我们提到滑动窗口(slide window ) 指的是发送方维护的窗口:窗口的左侧是:“成功发送、并已经被接收方确认的字节序列号”窗口的右侧是:“ 我方(发送方)目前可以发送的最大字节序列号”Window size = 窗口右侧 - 窗口左侧这个window size 就是接收方告诉我方(发送方)的大小,我们一般称之为 advertised window size 。由于窗口的左侧会一直向右移动(因为成功发送的数据字节序列号一直在变大),相应的窗口右侧也会向右移动(水涨船高),所以称这种动态的窗口为滑动窗口。当滑动窗口的左侧与右侧完全重合,则意味着接收方通告我方(发送方)的 window size = 0 ,我方就要暂时停止数据的发送。直到对方TCP buffer有空余的空间,告诉我方新的 window size,或者我方主动去查询是否可以发送数据。我们以上谈的都是发送窗口,有没有接收窗口呢?一个TCP接收方接收到一个TCP segment,如何知道这个segment 是属于哪个session ? 这个segment 是否合法?第一个问题很简单,根据五元组,很容易区分属于哪个session,然后就不分青红皂白接受了吗?不是!需要检查其合法性,checksum 校验、长度检查、状态位检查等,我们称这些校验为 sanity check。还需要校验segment 的sequence number (序列号)以及 acknowledge number是否合法,至少sequence number 应该位于一个框架内,大了越界非法,小了越界也非法,都会被丢弃。只有这个框架内segment才会接收(同时考虑 acknowledge number 合法)这个框架就是接收方用于检查segment 是否合法的一个重要手段!同理对于 acknowledge number 也界内检查合法性,越界丢弃,界内接收(同时考虑 sequence number 合法)。试想如果不进行这两者的检查,任何第三方都可以伪造一个segment,用于Reset 这个工作正常的 TCP session,这显然很不安全。而有了这两项检查,伪造工作难度大大提高,因为 Initial sequence number 是动态随机的,伪造一个能骗过接收方的segment 需要的是运气!
给你两篇吧,都非原创但我看了还不错,如果你想要原创的等我给你写。【一】There are many ways of transportations currently. Such as taxi,bus,bicycle.... However,every kind of transportation has its own pros and cons. For instance, travelling by bicycle is a good type of exercise, it helps us to maintain a healthy body, however it is also dangerous to ride a bicycle on the busy roads, also it will take us a long time to get to a place far away. Well taxi is a better option as it is convenient and relatively affordable. However it is difficult to get a taxi during the rush hour. Bus is very convinient, cheap and punctual, but sometimes there is no bus service going to the place we want to get to. Therefore, I think we should choose the type of transportation wisely depending on our destinations.【二】Train Travel Air TravelAir travel has two advantages over train travel. First, it can save much time.We can fly from Beijing to Guangzhou jusi in two hours, but by train, we have to spend 24 hours or more. Second, air travel is more comfortable, because the plane flies so smoot qly that we can rest well during the trip, while the train is crowded sometimes and passengers have to sit for a long time, which makes them tired. But train travel also has its advantages. For example, traveling by train costs only 250 yuan while traveling by air will cost 900 yuan.Besides this, outside of the train's windows, we can enjoy the views of many big cities, such as Zhengzhou, Wuhan,ad Changsha.So I think different people like different ways of traveling. 坐火车旅行还是乘飞机旅行乘飞机旅行比坐火车旅行有两大优点。第一,可以节约时间。从北京到广州乘飞机只用两个小时,而坐火车需要二十四个小时甚至更多。第二,乘飞机更舒适。飞机飞得很平稳,我们可以休息得很好;而火车有时很拥挤,而且要坐好长时间,容易疲劳。但是坐火车旅行也有它的优点。例如,坐火车旅行只花250元而乘飞机则需900元。除此之外,透过火车的窗口,我们可以欣赏郑州、武汉和长沙等大城市的风光。所以我认为不同的人喜欢不同的旅行方式。透过窗口说说 。