



一、成功是梯子,把手放在口袋里的人爬不上去,只有那些想爬上去的人才能到达顶峰,积极想做,而别人督促你做的动机是不一样的,将来,你一定会感谢你现在所做的努力。Success is a ladder. Those who put their hands in their pockets can't climb it. Only those who want to climb it can reach the peak and actively want to do it. The motivation others urge you to do is different. In the future, you will thank you for your efforts.

二、爱情是一个失踪的谜,等待我们去寻找,当你真的找到它时,你终于可以看到你生活的全貌。一切都结束了,不会再回来了,不会改变的。让昨天带走所有的痛苦,所有的疲倦,生活有起起落落,你不能失去任何东西。Love is a missing mystery, waiting for us to find it, when you really find it, you can finally see the whole picture of your life. It's all over, it won't come back, it won't change. Let yesterday take away all the pain, all the fatigue, all the ups and downs of life, you can't lose anything.

三、大多数关系都不是童话,没有完美的人,所以不要对一个人想太多。缺乏安全感是恋爱中常见的问题。彼此不要想得太差,时刻保持警惕。Most relationships are not fairy tales, there are no perfect people, so don't think too much about one person. Lack of security is a common problem in love. Don't think too badly about each other. Be vigilant all the time.

四、我记得你和我一辈子都在一起,从未分开过,但现在你走了,我不再是我以前唯一的一个了。在未来,恐怕你和我会像过路人一样。I remember you and I were together all your life and never separated, but now that you're gone, I'm not the only one I used to be. In the future, I'm afraid you and I will be like passers-by.

五、少说,怕后悔;多说,怕打扰。我喜欢你,四个字,恰到好处。无论人们被怎样的爱,他们都会怀念他们没有得到的爱。影响一个人的不是他们得到什么,而是他们不能得到什么。Say less, afraid of regret; Say more, afraid of disturbance. I like you, four words, just right. No matter how much people are loved, they will miss the love they did not get. What affects a person is not what they get, but what they can't get.

六、我想说的是一段永不分手的爱情,即使我们很忙,即使我们很累,只要我们相见就会温暖一个微笑。我们会继续的。我想谈一种永不破裂的爱。我们蹒跚而行,日落而下,白头发变老,我们沉浸在彼此之中。What I want to say is a love that never breaks up, even if we are busy, even if we are tired, as long as we meet, we will warm a smile. We will continue. I want to talk about a love that never breaks. We stumble, the sun goes down, the white hair grows old, and we immerse ourselves in each other.

七、生活不是获取,而是放手。无论是繁忙还是荒凉,不要对你所看到的景色太怀旧。毕竟,你必须继续前进。不管疼痛有多大,睡觉后都会忘记的。赶上昨天和明天将耗尽现在的每一刻。只有在行走时忘记,我们才能感受到每一种来到我们身边的幸福。Life is not acquiring, but letting go. Whether busy or desolate, don't be too nostalgic about what you see. After all, you have to move on. No matter how painful it is, it will be forgotten after sleep. Catching up with yesterday and tomorrow will exhaust every moment of the present. Only when we forget when we walk can we feel every happiness that comes to us.

八、如果你不能得到回应,你需要知道如何停止。不要对待每一种热情,不要取悦任何冷漠。一旦你保存了足够的失望,就离开。再也没有了,也没有友谊,也没有爱。If you can't get a response, you need to know how to stop. Don't treat every passion, don't please any indifference. Once you have saved enough disappointment, leave. No more, no friendship, no love.

九、当你完全有能力举起自己的时候,不要让别人把你打倒,乐观,保持积极的态度!无论生活中有多少起起落落,我都希望自己能逐渐成为一个可以不惊慌地处理事情的人,希望你也能。When you are fully capable of lifting yourself up, don't let others knock you down, be optimistic and keep a positive attitude! No matter how many ups and downs I have in my life, I hope I can gradually become a person who can handle things without panic. I hope you can do the same.

十、不要急于尽力而为,而是让自己变得越来越好!总会有人每天都会想起你,总会有人像你爱自己一样爱你。一个人生命中的灵魂伴侣就是你面前的那个,他可以是他自己最真实的人,生命是在寻找另一半。Don't rush to do your best, but make yourself better and better! There will always be people who think of you every day, and there will always be people who love you as much as you love yourself. The soul mate in a person's life is the one in front of you. He can be the most real person of himself. Life is looking for the other half.

十一、每个人都是一样的。如果他们受到更多的伤害,他们不会主动,不是因为他们不爱,而是因为他们很累。你说你会爱我一辈子,可是我真傻,居然忘了问:是这辈子还是下辈子。Everyone is the same. If they are hurt more, they will not take the initiative, not because they do not love, but because they are tired. You said you would love me for a lifetime, but I was so foolish that I forgot to ask: Is this life or the next life?

十二、过去的只能让你伤心,不能让你渴望它!每当你觉得自己能挺过去的时候,总会有人或事突然出现在你面前,告诉你你现在有多麻木。悲伤总是潜伏在幸福周围。它等待机会给你一根棍子。当你心跳的时候,你不能喊疼。The past can only make you sad, can't make you want it! Whenever you feel you can make it through, someone or something will suddenly appear in front of you and tell you how numb you are. Sadness always lurks around happiness. It waits for an opportunity to give you a stick. When your heart beats, you can't cry for pain.

十三、成熟是指你过去对大事多愁善感,但现在你可以独自面对,即使有成千上万的山川河流。有些路,你要独自走,这不是孤单,而是选择;后来发现不是所有的喜欢都会有结果,毕竟,要理解这是很难遇到的。Maturity means that you used to be sentimental about things, but now you can face them alone, even if there are thousands of rivers and mountains. Some roads, you have to walk alone, it is not lonely, but choice; later found that not all likes will have results, after all, to understand this is very difficult to meet.

十四、除了你的心跳,谁知道你的故事包含了多少快乐和悲伤?世界上最残酷的刑罚不是我对你的抱歉或憎恨,而是我们永远不能回头。Besides your heartbeat, who knows how much happiness and sadness your story contains? The cruelest punishment in the world is not that I am sorry or hate you, but that we can never turn back.


Only after traveling some roads can we know the hardship; only after climbing some mountains can we know the hardship; only after traveling some rivers can we know the trek; only after crossing some barriers can we know the transcendence

only after some things can we know the experience; only after reading some books can we know the wealth; only after a lifetime can we know the happiness. More happiness, less worry, tired to sleep, wake up to smile, how is life, put seasoning.


People will never grow old, only the face, but not everyone can get the fate of care, a person will die. Life is full of surprises everywhere. He knows not that you exist in the world, but he is ready to wait for you in advance. He traveled long distances, climbed high, not to be seen by the whole world, but to see the only you in the world.


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《夏洛特烦恼》经典语录台词《夏洛特烦恼》简介:  电影《夏洛特烦恼》改编自“开心麻花”同名舞台剧《夏洛特烦恼》,讲述了由沈腾饰演的夏洛在昔日暗恋的校花婚礼上大闹一场,当他醉倒睡着后梦到自己重回学生时代,追到校花,成为乐坛巨星,最后才发现身边的人都在利用他,只有妻子才是真正对自己好的人。影片不缺笑料,更不缺温情和怀旧,是一部会让人一边笑一边怀念青春的电影。《夏洛特烦恼》经典语录台词:哥,你找什么呢?爸帮你找!——《夏洛特烦恼》经典语录面里放茴香是希望在你厌倦的时候回想起我的好。——《夏洛特烦恼》经典语录我陪你去看天荒地老。——《夏洛特烦恼》经典语录只身赴宴鸡毛装,都是同学装鸡毛。——《夏洛特烦恼》经典语录我叫夏洛,我爸从我出生就下落不明了。——《夏洛特烦恼》经典语录我爸叫马冬,我一出生我爸就没了,就给我起个名字叫马冬梅。——《夏洛特烦恼》经典语录有些人缺铁,有些人缺钙,我缺的是面子。——《夏洛特烦恼》经典语录你看看你,穿的跟个鸡毛掸子似的。——《夏洛特烦恼》经典语录就你这成绩还能受影响?你的成绩还有下降空间吗?——《夏洛特烦恼》经典语录我把一切都给你,你把冬梅还给我。——《夏洛特烦恼》经典语录我看你是不是傻,难道就看着像吗?——《夏洛特烦恼》经典语录如果法律允许,我希望咱们三个人一起过日子!——《夏洛特烦恼》经典语录大春,以后能把秋裤穿秋衣里吗?不行,我妈说了肚脐眼不能着凉,容易拉稀

5、这都几点了,还不上菜,裤子都饿掉了,还好我系了裤 腰 带,哈哈..
天,感谢地。 本回答被网友采纳


