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经典语录 > 经典语录 > > 济慈的诗经典语录


  约翰·济慈 性别:男 出生年月:1795~1821 出生地:伦敦 国籍:英国 济慈(1795~1821)英国诗人,他出生于伦敦,父亲是马厩的雇工领班。济慈自幼喜爱文学,由于家境窘困,不满16岁就离校学医。1816年,他认识了李·亨特、雪莱等著名诗人,受到他们的影响。  11月,他弃医从文,走上了诗歌创作的道路。终于成为当时英国文坛上一颗光彩夺目的巨星。 济慈创作的第一首诗是《仿斯宾塞》,接着又写了许多优秀的十四行诗,他的这些早期诗作收集在1817年3月出版的第一本《诗集》中。次年,他根据古希腊一个美丽神话写成的《安狄米恩》问世,全诗想象丰富,色彩绚丽,洋溢着对自由的渴望,表现了反古典主义的进步倾向。   1818年到1820年,是济慈诗歌创作的鼎盛时期,他先后完成了《伊莎贝拉》、《圣亚尼节前夜》、《许佩里恩》等著名长诗,最脍炙人口的《夜莺颂》、《希腊古瓮颂》、《秋颂》等名篇也是在这一时期内写成的。 济慈诗才横溢,与雪莱、拜伦齐名。    他年仅25岁,可是他遗下的诗篇一直誉满人间,被认为完美地体现了西方浪漫主义诗歌的特色,并被推崇为欧洲浪漫主义运动的杰出代表。 《仿斯宾塞》、《伊莎贝拉》、《圣亚尼节前夜》、《许佩里恩》、《夜莺颂》、《希腊古瓮颂》、《秋颂》等。

Sonnet. Written In Disgust Of Vulgar Superstition

The church bells toll a melancholy round,

Calling the people to some other prayers,

Some other gloominess, more dreadful cares,

More hearkening to the sermon's horrid sound.

Surely the mind of man is closely bound

In some black spell; seeing that each one tears

Himself from fireside joys, and Lydian airs,

And converse high of those with glory crown'd.

Still, still they toll, and I should feel a damp,--

A chill as from a tomb, did I not know

That they are dying like an outburnt lamp;

That 'tis their sighing, wailing ere they go

Into oblivion; -- that fresh flowers will grow,

And many glories of immortal stamp.

'In Tom Keats's copy-book this sonnet is headed as above and dated "Sunday Evening, Dec. 24, 1816." In the Aldine edition it is headed "Written on a Summer Evening." I give the text from the transcript, which varies in some details from the Aldine text. The latter reads 'toll'd' for 'toll' in line I., 'To some blind spell' in line 6, 'Fond' for 'And' in line 8, and 'as' for 'ere' in line 12.

~ Poetical Works of John Keats, ed. H. Buxton Forman, Crowell publ. 1895.

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