Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous." When you're young, your whole life is about the pursuit of fun. Then, you grow up and learn to be cautious. You could break a bone or a heart. You look before you leap and sometimes you don't leap at all because there's not always someone there to catch you. And in life, there's no safety net. When did it stop being fun and start being scary?" "Maybe mistakes are what make our fate... without them what would shape our lives? Maybe if we had never veered off course we wouldn't fall in love, have babies, or be who we are. After all things change, so do cities, people come into your life and they go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart... and if you're very lucky, a plane ride away" "Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they just need to run free til they find someone just as wild to run with them." "You men have no idea what we're dealing with down there. Teeth placement, and jaw stress, and suction, and gag reflex, and all the while bobbing up and down, moaning and trying to breathe through our noses. Easy? Honey, they don't call it a job for nothin'."
《欲望都市》(Sex and the City)的首播似乎还在昨天,这部20年前的限制级浪漫喜剧真实地展现了女人间讨论时尚、性经验、约会和子女教育等的现象,为影集及电视剧的黄金时段奠定了良好的基本盘。今天(2018 年 6 月 6 日)是《欲望都市》的首播 20 周年,《Vogue》为大家整理了凯莉布雷萧 Carrie Bradshaw、米兰达霍布斯 Miranda Hobbes、莎曼珊琼斯 Samantha Jones、和夏绿蒂约克 Charlotte York 的 5 件经典台词以及它们教会我们的事。
「长得太好看的男人在床上的表现绝对很糟,因为他们从来不需要表现。」(Men who are too good looking are never good in bed because they never had to be)—— Carrie Bradshaw
经典场景:Samantha 准备在情趣用品店买按摩棒
《欲望都市》无拘束的幽默感让它成为 1990 年代最成功的剧集。剧中的四位女主角在分享与男人的交往过程时谈吐开放、毫不委婉,这证明了女人同样需要性生活,且她们毫不介意公开谈论此事。从 3P 到高潮再到按摩棒,毫无禁忌的话题让《欲望都市》在短短几年间成为了几代人追捧且名副其实的欲望手册。
「我对某个东西上了瘾… 昂贵的鞋子。」(I have this little substance abuse problem… Expensive footwear.)—— Carrie Bradshaw
经典场景:Carrie 偷瞄《Vogue》美国办公室的大衣橱
第一女主角 Carrie Bradshaw 对时尚有着无条件的热爱,她独特的风格影响了全世界的千万粉丝。这份追求时尚的精神也正是《欲望都市》的主旨与灵魂。这位纽约人甚至还把被遗忘多年的时尚潮流再次带起,从 Ray-Ban 的墨镜到 1990 年代的 Gucci 经典腰包,再到第一季出现的透明鞋(例如Off-White)。
「我们很早之前就有了约定,男人,孩子,都不重要。我们是灵魂伴侣。」(We made a deal ages ago, men, babies, it doesn’t matter. We’re soul mates.)—— Samantha Jones
经典场景:Carrie 在前往巴黎前和好友们在餐厅告别
在《欲望都市》播出前,我们从未在屏幕上看过像 Carrie Bradshaw 等人一样无拘无束的朋友党。Carrie Bradshaw 是两性专栏作家,Charlotte York 是向往爱情的画廊老板,Miranda Hobbes 是思想独立、愤世嫉俗的律师,Samantha Jones 则是公关主管,在《欲望都市》里,她们的生活围绕着吃饭、喝酒、购物和讨论男人的话题。当有四个死党时,谁还会需要男人?就像 Charlotte 在第一季里说的:「可能女性朋友是灵魂伴侣,男人只是玩伴而已」(Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and guys are just people to have fun with)。
「到了四十的男人有如《纽约时报》的周末字谜,困难又复杂,你永远都不知道自己有没有答对。」(Men in their forties are like the New York Times Sunday crossword puzzle: tricky, complicated, and you’re never really sure you got the right answer.)-Carrie Bradshaw
经典场景:Carrie 和 Mr.Big 的低调婚礼
《欲望都市》同时也在讲述一个爱情故事,围绕着 Carrie 和 Mr.Big。从第一季到最后一季,他们的罗曼史一直被 Carrie 用不同的方式记载着。从专栏到出版书,他们的恋情一直都是 Carrie 写作的中心点。他们曲折离奇的恋爱过程涵盖了几乎所有情侣都可能遇到的状况:一见钟情、性生活、正式情侣关系的建立、结婚、离婚。在剧集的最后,四位死党深知爱情这种东西,可遇不可求。 也许你的下一位真命天子就在转角处,爱情有时候会以你意想不到的方式发芽着,无论年纪多大都要在欲望都市里尽情享受。而我们从《欲望都市》里学到最重要的事情就是无论你是二十出头,三十岁还是已满四十,无论你在恋爱或者是单身,最重要的,还是要爱自己。
「我知道我不应该讲这些话,但是我还是要讲出来,我爱你,但是我更爱自己。」(I’m just going to say the thing you’re not supposed to say. I love you, but I love me more.)- Samantha Jones
1998 年 HBO 发行了一部新影集讲述了一帮爱聊「性」的好友。看似很平常,只不过这一次的好友成员全为女生,让《欲望都市》成为 90 年代最突破传统的剧集。特别是职业女性这一个角色,在那之前许多的电视影集都未曾深入讲述过,也是那个年代许多电视剧都不敢尝试的切角,继 1980 年代女总裁的角色在屏幕上出现后,《欲望都市》的四位主角都是拥有高社会地位的职业女性,Carrie 是知名记者、Miranda 是位律师、Samamtha 是公关主管、Charlotte 拥有一家画廊,对于 90 年代的观众来说,这是一部非常开明的电视影集。
欲望都市可以说是一部适合且仅适合女性的剧了 如果你看美剧还抱着一点学英语的想法 那你会发现仅仅是话痨Carrie一个人每集的独白就有很大的信息量了 这部剧简直是金句遍地 而且男生没办法从中学英语 因为整个剧都是女性视角 用词都是很女性化的 男生学了就变娘p了
You can stay here, with your boxes of shit, and your shoe-eating dog. And you can knock yourself off putting on the rogaine and the speedstick
Carriehttps://www.zhihu.com/video/1066122511393218560Charlotte’s white knight became a white nightmare
That’s the thing about needs, sometimes when you get them met...you don’t need them anymore.
What do you want
What do you see in that guy?
He knows when to say goodbye
Carrie&Bighttps://www.zhihu.com/video/1066124569223499776But for Miranda. An open-door dump was definitely worth duming someone over
Mirandahttps://www.zhihu.com/video/1066125099198881792They practically chased me like I was Fuckenstein.
They’re jealous, dried up old farts who haven’t had sex since Eisenhower.
It’s my week between waxes. I have three errands of hairs and the asshole thinks I’m George of the Jungle.
You should see the bush on him. I need a weed whacker just to find his dick.
还有就是一些对于欧美女性的常识 对于中国女性的未知
1.姨妈期不只有卫生巾这一个选择 还有卫生棉条 游泳洗澡都能戴 当然里边没介绍的还有月亮杯menstral cup 不过美国以棉条为主流 一般都是tampax丹碧丝这个牌子
2.欧美女性有性生活的没有不刮毛的 男的也刮 她们一般用蜡纸,脱毛膏或者好用不伤皮肤的手动刮毛刀(电动的就算了刮不干净 现在你该明白了暮光之城里Bella在和Edward上床之前为什么在浴室大动干戈的准备了吧 一般性生活前都是要刮一遍体毛的 游泳或者去海边玩之前一定要进行bikini wax 不然对于欧美人来说 带着体毛穿比基尼是很尴尬的 如果没来的及刮毛那女生必须要在bikini外套一条泳装短裤 不然很不雅
3.艾滋病检查在美国是再平常不过的事了 只要有性生活必须得定期检查 但在中国就很落后