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Silent Hill 2:

"If you really want to see Mary, you should just die. But You might be heading to A different place than MARY, James."

Heather: "God? Don't you mean devil?"

Vincent: "Which ever you like."

"This town is full of monsters! How can you just sit there and eat pizza?!"

"Monsters? They look like monsters to you?"

James: "I can't believe you don't even have a scratch on you."

Laura: "Why should I?"

Marys' letter at the end of Silent Hill 2

"In my restless dreams,

I see that town.

Silent Hill.

You promised me you'd take me

there again someday.

But you never did.

Well, I'm alone there now...

In our 'special place'...

Waiting for you...

Waiting for you to

come to see me.

But you never do.

And so I wait, wrapped in my

cocoon of pain and loneliness.

I know I've done a terrible

thing to you. Something you'll

never forgive me for.

I wish I could change

that, but I can't.

I feel so pathetic and ugly

laying here, waiting for you...

Every day I stare up at the cracks

in the ceiling and all I can think

about is how unfair it all is...

The doctor came today.

He told me I could go

home for a short stay.

It’s not that I'm getting better.

It’s just that this may be

my last chance...

I think you know what I mean...

Even so, I'm glad to be coming

home. I've missed you terribly.

But I'm afraid, James.

I'm afraid you don't really

want me to come home.

Whenever you come see me,

I can tell how hard it is on you...

I don't know if you

hate me or pity me...

Or maybe I just disgust you...

I'm sorry about that.

When I first learned that

I was going to die, I just

didn't want to accept it.

I was so angry all the time and I

struck out at everyone I loved most.

Especially you, James.

That's why I understand

if you do hate me.

But I want you to

know this, James.

I'll always love you.

Even though our life together had

to end like this, I still wouldn't

trade it for the world. We had

some wonderful years together.

Well, this letter has gone on

too long, so I'll say goodbye.

I told the nurse to give

this to you after I'm gone.

That means that as you read

this, I'm already dead.

I can't tell you to remember me,

but I can't bear for you to

forget me.

These last few years since I

became ill... I'm so sorry for

what I did to you, did to us...

You've given me so much and

I haven't been able to return

a single thing.

That's why I want you to live

for yourself now.

Do what's best for you, James.


You made me happy.





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