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little boy经典语录

来源:网络 发布时间:2019-11-08 点击:
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little boy经典语录

black and blue 应该翻译成 遍体鳞伤的 所以是他把那个小孩子打的 遍体鳞伤


RD:Ten. Seconds. Flat!I'm an egghead……(Soarin: So, would you like to fly with us?)Would I?! Woo-hoo! Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, uh-huh, uh-huh, yeah, aww yeah...DUN DUN DUN!!! Gesundheit.wikiwikiwiki……General This and Colonel That, they're the Wonderbolts, something that rhymes with that!PP:It was under "E"~Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!Okie-dokie-lokie.Hey,you know what this calls for? A party!Parties. Are. SERIOUS!Nopony breaks a pinkie promise!!What do you think, Rarity? Chimicherry, or Cherrychanga? Chimicherry, Cherrychanga? Chimicherry, Cherrychanga? Chimicherry, Cherrychanga? Chimicherry, Cherrychanga?TS: Sunshine! Sunshine! Ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!FS:Yay~I don't want to talk about it.Big Mac: Eeyup/Nnope.Apple Bloom: Aren't you gonna stay for brunch?Oh, wait, now I know how to call a chicken! Scootaloo! Scoot-scootalooooo!Sweetie Belle:It's not chaos, you dodo!Oh, COME ON!Scootaloo: What are you, a dictionary?AJ:Soup's on, everypony!Dear Princess Celestia, I wanted to share my thoughts with you. …… I didn't learn anything! I was right all along!Luna: Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!Discord: Oh, for goodness' sake! You've been kind for far too long, my dear. Time to be cruel. Arrivederci!Sunshower: So where do these clouds go?Open Skies: Over by Clear Skies.Sunshower: But there's clear skies everywhere.Clear Skies: Yo, Clear Skies right here!Sunshower: But there's clear skies over there, too!Clear Skies: That's Open Skies!Sunshower: There's open skies everywhere!Open Skies: I'm not everywhere, I'm right here!Sunshower: [sighs] Wait. You're Open Skies, and you're Clear Skies, then what's all that?Clear Skies and Open Skies: Open, clear skies!Open Skies: Hey, where'd our fluffy clouds go?Clear Skies: Fluffy Clouds? He's over there!


black and blue 意为“把某人打得鼻青脸肿”。 所以这样翻译:他把这个小男孩打得鼻青脸肿。





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