




今天比较闲,来整理下神族的台词,大概神族整个历史上都比较悲催,各种被人搞,明明是高级种族,自尊心爆棚的一群人,却天天艾尔日常沦陷,所以感觉所有P的台词都超级燃(而且有点中二),整理一点耳熟能详的兵种:1. It is said that ignorance is bliss. Tell me, is that true? ——Zealot为艾尔而战! /// My life for Aiur!正义得伸! /// Justice be done!我们是艾尔的利刃! /// We are the blades of Aiur!我们团结一致。 /// We stand as one.Na adan atum. /// Na adan atum.荣耀,指引我! /// Honor guides me.En taro Tassadar! /// En taro Tassadar!肝脑涂地。 /// By your will.为了阿塔尼斯! /// For Artanis!正义如剑! /// Blades of justice!誓不罢休。 /// It must be done.我们合力杀敌! /// We strike as one!我们的怒火无边。 /// Our fury is boundless.圣堂武士的力量无人可挡! /// None can withstand the templar!魂归……卡拉! /// Khala embrace me.2.Don't blink.... Or you''ll miss me. ——Stalker我从阴影中……降临。 /// I am here... In the shadows. 寒冷即是虚空。 /// Cold is the Void. 我是黑暗之心。 /// I am the heart of darkness.我是日蚀之音。 /// I am the voice of the eclipse.我们与阴影同体。 /// We are one with the shadows.今日……我可效命。 /// I serve... for now.我们来去无踪。 /// We move unseen.血债血偿。 /// For the reckoning.虚空在渴望…… /// The Void hungers....3. I hear an ancient voice whispering from the Void... and it chills my lightless heart. ——Dark Templar我从阴影中现身。 /// From the shadows, I come.(和尤达大师果然是一个老师教的)光影沐浴着我。 /// I bask in the twilight.恐惧只是幻想。 /// Fear is an illusion.黑暗在翻腾。 /// The darkness writhes.以虚空之名。 /// By the Void.我是萨古拉斯之刃! /// I am the blade of Shakuras!我只是个幻影…… /// I am but a phantom...黑暗降临! /// Darkness descends!我即是黑暗! /// I am the darkness!光影照耀着我们。 /// Twilight falls upon us all.4. Do you know what happens to a frog when it gets hit by lightning, hm? Same thing that happens to... Other... Stuff. ———High Templar既然如此,我服从。 /// Thus, I serve.你的种族……真是下等。 /// Yours is the inferior... Intellect.(这吐槽。。。Pimba。。)我们新无二致。 /// We are unanimous.团结就是力量。 /// In unity there is strength.(这力量是铁,这力量是钢。。。)同心协意,无往不利。 /// Together, we vanquish.驾驭闪电。 /// Ride the lightning.5. The second thing to go is your memory. I can't remember what the first thing is.——Immortal我回来效命。 /// I return to serve.我听到了战争的召唤。 /// I heed the call.我感到了你的存在。 /// I feel your presence.荣光永存。 /// Glory is eternal.我们的使命永不终止。 /// Our duty is unending.命中注定。 /// It is destined.聆听炮火的轰鸣。 /// Our cannons shall sing.怒火难平。 /// Fury unyielding.6.We push ourselves to the end. And when we reach it, we push farther. (Beat) So I guess that's not really "the end", is it?——Phoenix蓝天待我翱翔。 /// The skies await.我在群星间穿梭。 /// I stalk through the stars.我们的敌人潜伏在哪里? /// Where do our enemies lurk?折跃场准备就绪。 /// Warp field online.我渴望战斗。 /// I am eager to strike.展开审判的翅膀! /// On the wings of justice!我向往家园的苍穹。 /// I long for the skies of Aiur!我们将从灰烬中重生! /// We shall rise from the ashes!7.There is no greater void than the one between your ears. ——Void Ray棱镜核心已经点亮。 /// Prismatic core online.相位水晶充能完毕。 /// Phase-crystals charged.水晶充盈着仇恨! /// This vessel shall avenge!棱镜火力全开! /// We are at full power!艾尔之光喷薄而出。 /// Channel the light of Aiur.毁灭启动。 /// Annihilation commencing.光束锁定,灼烧开始! /// Lock beams and incinerate!棱镜光束定位中。 /// Prismatic beams aligning.棱镜核心破裂,我们需要支援! /// Prismatic core failing. We require assistance!命运的棱镜早已洞悉所有归途。 /// All paths are seen through the prism of fate.神圣的卡拉让我们意志相连。 /// Our wills are aligned through the holy Khala.心存绝望就永远看不破纷争。 /// Conflict must not be seen through the lens of desperation.My life for Aiur!
