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乌合之众英文经典语录,乌合之众 语录,乌合之众经典语录解读

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具体心结我不说了,你要是乔丹迷就应知道他和穆托姆博之间的事,大概是后者故意犯规想激怒乔丹,但乔丹走到罚球线是,对后者轻蔑的说:I’ll show you!之后闭眼罚进得球

乌合之众 经典语录

乌合之众 语录

回答全文引用亚马逊http://www.amazon.cn/dp/B00OTEQF9I/ref=cm_sw_r_si_2_dp_7Dygxb1EN7GED 乌合之众:大众心理研究 Kindle电子书古斯塔夫.勒庞 (作者), 冯克利 (译者) 的评论译文口语化偏重可能是部分读者不喜欢的原因,不过翻译质量还是过硬的, 2016年3月28日评论者 daizhou007评论的商品: 乌合之众:大众心理研究 (Kindle电子书)首先回应目前最佳评价“翻译差劲”,提到冯克利将“acquired or artificial prestige is much the most common”翻译为“先天的或人为的名望更为常见的”,评论者认为 acquired应翻译为“后天获得的”。我在英文原文第二卷第三章第三点“prestige”找到该句。在此句之前有如下这段话,“The various kinds of prestige may be grouped under two principal heads: acquired prestige and personal prestige. Acquired prestige is that resulting from name, fortune, and reputation. It may be independent of personal prestige. Personal prestige, on the contrary, is something essentially peculiar to the individual; it may coexist with reputation, glory, and fortune, or be strengthened by them, but it is perfectly capable of existing in their absence.”英文描述acquired prestige是通过称号,财富和名誉获得的,而personal prestige则可以脱离这些而独立存在。那么试问,假如acquired prestige翻译为“后天获得的名望”,那么personal prestige该如何翻译?之所以有挺多对译文质量较低的评价,个人认为,其中一点可能是因为冯克利译文的口语化比较严重。例如第一卷第一章第一段,英文原文如下:“In its ordinary sense the word "crowd" means a gathering of individuals of whatever nationality, profession, or sex, and whatever be the chances that have brought them together. From the psychological point of view the expression "crowd" assumes quite a different signification. Under certain given circumstances, and only under those circumstances, an agglomeration of men presents new characteristics very different from those of the individuals composing it. The sentiment and ideas of all the persons in the gathering take one and the same direction, and their conscious personality vanishes. A collective mind is formed, doubtless transitory, but presenting very clearly defined characteristics. The gathering has thus become what, in the absence of a better expression, I will call an organised crowd, or, if the term is considered preferable, a psychological crowd. It forms a single being, and is subjected to the law of the mental unity of crowds.”冯克利译文:从平常的含义上说,“群体”一词是指聚集在一起的个人,无论他们属于什么民族,职业或性别,也不管是什么事情让他们走到了一起。但是从心理学的角度看,“群体”一词却有着完全不同的重要含义。在某些既定的条件下,并且只有在这些条件下,一群人会表现出一些新的特点,它非常不同于组成这一群体的个人所具有的特点。聚集成群的人,他们的感情和思想全都转到同一个方向,他们自觉的个性消失了,形成了一种集体心理。它无疑是暂时的,然而它确实表现除了一些非常明确的特点。这些聚集成群的人进入一种状态,因为没有更好的说法,我姑且把它称为一个组织化的群体,或换个也许更为可取的说法,一个心理群体。它形成了一种独特的存在,受群体精神统一律的支配。找来2016年译林出版社陈剑翻译的《乌合之众:大众心理研究(法语直译版,独家收录《论自愿为奴》) (译林人文精选)》做对比,相应译文如下:从普通意义上说,群体这个词指的是任意个体的聚集,不管他们属于什么国籍、职业或性别,也不管他们因为什么缘故而聚集在一起。从心理学角度来看,群体这个词却有着别样的含义。在一些特定的情况下,而且只在这些情况下,一群聚集的人会表现出一些全新的特点,截然有别于构成这群人的个体所具有的特点。他们的个体意识消失了,群体中每个人的思想感情都倾向同一个方向。集体心理由此形成,尽管短暂易变,但具有鲜明的特征。这种集体性于是成为了——若找不到更确切的表达,我姑且称之为——有组织的群体,或者叫做心理群体,亦未尝不可。它形成一种独特的存在,服从于群体精神统一性的法则。以第一句分析,In its ordinary sense the word "crowd" means a gathering of individuals of whatever nationality, profession, or sex, and whatever be the chances that have brought them together,后续译文可自行比较。“ordinary sense”,本版翻译为“普通意义”,冯版翻译为“平常的含义”,前者术语意味更浓些,冯版反而显得口语化。“nationality“,本版翻译为“国籍”,冯版翻译为“民族”,勒庞写作本书的时间为1896年,当时欧洲盛行民族主义,国籍反而不太重要,所以冯版翻译此处更佳。“whatever be the chances”,本版翻译为“因为什么缘故”,冯版翻译为“是什么事情让”,前者译文更加贴合原意,后者则有些随性。“brought them together”,本版翻译为“聚集在一起”,冯版翻译为“走到了一起”,依然是前者术语化,后者口语化。如此比较,冯克利译文口语化偏重的特点就更加明显了。至于口语化的好坏,还看读者自己口味,只不过现在看来有挺多读者不喜欢。-------------------------------------------------------我是分割线-----------------------------------------kindle版《乌合之众》小评和评分,详细情况可参看评论权威版本:1)冯克利,《乌合之众:大众心理研究》,中央编译出版社,2014-04,9/10可重点阅读译者前言《民主直通独裁的心理机制》2)冯克利,《乌合之众:大众心理研究(理想国) (人文精选)》,广西师范大学出版社,2015-01,9/10除了将译者前言改成了译者后记,和中央编译出版社版本别无二致新版:3)陈剑,《乌合之众:大众心理研究(法语直译版,独家收录《论自愿为奴》) (译林人文精选)》,译林出版社,2016-01,9/10更符合当下学术规范,译文质量优秀,各新译文版本中最值得推荐4)秦传安,《乌合之众:大众心理研究》,哈尔滨出版社,2011-05,8/10译文文笔出众,可当作冯版的润色加强版5)秦传安,《乌合之众》,现代出版社,2016-01,8/10同上,别无二致6)刘君狄,《乌合之众:大众心理研究》,中国纺织出版社,2012-04,7/10译文质量中上7)胡小跃,《乌合之众(法文原版中译本)(果麦经典)》,浙江文艺出版社,2015-06,7/10没有大突破,部分内容尚待改进8)何丽,《乌合之众》,民主与建设出版社,2014-01,6/10中规中矩,还停留在冯版的框架下9)王浩宇,《乌合之众:大众心理研究》,北京联合出版公司,2016-01,5/10缺少作者前言,译文质量勉强及格简化版:10)周婷,《心理学课堂.3,乌合之众:大众心理研究》,新世界出版社,2014-02,5/10若是只想在人前装13,可参考此白话文简化版抄袭版,0/10:11)宇琦,《乌合之众:大众心理研究》,湖南文艺出版社,2011-07抄袭冯版,偶尔改改句式12)波洛,《乌合之众:大众心理研究》,中国华侨出版社,2013-08几乎完整抄袭冯版13)张倩倩,《乌合之众:群体时代的大众心理(带注释,插图典藏版) (慢读系列)》,北京联合出版公司,2016-02抄袭8)何丽版本,倒也增加了几张插图简化抄袭版,-10/10:14)戴光年,《乌合之众:大众心理研究》,新世界出版社,2010-07无作者前言和导言,将一整段文字分割为多个短句,第二章结尾部分出现抄袭现象,自第四章开始,抄袭更加明显。若是抄袭,也罢,好歹给个全本,别缩水呀;15)戴光年,《乌合之众 (社会学经典名著)》新世界出版社,2011-06同上,改了封面,别无二致16)戴光年,《乌合之众:大众心理研究(中英双语)》,武汉出版社,2012-06增加了英语译文,中文译文没有任何修改链接:http://www.amazon.cn/gp/customer-reviews/R3S8V3VZBA2SOF/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_viewpnt?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00OTEQF9I#R3S8V3VZBA2SOF-----------------------------------------------------------------------很详细的评论,说的很有道理,可以参考。


"I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying." -- by Michael Jordan (我可以接受失败 但我不能接受放弃——迈克儿·乔丹)乌合之众的经典句子。

  I can accept failure。 but I can't accept not trying。 我可以接受失败,但我无法接受从不去尝试。 I'm back。 我回来了。 I play to win, whether during practice or a real game。   And I will not let anything get in the way of me and my competitive enthusiasm to win。 不论是在练习或真正比赛,我打球就是要获胜。我不会让任何事情阻碍我及我竞赛求赢之狂热。   I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come。 I don't do things half-heartedly (半心半意)。   Because I know if I do, then I can expect (预期) half-hearted results。 I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed。   我一生中有多次的挫败,但这却是我成功的原因。 I've missed (错过) more than 9000 shots (投篮) in my career (职业生涯中)。 I've lost (输掉) almost 300 games。   26 times, I've been trusted (信赖) to take the game winning shot and missed。 I've reached the pinnacle of my career。   I just feel that I don't have anything else to prove。 我已到达生涯的顶点。我只是觉得没有什麽其他的可证明了。 If someone gets the best of me, I try not to let that happen again。   如果有人超越我,我试着不会让它再发生。 If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome。   如果你接受别人的期待,尤其是负面的预期,那麽你决不会想去改变结果。 If you're trying to achieve (有所成就), there will be roadblocks (路障)。 I've had them; everybody has had them。   But obstacles (障碍物) don't have to stop you。 If you run into a wall, don't turn around (掉头) and give up。 Figure out (弄清楚) how to climb it, go through it, or work around it。   Just play。 Have fun。 Enjoy the game。 Life is often compared to a marathon, but I think it is more like being a sprinter; long stretches of hard work punctuated by brief moments in which we are given the opportunity to perform at our best。   人生常被比喻为马拉松,但是我认为人生比较像短跑员;长期努力工作一段时间后,在短暂的瞬间内有机会表现出自己的极致。 My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength。   我的人生态度是你若一直攻击我的弱点,那麽我会将此被觉察到的短处转变成优点。 My body could stand the crutches but my mind couldn’t stand the sideline。 我的身体可以忍受靠着拐杖行走,但我的内心无法忍受不能上场比赛。   Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships。 天赋才能赢得比赛,但团队合作与智慧赢得冠军。 The game is my wife。 It demands loyalty and responsibility, and it gives me back fulfillment and peace。   球赛像是我的老婆。需要对她忠诚与负责任,而她则会回报我自我实现的满足感与平静。 The game will never be the same。 没有一场球赛是相同的。 There is only one person who can define success in your life -- and that's you。   只有一个人能界定你一生的成就 – 那就是你自己。 To be successful you have to be selfish (自私), or else (否则) you never achieve (成就)。 And once (一旦) you get to your highest level (水平;等级), then you have to be unselfish (无私心)。   Stay (保持) reachable (平易近人)。 Stay in touch。 Don't isolate (孤立)。 When I step onto (踏进) the court (球场), I'm ready to play。   If you're going up against (对抗) me, you'd better be ready。 If you're not going to compete (竞争), l will dominate (主宰) you。  关于乌合之众的名言。


乌合之众英文经典语录 。

乌合之众 经典语录。

I've never been afraid to fail乌合之众 语录。





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