



开头的是新的神曲 狐狸叫 不过估计是他们改过的DJ版本 然后是女神本色I Knew You Were Trouble三合一(Dj小冰开场版)女Mashup 接着应该是这个不会错了不过也有修改的Day After Day - Millennium Club 6分钟左右那边 女生有 那那那那的那个 最后的着实找不到


Hermes House Band - I Love You Baby

推荐几部能让平静的夜晚变得思潮起伏的电影原声乐,它们曾经让我在熬夜写稿时得以坚持下来,继续幸福地生活而没有翘掉。(我在网上随便搜了链接可以试听下,但版本很可能不好,有心人还是自己找一找下载源)1,《教父》原声乐:http://www.ttost.com/the-godfather-ost.html带有西西里风情而又大气磅礴、哀而不伤的背景乐,完全和电影主题合体,起伏的大时代、压抑着的激情。经典中的经典,我再次强调:经典中的经典!2,《美国往事》原声乐:美国往事原声专辑这是绝对不能错过的电影原声!!!!充满了怀旧感的主旋律醉人心魄、荡气回肠。对于动听的音乐,我的形容词很匮乏。3,《勇敢的心》原声乐:http://www.ttost.com/the-godfather-ost.html老实说这部电影我倒没特别觉得好到它被宣扬的地步(当然那是苏菲玛索最美的年华),但配乐算得牛B了。清亮的苏格兰风笛徐徐响起,和主旋律交相回旋的时候,很优美很动听。4,《燃情岁月》(秋日传奇)http://www.1ting.com/album/d8/album_53014.html主旋律从恬静慢慢升至激昂,再转到悲情、叹婉,听的时候常想起海子那句诗:黄昏华美而无上。5,《天使之城》:天使之城电影原声这也是一部电影本身不见得特别出彩但但配乐惊喜的电影。前面推荐基本是纯音乐,这盘电影原声里有很多歌,尤推这首angel Angel-SARAH MCLACHLAN,AngelMV,Angel高品质音乐下载 _百度音乐 ,清灵的女声、优美的旋律,初听时惊为天籁。6,国内电影推荐《东邪西毒》【东邪西毒】全部歌曲试听我始终觉得这是国内最好的电影配乐,悲壮苍茫中忽而缥缈如泣,我自己最喜欢《天地孤影任我行》(后来都快被武侠电影用烂了)和《尘归尘土归土》两曲。7,花样年华【花样年华 原声大碟】全部歌曲试听花样年华别出心裁地在旧上海背景里混搭了西班牙爵士乐配曲,效果出人意料地好,当然传得最开的还是那首Quizas Quizas Quizas。不得不说,王家卫在这上面还是有两手的。以上是我听得最重复多的,待想到了再补充。

是不是这个《I Knew You Were Trouble》
歌手: Taylor Swift
所属专辑:《Red (Deluxe Version)》
I Knew You Were Trouble
Taylor Swift
Once upon a time, a few mistakes ago,
I was in your sights, you got me all alone.
You found me.
You found me.
You found me.
I guess you didn't care, and I guess I liked that,
And when I fell hard, you took a step back.
Without me
Without me
Without me
And he's long gone, when he's next to me,
And I realize the blame is on me.
'Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in.
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been.
So you put me down.
Oh, I knew you were trouble when you walked in.
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been.
Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground.
Oh, Oh
Trouble, Trouble, Trouble.
Oh, Oh
Trouble, Trouble, Trouble.
No apologies, he'll never see you cry,
Pretends he doesn't know that he's the reason why.
You're drowning
You're drowning
You're drowning
Now I heard you moved on, from whispers on the street,
A new notch in your belt is all I'll ever be.
And now I see,
Now I see,
Now I see.
He was long gone when he met me,
And I realize the joke is on me.
I knew you were trouble when you walked in,
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been,
So you put me down.
Oh, I knew you were trouble when you walked in,
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been,
Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground.
Oh, Oh
Trouble, Trouble, Trouble.
Oh, Oh
Trouble, Trouble, Trouble.
And the saddest fear, comes creeping in,
That you never loved me, or her, or anyone, or anything, yeaaaa.
I knew you were trouble when you walked in,
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been,
So you put me down.
Oh I knew you were trouble when you walked in knew right there
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been.
Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground.
Oh, Oh
Trouble, Trouble, Trouble.
Oh, Oh
Trouble, Trouble, Trouble.
I knew you were trouble when you walked in.
Trouble, trouble, trouble.
I knew you were trouble when you walked in.
Trouble, trouble, trouble.

楼主吖 ,请叫我雷锋。。。 那首歌名 叫 pina colada boy
望采纳 谢谢!

pina colada boy



