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五一假期:May Day Holiday
在五一假期期间:During May Day Holiday
五一纪念歌曲:May Day Memorial Song
On the eve of May Day in 1921, workers learned to sing the May Day Memorial Song at Changxindian Labor Tuition School, founded by Deng Zhongxia, a member of the Communist group in Beijing. Its lyrics are: "Beautiful freedom, world stars, fight my blood, sacrifice for him, to sweep away all the power system, remember the good day of May 1.
Red flags fly, take the bright road, do their best, take what they need, regardless of wealth or wealth, responsibility is mutual assistance, I hope you all strive to forge ahead. This magnificent and powerful song was created by the teachers of Changxindian Labor Practice School and the progressive students of Peking University.
In July 1889, the Second International Congress led by Engels was held in Paris. The meeting adopted a resolution stipulating that international workers should hold a parade on May 1, 1890, and decided to designate May 1 as International Labor Day.
The State Council of the Central People's Government made a decision in December 1949 to designate May 1 as Labor Day. Since 1989, the State Council has basically commended the national model workers and advanced workers every five years, with about 3,000 people at a time.
春天来了 春天到了,春天到了,一切都像刚刚睡醒,欣欣然张开了眼,春回大地,万象更新。春姑娘也迈着轻盈的脚步,悄悄的来到了人间。当你察觉到她的到来时,她以把每个角落都印上了色彩—粉色,黄色,红色,当然更多的是绿色了。 你看那路两旁的树木,都滋除了嫩芽,深处了小叶,在微风中点头。嫩绿嫩绿的垂柳在河边微微浮动着,惹人喜爱。公园里的花朵也都争先恐后的开了,有红色,白色,蓝色,紫色,黄色&hllip;&hllip;红得像火,白的像雪,蓝的像大海,紫的像&hllip;&hllip;万紫千红,五彩缤纷。瞧!那淘气的小草也偷偷地从地理窜了出来。 那看那是什么?满身是黑,头的两侧还摸着红脸蛋呢,尾巴像一把剪刀,你知道是什么了么?对,就是燕子。它们都是从南方飞回来的,我想:它们一定是觉得这里的春天比南方的春天美丽,所以才飞来的把! 当你来到学校的时候,你会看到将桌上的一本本书,这些书里一定有很多的知识在等待着我们呢! 我爱春天,因为春天是那样的美丽,是那样的春光明媚!春天是一位童话里的仙女,春天是一位画家,春天更是一位魔术师!
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五一假期 International Workers' Day holiday
在五一假期期间during International Workers' Day holiday