一天多带狗出去几次,尽量等它尿了拉了再回来,大约一周时间它就会明白要憋尿出去拉的,我家狗就是这么教会的 如果您对我的回复满意,请给个好评,谢谢
谢邀(•̀ᴗ•́) ̑̑。
之前黑猩猩Gua和研究者主人一家生活,和主人的儿子一起接受语言教育,但是最终只能认出70-80个词汇的意义;另一只接受了三年英语强化训练的星星Viki,只会说papa, mama,cup,up,认识30几个词。
以下特点是人类语言特有但是动物没有的:Displacement This feature of languages refers to the ability to speak not only about what is happening at the time and place of talking.but also about other situation, future and past., real or unreal. We can talk about electronic parts catalog while playing cards and without ever seeing one.即人类说话并不是应激性的,可以讨论过去现在未来,也可以描述真实存在的和非真实存在的事物。
Arbitrariness There is no natural connection between the word or sound and the thing it denotes, which means we cannot tell what is the meaning of a word simply by looking at it. Nothing in the German word ‚Handyspiele’ tells us that it means the same as the English word ‚handball’ or Polish word ‚piłka ręczna’. Although this rule applies to the most of human language there are certain exceptions. In order to understand arbitrary words one has to know a specific language, though there are a number of iconic symbols in every language that can be understood without having to know the entire language system. Onomatopoeias – words which imitate sounds – are present in the majority of contemporary languages.指的是人类的语言其实是一套符号系统,一个语音与含义对应并不是固定的,而是任意的。也许因为一系列阴差阳错,gou这个发音最后指代一种四只脚,长毛,液体,蛊惑人类,发出喵喵的叫声的小动物呢。(不过也会有拟声词是例外)。
Productivity (also: ‚creativity’ or ‚open-endedness’) The potential number of utterances, as well as the number of words and meanings in human languages is practically infinite. Humans can come up with terms such as myspace codes or property in Cyprus and the number of these terms has no possible limits. In animal communication every signal has a fixed reference which means that it can only refer to one idea and its meaning cannot be broadened. In addition, it seems that animals cannot invent new signals in order to describe new ideas.这个指的是人类语言的创造性,即可以用已经存在的语言表达新的事物。比如过去没有电脑这一说,而现在智能手机,ipad等等都已经是我们生活中常见的词汇啦。
动物则不能创造新的词汇。(不过之前一个黑猩猩叫做Washoe,可以用water bird表示天鹅,这是非常非常少见的。)
Cultural transmission Although we are all born with certain fixed genetic predisposition for language use (e.g. shape of vocal tract) it does not predetermine which language we are actually going to use as our mother tongue. A Chinese baby brought as a toddler in Great Britain and raised by a British family is going to speak English and not Chinese, though it will still look like a Chinese. If, for example, a Korean puppy was brought to Britain it would still bark the same way as in Korea (perhaps with a slightly different accent J ).人类的语言是受到文化的影响的,比如一个中国的婴儿在英国被一对英国夫妇抚养长大,那么他/她会说英语而不是中文,Youtube上有这个实验的视频;而动物不会出现这种状况。
Duality Human languages have two levels: minimal units – the alphabet for writing and phonemes for speech – which do not have a meaning on their own, and the level where the meaning emerges as a result of combination of the units from level one. It is emphasised by the fact that with a limited set of letters in the alphabet an unlimited number of words and expressions may be produced.二元性指的是人类语言是二元组成的,即由无意义的语音或者符号单位组成有意义的词句,—s是个语素,在词尾表达不止一个这样的含义,但如果将其单独放出来,则只是一个字母而已。
以下特点在语言学家当中尚有争议,我也放上来吧。Prevarication : the ability to make sentences knowing that they are false and with the purpose of misleading the receiver of the information.简单来说,就是故意误导,撒谎。人类可以说违心的话嘻嘻。但动物是不能成为“戏精”的,
Reflexiveness : using language to talk about language which involves ability to speak of abstract things. The language used to describe language is usually called metalanguage.Reflexiveness指的是人类可以用语言讨论语言本身,例如语法、用词、发音等等。语言学就是在用语言研究语言。
Learnability : Apart from the fact that we naturally acquire a mother tongue we are also able to learn any of the number of other languages. It also means that unlike animals human beings are not genetically limited to use only the language of parents.这一点指的是,人类的语言是后天习得的,需要爸爸妈妈教你,但是动物的表达能力是天生的,本能的。
以下特点是人类和动物共有的:reciprocity – speakers are also receivers of information under usual circumstances;说话者同时也是信息的接收者,比如我说话的时候,我也知道我在讲什么。动物也是如此。
specialization – linguistic signals do not serve any other purpose than to communicate something;语言的功能就是用来交流或者传递信息的。胡壮麟在《语言学基础教程》里给出的语言定义就是 an arbitrary vocal symbols used by human beings for communication.
rapid fading (also ‚transitoriness’) – spoken linguistic signals vanish very quickly. This is, of course, not true for written messages, or scents produced by some animals to mark territory;这个特点非常简单啦,就好像听力一样,只听一遍,听完就过,这些语音不会固定在空气里不消散的。
non-directionality – anyone close enough to hear can pick up the message;语言信息并不是像箭头一样,有固定的说话者和听话者,实际上,在说话者周围的人都有机会听到信息,这也是为什么隔墙有耳啦。
vocal-auditory channel use – most of communication is made via the vocal tract and is perceived by ears.大多数的语言都是说出来哒,注意是大多数!蜜蜂就是跳出来的。
Features of languagewww.anglozof.com是人是狗没看清的说说。