查尔斯 曼森经典语录
在谴责此人之前,不妨看看他都说了些什么,为什么能迎合当时那么多人的心理?查尔斯曼森语录其中我最喜欢的一句是:Look down at me and you see a fool;look up at me and you see a god;look straight at me and you see yourself俯视我你看到你个傻逼仰视我你看到一个神平视我你看到了你自己 有些彰显个人主义、个性独立的话颇能打中现代工薪阶层的内心,放到现在也不过时,你就算说是乔布斯或是马云说的也都有人信:The real strong have no need to prove it to the phonies. 牛逼的人不必向装逼的人证明。If you're going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy. 你要是像干一件事,就好好的干。然后留点儿神秘感。Getting up every day and going through this again and again is hard.每天醒来做着同样的差事很难I'm playing for my life. You're working for money我活着是为了玩。你为钱在工作。I'm not gonna grow up, I'm not gonna go to college我不想长大,我不想上大学。有些话貌似很有哲理:No sense makes sense. 没有道理就是有道理。Pain's not bad, it's good. It teaches you things. I understand that. 痛苦是好事,它能给你带来新的体验。这句话暗合佛家的“无分别心”思想:I uh, don't dislike or like 我,呃,没有什么喜欢不喜欢的事物。 有些话很温情,也反映了他那个圈子对中产女性成员的特殊魅力:If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me你要是孤独,我就是你的影子。你要是想哭,我是你的肩膀。你要是想拥抱,我是你的枕头。你要是想开心,我就是你的笑容。但是你要是需要朋友,只有我适合。 Our family is a circle of love and strength. With every birth and every union, the circle grows. Every joy shared adds more love. Every obstacle faced together makes the circle stronger.我们的家族是个爱与力量的圈子。每个新生儿与每个团聚增加我们的团结。每个欢乐都给我们带来了更多的爱,每个挫折都让我们变得更强。 Remorse for what? You people have done everything in the world to me. Doesn't that give me equal right? 没有什么可后悔的,你们这个世界的人帮了我很多。我也帮了你们。甚至是威胁与恫吓都充满了挑战强权的力量感(权力意志本身就具有神奇的卡理斯玛超凡魅力):I'm probably one of the most dangerous men in the world if I want to be. But I never wanted to be anything but me. 如果我想的话,我能变成世界上最危险的人。但我只想做我自己。You are going to use this courtroom to kill me? I am going to fight for my life one way or another. You should let me do it with words. 你想利用这间审判室杀了我吗?我告诉你,我会与你们战斗,我会活着,但你要先让我说话。people… there'd be none of you left!相信我,我要是想杀人,你们都别想活!I will have you removed if you don't stop. I have a little system of my own. 你要是再不停下来,我就灭了你,我有自己的一套做法。Just because you're convicted in a court room doesn't mean you're guilty of something.在法院被指控并不意味着你有罪。 他的自我表白充满个性,反映了他的道德批判性,有时也招人同情:I have X'd myself from your world. 我与你们的世界格格不入。I'm not of this generation. 我不是你们这一代的人。I was borned illegitimately, that put me on the other side of the law我是个非法生子,因此我就不合法I loved my mother, she's a good girl. 我爱我的母亲,她是个好女孩。(Charles Mason的母亲16岁时生下了小曼森)How old am I? I'm as old as my mother told me. How's that?我多大岁数了?我妈说我多大就多大。I punched my mother out once. 我有一次把我妈撵出了家门。I never had long hair before I got busted. I never had a beard before I got busted. 我没被抓住前没留长发和胡子。(曼森的外形像极了基督耶稣)I never thought I was normal, never tried to be normal. 我从未认为我是普通人,也从未想变得普通。I was a beatnik in the '50s before the hippies came along. 在50年代嬉皮士出现前我就是个Beatles饭了I was playing with some Hell's Angels that you don't know nothing about 我和地狱天使一起玩过,而你一无所知。他的自我开脱将矛头指向了道德败坏的中产社会本身,迎合了当时的社会逆反心态:I can't judge any of you. I have no malice against you and no ribbons for you. But I think that it is high time that you all start looking at yourselves, and judging the lie that you live in. 我不能评定你们当中的任何人,我对你没有恶意也不会赞美你。但我建议你好好自问下,问问你内心的谎言世界。You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy. 我告诉你,很久以前发疯是罕见的,现在的社会所有人都是疯子。 Believe me, if I started murdering You eat meat and you kill things that are better than you are, and then you say how bad, and even killers, your children are. You made your children what they are....你吃肉,你杀死比你先进的动物,然后你说你的孩子是杀手,说他们多么邪恶。是你造就了你们的孩子。These children that come at you with knives, they are your children. You taught them. I didn't teach them. I just tried to help them stand up.那些孩子拿着刀来找我,他们是你们的子女。是你们教育了这些孩子,不是我。我仅仅是帮他们站起来。(曼森有众多的“家人”)My father is the jailhouse. My father is your system... I am only what you made me. I am only a reflection of you. 我的父亲是监狱,他是你的身体。。。我是你创造的。我是你的影子。