
恋恋笔记本 经典语录 英文版

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恋恋笔记本 经典语录 英文版


恋恋笔记本 经典语句 英文版

我和别人的观点可能不太一样,我觉得还是要背单词的。大二开始,我开始了阅读英语小说的路。非英专,六级成绩500不到。纯粹的渣渣一个,但我就是喜欢看小说,看完的第一本英文小说是notebook 就是大家耳熟能详的恋恋笔记本。整篇小说可以说用词非常简单了,我当时的词汇量大概是4500左右,就是高考3500的基础上因为4,6级多增加的1000单词。我都觉得没什么太大难度,加上小说非常的薄,能很快看完,成就感还是有的。这本小说是尼古拉斯斯巴克斯写的,我看完了恋恋笔记本后,很长时间以为他的书不难,于是又看了第二本,果然很难。我就放弃了。然后,我就想,也许我真的应该背单词了。因为六级已经考过了,且学校不允许刷分了,我选择开始提前背考研词汇,在扇贝上背的。背了几个月,我把它背完了,去测词汇量6000了,并没有涨多少,但是这时候我去看他其他的小说已经能看懂了,虽然还有生词,但不影响我的阅读。再后来,我想着一定要多背单词,我就开始背COCA上的单词20000个单词,背了好久。但是收获巨大,大四了之后我的词汇量短时间内迅速提升到了10000的水平,同时也在不断的增长,看完他的几本小说后,我又去看了追风筝的人英文版,已经没那么难了,同时也去看了一本荆棘鸟,这本虽难但是可以接受。所以单词很重要,如果你不背单词你也许能读懂最浅显的小说,但是想要读懂更难一点的作品,恐怕就有些难了

  Dr。 Cal Lightmanis a psychologist with an expertise in body languageand especially microexpressions, and founder of The Lightman Group, a private company that operates as an independent contractor to assist investigations of local and federal law enforcement through applied psychology。   Though often confronted by people's skepticism, Lightman uses any psychological technique he deems necessary to reach the truth, however elaborate or truculent。   He is divorced, and has split custody of his teenage daughter。 He cares deeply about Gillian Foster, and there is a chemistry between them that has yet to develop into anything more。   His mothercommitted suicidewhile he was still young, an event that led him to discovering and researching microexpressions。   This character is based on Dr。 Paul Ekman; notable psychologist and expert on body languageand facial expressions at UC San Francisco。   He is also a vegetarian。 There is evidencehe was involves in the Irish National Liberation Army, due to the fact that Reynolds has said "Yeah, I read your file too。   Northern Ireland? Let's talk about that。。。some of the crap you were involved in Dr。 Gillian Foster, Dr。 Lightman's colleague and co-worker in The Lightman Group。   Her husband's lack of candor often challenges her open pact with Lightman: not to let their professional skill interfere with coworker's personal lives。   So, when Cal believes her husband Alec is cheating on her, he simply ignores what he is seeing, much to Torres' dismay。 Gillian had adopted a baby (Sophie) who was eventually returned to the birth mother。   This character is based on Prof Maureen O’Sullivan, a psychology professor at the University of San Francisco。 Eli Loker, initially an employee of The Lightman Group。   Loker is academically educated and acquired his skills in "reading" people through practice。 He also adheres to radical honesty, and thus rarely lies, even if that makes him appear rude or undiplomatic。  [11] Such as in the pilot, when he first meets Torres, he bluntly tells her that he wants to have sex with her。 Lightman demoted him to an unpaid intern after, despite Foster's warnings, he divulged sensitive information to the SEC while working on a case, calling his actions, which includes the fact that Loker made Torres lie about knowingit, "disrespectible, selfish, and just plain stupid。  " Monica Raymundas Ria Torres, an employee of The Lightman Group, and a protegee of Dr。 Lightman's, who was recognized as a "natural" while she was still working as a TSA agent。   Torres was abused as a child, a common pattern among naturals, by her father。 Though talented and loyal, she lacks academic training and sometimes lets her emotions cloud her judgment。   Emily Lightman, Cal Lightman's teenage daughter。 She is under shared custody between her parents, and though she does not appreciate her father's ability to "read" her, she does not deny its merit for social screening。   She sometimes shows a talent for "reading" people, even her father。 (Recurring Season 1, Regular Season 2) Mekhi Phifer as Ben Reynolds, a FBI agent who assists the Lightman Group in their investigations, offering armed assistance and practical insights。   (Recurring Season 1, Regular Season 2) Zoe Landau, Cal Lightman's ex-wife。 She is an assistant to the Attorney General and though currently engaged to another man, she also engaged in a tryst with Lightman, after he helped her in a case。   It was revealed in "Truth or Consequences" that she is half-white and half-African American。 Sean Patrick Thomas as Karl Dupree, a Secret Serviceagent who becomes romantically involved with Torres。   He was seriously injured during a terrorist attack。 Tim Guinee as Alec Foster, Gillian Foster's ex-husband。 He works at the United States Department of State and is a recovering cocaine addict where throughout the series it was heavily hinted that he was having an extramarital affair until it revealed the woman was his drug sponsor。   He and Gillian have decided to divorce。





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