf, son? I know all about your fight with Vieri de' Pazzi last night. And then this little visit to Cristina! Your behavior is unacceptable! It... it... 儿啊你是不是当我又聋又瞎?你昨晚跟Vieri打架我都知道!然后又去找Cristina我也知道!你真是太不像话了!你……你……

Giovanni: It reminds me of myself when I was your age! 你特么就跟我小时候一模一样啊!



Man: Oi, where you goin', cully? 喂你往哪走啊傻吊?

Haytham: Me? 我吗?

Man: No. The other cock robin. 不是你还是谁?

Haytham: Well, I uh... I WAS leaving. 哦,我啊,那个,本来是要出去。

Man: Oh? And now? 哦?然后呢?

Haytham: Well, now... I'm going to feed you your teeth. 然后,我现在要把你的牙喂给你吃。

Kaniehtí:io: And you were worried I was going to be the problem. 亏你还担心我惹事来着。



Haytham: Hold a moment. Church, you clever bastard! 等一下。Church你个混账!

Connor: What is it? 怎么了?

Haytham: I was hoping I could wave you past the guards, but he's replaced most of them with men I don't know. Hmmm. Well I should be able to pass without arousing suspicion. But you... 我本来打算把你顺进去,谁知丫的把守卫都换成了我不认识的人。唔唔唔。我是可以大摇大摆走进去的。至于你嘛……

Connor: No. We do this together or not at all. 想都别想。这事要么咱俩一块干,要么都回家。

Haytham: Then what do you propose? 那你有什么好主意吗?

Connor: I will find a guard who is off duty and take his uniform. 我去找个不在岗上的守卫,偷他的衣服。

Haytham: Very well. I will wait here then. 好吧。那我在这等着。

Connor: Of course you will. 你当然要在这等着。

Haytham: Oh I'm sorry. Would you like me to come along and hold your hand, perhaps? Provide kind words of encouragement? 哦真不好意思。我是不是应该手把手带着你呀?还是要我说些鼓励的话?



Rebecca: You look weird with a weapon. 你耍武器的样子真搞笑。


Rebecca: Let's plant a little bug and see what we can see! Got something. Isabelle Ardant has a meeting here in a few hours. Doesn't say with who. 我来破解一下看看能挖到什么……有了。Isabelle几小时后要在这里开会。没说跟谁开。

Shaun: "Doesn't say with whom," Rebecca. 语法错了,Rebecca,应该是with whom而不是with who。


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Mario:No thing is ture ,and every thing is permitted,these are the words spoken by our ancestors that lay at the heart of our creed.

presenter:when other men blindly follow the truth,remember当其他人盲目的追寻真相的时候,记住--

Ezio:Nothing is ture万物皆虚

presenter:when other men are limited by of laws,remember当其他的人受到道德和法律的限制,记住--

Ezio:Everything is permitted.万事皆允

presenter:We work in the dark and serve the lights,we are assassins.我们在黑暗中工作,为光明服务,我们,是刺客。
这个贴子有中文全集视频 http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=793429684
