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Following my heart I am republican, following my mind I don't want a republic as of today. First let me clear up something…
Republics Are As Old As Monarchies
Spaniards and Britons don't still support monarchies, republics are just as old as monarchies. I don't know why many people seem to believe a monarchy is something ancient and a republic is modern. The Romans had a republic and the ancient Athenians too, and the Carthaginians… In fact most Mediterranean ancient states were republics not monarchies. Because the Mediterranean was an urban region with permanent settlements, and good infrastructure that thrived on trade and agriculture. This means:
· It had strong public institutions. Rich agriculture leads to permanent settlements, permanent settlements need advanced legal codes and well established institutions to keep them. And strong institutions make way to construction/infrastructure.
· It had powerful oligarchs. Stable public institutions in old times tended to be built on a balance of powers, too much power in one person leads to that person breaking the law which leads to conflict and instability. If there are many, the chances of one amassing enough power to take out the others is less likely, so more stable. Furthermore the Mediterranean sea and infrastructure meant thriving trade which means power is based on wealth, so any person from any background can rise to power with wealth meaning power is bound to be shared.
Powerful oligarchs and stable institutions lead to republican systems such as Rome and the Senate. Or Carthage and their council or most Iberian city-states were also republics. The republic is not some modern creation from justice, it is just as old as the monarchy. In fact Rome went from monarchy to republic to monarchy (empire) again. Why? Because the sources of power changed, first when Rome was a warring city state trying to annex her neighbors, armies made power, so there was a monarch; when Rome became a mercantile power, wealth made power, oligarchs appeared and they overthrew the king, Rome was a republic. When Rome's expansion generated powerful generals, Civil Wars started and those powerful generals became dictators (such as Marius, Sulla…), eventually Julius Caesar and his nephew Octavian got the army in their pockets and the monarchy was re-established as an empire. If power resides in the defence, generals are the ones in control so monarchies are more suited, when power resides in trade, wealthy oligarchs appear so republics are more suited, there's nothing modern about a republic.
Modern Republicanism
The republic in modern times was brought back by the French Revolution and the enlightenment which also inspired the American independence war. Modern republicanism has taken the banner of democracy and is based on rational ideals of justice, citizenship and freedom. That's thanks to the French 18th century writers followed by the popular revolution.
This makes people believe republics are sources of justice and freedom while monarchies are just a remnant of an obsolete pre-existing thought. This is absolutely ignorant.
The same way the French dressed the republic (until then a system of oligarchs and internal struggle) with the Enlightenment’s democratic clothes, other countries like Britain or Spain dressed the monarchy (a system of warlords and war) in democracy's clothes. BOTH are sources of justice and freedom equally because both have been re-made to be that. The republic was not democratic before the French made it. The Roman republic was a corrupt state of powerful senators (oligarchs).
· Out of the top 15 democracies, 11 are monarchies! Among them Spain or Britain. Why should those 2 monarchies give up their better working democracy to copy France or the US which rank substantially lower?
I'm not saying the monarchy is inherently better, some republics like Germany rank higher than Britain or Spain. I am just saying the monarchy is provenly not worse.
Why do these 2 have monarchies?
· Spain
Spain has had 2 republics, both an absolute calamity. Spain is a Mediterranean country, we are hot-headed cultures which cannot address issues in a cool way. Any issue like Catalonia's for example proves this and this has happened many times including in both republics with other issues. For example the 2nd Republic’s government killed anarchist protestors out of rage at the movement.
When the system is a monarchy, there is a central neutral institution safe-guarding the core principles. That is what happens in Spain and that is the role of the crown. When Spain has been a republic, either political side has believed itself entitled to overthrow the institutions when they were under the opposition's control. In the 1st Republic federalists declared a middle size town a “state” and made war on the central government for not recognising that town as a state of some fantasy federation they imagined Spain was. This is the nonsense that goes on in Spain when a republic is proclaimed, parties think they are above the institutions. In the 2nd Republic the government killed protestors, the opposition attempted several coups, the labour unions were extremely hypocritical and politicised, the losing party didn't let the winners take all the offices, and ultimately parties said if they didn't win it was not valid. This is the lack of respect that political forces have for the institutions in every republic Spain has had.
Italy and Greece have this character too, but there is a difference: they don't give a damn about politics. Italians are absolutely apathetic to their own government, they have no interest in it, they mistrust it and they vote for any candidate that stands out. Spaniards take lots of interest in politics and the outcome is very different. The Italian republic is sustained on corruption and apathy, the Spanish republic was unsustainable.
I want a republic, I want a mature republic in which parties respect the constitution and institutions. As a Spaniard I know that is just impossible at least for now, and I have no intention of throwing my country into a far worse system because someone somewhere thinks a republic is an inherent source of justice and freedom. It is not. Spanish republicans think republic means their party is in power, they don't realise in a republic our government is the exact same as in a monarchy, just with a politician with a certain ideology defending the institutional order instead of a neutral king.
· Britain
The British is a culture that refuses to adopt structural change.
They are in favour of progress for the most part, but they refuse to say their way is fundamentally wrong and needs to be replaced. Not the monarchy in particular, anything. The house of lords, the lack of a constitution, the functioning of the institutions according to the traditional uses and manners.