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来源:网络 发布时间:2019-11-09 点击:
经典语录 > 经典语录 > > 移动迷宫2经典语录英文


Dear Thomas, 亲爱的托马斯, This is the first letter I can remember written. Obviously, I don't know if I wrote any before the maze. 这是我有记忆以来写的第一封信,当然我不记得进迷宫前写过没有。 But even if it's not my first, it's likely to be my last. 但即使这不是我的第一封信,也应该是最后一封。 I want you to know that I'm not scared. Or not of dying, anyway, it's more forgetting. It's losing 我想让你知道,我不害怕。至少我怕的不是死亡,而是遗忘。 myself to this virus that's what scares me. So every night I've been saying their names out loud. Alby, 我怕病毒夺走我的记忆,这才是我最害怕的。所以我每晚都大声念出他们的名字: Winston, Chuck, and I just repeat them over and over like a prayer, and it all comes flooding back, 艾尔比 温斯顿 查克。 我想做祈祷一样,一遍又一遍地重复着。 Just the little things like where the sun used to hit the glade at that perfect moment right before it 记忆就像潮水般涌来,都是些小事。比如夕阳沉下高墙前,余晖挂在林间空地的那一刹那。 slip beneath the walls. And I remember the taste of Frypan's stew. Well I've never thought I'd miss 我还想起了煎锅炖的菜,想不到我会那么怀念那东西。 that stuff so much. And I remember you, remember the first time you came up in the box, you are just a scared little 我也记得你,记得你被装进笼子送进来, greenie who couldn't even remember his own name. But from that moment you ran into the maze, I 那时你惊慌失措连名字都不记得。但从你冲进迷宫的那一刻起, knew I would follow you anywhere, and I have. We all have. If I could do it all over again, I would. And 我就知道我会追随你。我做到了,我们都做到了。如果一切能够重新来过, I wouldn't change a thing. And my hope for you is when you looking back years from now and be able 我还会做出同样的选择。而且我也希望,当你多年后回首往事时, to say the same. The future is in your hands now, Tommy, I know you'll find a way to do what's right, 也会说出同样的话。未来在你手中,托马斯。你一定能找到正确的道路, you always have. Take care of everyone for me. And take care of yourself. You deserve to be happy. 你有这个能力。帮我照顾好大家,也照顾好你自己,你值得拥有幸福。 Thank you for being my friend. 谢谢你做我的朋友。 Goodbye, mate. 再见了,兄弟。 Newt. 纽特。------------------------------------------------------------------------以上内容来自百度贴吧,

很好看哦!是一部比较成功的青少年片子,不怎么费脑力分析以及记住一些复杂的情节。情节简单,节奏紧凑,气氛紧张刺激。 但是在电影院看影片的时候对翻译有点无语就是了!人韩裔帅哥演的角色明明是“MINHO”,可翻译成敏镐、珉豪、民浩……但偏偏翻译成了米诺,实在有点醉!(诚心回答你的问题,记得好评,谢谢)


像游戏一样,换个场景可以再拍一部 《赠人玫瑰手有余香,祝您好运一生一世,如果回答有用,请点“好评”,谢谢^_^!》





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