37.谁是谁生命中的过客,谁是谁生命的转轮,前世的尘,今世的风,无穷无尽的哀伤的精魂.我回过头去看自己成长的道路,一天一天地观望,我站在路边上,双手插在风衣的兜里看到无数的人群从我身边面无表情地走过,偶尔有人停下来对我微笑,灿若桃花。我知道这些停留下来的人终究会成为我生命中的温暖,看到他们,我会想起不离不弃。 38.这个城市没有草长莺飞的传说,它永远活在现实里面,快速的鼓点,匆忙的身影,麻木的眼神,虚假的笑容 ,而我正在被同化 39.那些我们以为永远不会忘记的事情,就在我们念念不忘的过程里,被我们忘记了总有一天都会面目全非,时光没有教会我任何东西,却教会了我不要轻易去相信神话 40.风空空洞洞地吹过。一年又这么过去。而来年,还要这么过去。我不知道是安稳的背后隐藏着沮丧,还是沮丧里终归有安稳。只是我们,无法找到。
"I had no illusions about you," he said. "I knew you were silly and frivolous and empty-headed. But I loved you. I knew that your aims and ideals were vulgar and commonplace. But I loved you. I knew that you were second-rate. But I loved you. It's comic when I think how hard I tried to be amused by the things that amused you and how anxious I was to hide from you that I wasn't ignorant and vulgar and scandal-mongering and stupid. I knew how frightened you were of intelligence and I did everything I could to make you think me as big a fool as the rest of the men you knew. I knew that you'd only married me for convenience. I loved you so much, I didn't care. Most people, as far as I can see, when they're in love with someone and the love isn't returned feel that they have a grievance. They grow angry and bitter. I wasn't like that. I never expected you to love me, I didn't see any reason that you should, I never thought myself very lovable. I was thankful to be allowed to love you and I was enraptured when now and then I thought you were pleased with me or when I noticed in your eyes a gleam of good-humoured affection. I tried not to bore you with my love; I knew I couldn't afford to do that and I was always on the lookout for the first sign that you were impatient with my affection. What most husbands expect as a right I was prepared to receive as a favour."