




太多了,就不翻译了,毕竟是英文的,还是原台词比较有感觉:anna和她母亲tess的:Anna: You couldn't last one day in my high school. Tess: Actually I could, and I would do it without getting a detention. [first lines] Tess: Honey, wake up. Anna: No. Tess: Anna. Greet the day. Anna: You're ruining my life! anna(和tess换体后)和其他家庭成员的对话:Grandpa: [about Anna] Stop groveling, man. Let her come to YOU. Ryan: She'd come with a hatchet. Ryan: OK, where are we going next, Harry's school? Anna (in Tess's body): Oh, he can walk from here. Harry: It's 20 blocks! Anna (in Tess's body): Fresh air will do you good. Harry: But what about bullies? Anna (in Tess's body): Run fast. [as he holds Tess's hand] Ryan: One more day. Anna (in Tess's body): Yeah, it's great we're getting married, isn't it? Even though my husband died. How quickly I've been able to get over it. Anna (in Tess's body): So, let's do this thingy. Ryan: You mean our wedding rehearsal? Anna (in Tess's body): Yeah, whatever. Ryan: You know what, I'm not really a prying kind of guy, but just for the heck of it, I was wondering what you were doing on the eve of our wedding straddling some guy on the back of a big black Harley? Anna (in Tess's body): Hello, it was a Ducati! Ryan: [hearing Anna scream because her door is gone] She saw it. Grandpa: [gets up quick] I'm gonna check those Lakers. Ryan: I'm with you... 在中国餐馆:Pei-Pei: [about her mother] Oh, she's crazy. Pei-Pei's Mom: [subtitles] Like a fox. [last lines] Pei-Pei: Mama! What are you doing? Mama! Grandpa! Harry! No! [tackles them, grabs cookies] Pei-Pei: Okay!

这是一部,只要你为高考努力过,就一定会被触动的电影。热血多多,泪点密集,故多图。 1明妈妈的话。【这里的明妈妈和我妈妈一样开明善良(*^__^*) ……】 2沙耶加的话。 3老师的话。 最后,再上一些这部电影我喜欢的画面截图。 喜欢请点赞,蟹蟹思密达。





