"I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying." -- by Michael Jordan (我可以接受失败 但我不能接受放弃——迈克儿·乔丹)
Attack is the best form of defence
A nation is experiencing unrest, we were lucky, in favor of god
i have not come into this world to make men better, but to make use of their weaknesses
I've never been afraid to fail
1. 饭可以一日不吃,觉可以一日不睡,书不可以一日不读。
2. 情况是在不断的变化,要使自己的思想适应新的情况,就得学习。
3. 希特勒将在欧洲发动侵略
4. 张伯伦必然会搬起石头砸自己的脚
5. 赫鲁晓夫从不搞个人崇拜,他的倒台是没有人崇拜他。
6. 戴高乐上台也有好处,他喜欢跟英美闹别扭
7. 要做人民的先生,先做人民的学生。
8. 人民,只有人民,才是创造世界历史的动力。
9. 高贵者最愚蠢,卑贱者最聪明!
10. 一切空话都是无用的,必须给人民以看得见的物质福利。
11. 有些共产党人在糖弹面前要打败仗
12. 谁搞腐败我就割谁的脑袋,我毛泽东如果搞腐败人民就割我毛泽东的脑袋。
13. 各单位的报告,凡属不痛不痒敷衍塞责者,其领导人不是官僚主义分子,就是贪污分子,这类报告应立即予以批判。
14. 弱军对于强军作战的再一个必要条件,就是拣弱的打。
15. 敌人有的,我们要有,敌人没有的,我们也要有。原子弹要有,氢弹也要快。管他什么国,管他什么弹,原子弹、氢弹,我们都要超过。
16. 核战争打不起来
17. 美帝国主义想打多久,我们就打多久!
18. 打得一拳开,免得万拳来
19. 打得赢就打,打不赢就走。
20. 人不犯我,我不犯人;人若犯我,我必犯人。
21. 医生的话,不可不听,也不可全听;全听你的我就完了,全不听你的我也不行。
22. 我在这里说一句,要突破,要创造,不要只解释,不要念语录,不要受束缚。不要迷信,要有新的论点,新的解释,新的创造,不然不行。
23. 我也不知道这个《语录》有什么用处。究竟有没有什么用处,等将来再证明吧。
24. 不必时时怀念我,也不要指望我回来,我离开以后,你们就是我,人民万岁。
25. 一万年太久,只争朝夕,虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后,我们应当永远记住这个真理。
26. 鸡蛋因适当的温度而变化为鸡,但温度不能使石头变为鸡。
27. 要想不经过艰难曲折,不付出极大努力,总是一帆风顺,容易得到成功,这种想法只是幻想。
28. 世界上没有无缘无故的爱,也没有无缘无故的恨
29. 没有调查就没有发言权。
30. 不谈家庭琐事,不谈金钱,不谈妇女。
31. 你办事,我放心。
具体心结我不说了,你要是乔丹迷就应知道他和穆托姆博之间的事,大概是后者故意犯规想激怒乔丹,但乔丹走到罚球线是,对后者轻蔑的说:I’ll show you!之后闭眼罚进得球
I can accept failure。 but I can't accept not trying。 我可以接受失败,但我无法接受从不去尝试。 I'm back。 我回来了。 I play to win, whether during practice or a real game。 And I will not let anything get in the way of me and my competitive enthusiasm to win。 不论是在练习或真正比赛,我打球就是要获胜。我不会让任何事情阻碍我及我竞赛求赢之狂热。 I've always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come。 I don't do things half-heartedly (半心半意)。 Because I know if I do, then I can expect (预期) half-hearted results。 I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed。 我一生中有多次的挫败,但这却是我成功的原因。 I've missed (错过) more than 9000 shots (投篮) in my career (职业生涯中)。 I've lost (输掉) almost 300 games。 26 times, I've been trusted (信赖) to take the game winning shot and missed。 I've reached the pinnacle of my career。 I just feel that I don't have anything else to prove。 我已到达生涯的顶点。我只是觉得没有什麽其他的可证明了。 If someone gets the best of me, I try not to let that happen again。 如果有人超越我,我试着不会让它再发生。 If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome。 如果你接受别人的期待,尤其是负面的预期,那麽你决不会想去改变结果。 If you're trying to achieve (有所成就), there will be roadblocks (路障)。 I've had them; everybody has had them。 But obstacles (障碍物) don't have to stop you。 If you run into a wall, don't turn around (掉头) and give up。 Figure out (弄清楚) how to climb it, go through it, or work around it。 Just play。 Have fun。 Enjoy the game。 Life is often compared to a marathon, but I think it is more like being a sprinter; long stretches of hard work punctuated by brief moments in which we are given the opportunity to perform at our best。 人生常被比喻为马拉松,但是我认为人生比较像短跑员;长期努力工作一段时间后,在短暂的瞬间内有机会表现出自己的极致。 My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength。 我的人生态度是你若一直攻击我的弱点,那麽我会将此被觉察到的短处转变成优点。 My body could stand the crutches but my mind couldn’t stand the sideline。 我的身体可以忍受靠着拐杖行走,但我的内心无法忍受不能上场比赛。 Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships。 天赋才能赢得比赛,但团队合作与智慧赢得冠军。 The game is my wife。 It demands loyalty and responsibility, and it gives me back fulfillment and peace。 球赛像是我的老婆。需要对她忠诚与负责任,而她则会回报我自我实现的满足感与平静。 The game will never be the same。 没有一场球赛是相同的。 There is only one person who can define success in your life -- and that's you。 只有一个人能界定你一生的成就 – 那就是你自己。 To be successful you have to be selfish (自私), or else (否则) you never achieve (成就)。 And once (一旦) you get to your highest level (水平;等级), then you have to be unselfish (无私心)。 Stay (保持) reachable (平易近人)。 Stay in touch。 Don't isolate (孤立)。 When I step onto (踏进) the court (球场), I'm ready to play。 If you're going up against (对抗) me, you'd better be ready。 If you're not going to compete (竞争), l will dominate (主宰) you。
“每一代都至少应该经历一场战争的洗礼。” 英文:Every generation should at least through the baptism of a war.
“我来完成耶稣基督未竟的事业。” 英文:I to finish what Jesus Christ.
“他们得小心了,总有一天我们的忍耐到了尽头,那时侯我们会让那些无耻的犹太人永远住嘴!” 英文:They carefully, someday our patience has come to an end, then we will let those shameless jews never shut up!
“我不相信,那些以前在不断嘲笑我们的人,现在,他们还在笑!” 英文:I don't believe those before we laugh continuously, now, they still smile!
“我们应该感到高兴,未来必将完全属于我们!” 英文:We should be glad, future will completely belongs to us!
“德国的明天就指望你们了,德国的青年们!” 英文:Germany tomorrow will expect you, Germany's young boys!
“社会事业的不易完成,它的症结所在,不在施行小惠,而在恢复民众的权利。”英文:Social undertakings of, it is the crux of small, and in the right to restore.
“一个人的责任并不在于默然的去工作,而是在公然的铲除罪恶,力谋补救。” 英文:A man is not to work, but the rest in the mountainous sin openly, what remedy.
“胜者为王,败者为寇。我知道明天全世界的人都会因为我战败而责备我, 但那又有什么呢?”英文:Winners and losers. I know tomorrow will be person in the world because I lost, but the blamed me again?
“就是最残酷的武器,如果用后可以早获胜利,那么,对于人道的原则仍是不悖的。” 英文:Is the most brutal weapon, if after use, so as to win, for by the principle of humanity is still not contradiction.
“我们的斗争只可能有两种结果:要么敌人踏着我们的尸体过去,要么我们踏着敌人的尸体过去 ” 英文:We struggle can only have two results: either the enemy with our bodies in the past, we always used
“一个民族正经历着动荡,我们,在被幸运之神垂青。” 英文:A nation is experiencing unrest, we were lucky, in favor of god.
1;「我们的斗争只可能有两种结果:要麼敌人踏著我们的尸体过去,要麼我们踏著敌人的尸体过 去
2; 「如果有人说:你做梦吧!我只能回答他说:你这个笨蛋,如果我不是一个梦想者的话,我们今天会在
哪里呢?我一直相信德国,你说我是一个做梦者;我一直坚信帝国的崛起,你说我是个傻子;我一直相信我能重新夺回权利,你说我疯了 ;我一直坚信贫穷会有尽头,你说那是乌托邦。谁是对的?你还是我?!我是对的,我一直会是!」
44;「国家的安全不能寄托於别人的恩赐上,历史总是在军刀上前进,这个世界就是弱肉强食的世界。要生存、要尊严,就需要有强大的军备。 」
45;「去征服、 剥削、掠夺乃至消灭劣等民族,乃是我无可推卸的职责与特权。」
46;「历史上伟大的国家兴亡,完全是由於种族混合以至破坏了血统纯洁所致。为了要防范这种灾难的发生, 所以国家必须尽到责任,采取防范的措施。」
47;「民族国家的创造,绝不是毅力单薄的民族主义联合会所能济事的,只有具备钢铁般坚决意志的单独运动, 才能打倒其他一切运动而获得最后胜利。」
48;「凡是一种理想寄托的,无论什麼组织,它的伟大,就是在於它的宗教狂热,和那不能容忍的固执精神, 他们攻击其他的组织,并且坚信著人家都是不对的,只有自己才是对的。如果理想的本身合理, 再加上这种武器,那麼,这种理想,奋斗於世界之上,必定是所向无敌的。凡把压力加在这种组织上, 那是为促使其内部的实力提高。」
49;「人类的进步,好像是去永无止境的梯子。登高必须要从下面拾级而起, 所以亚利安人必须要遵循实际的道路,向前进行,这道路绝不是近代和平者所梦想的道路。」
1; "our struggle can only have two results: either the enemy on our bodies to the past, so we set foot on the bodies of the enemy to
2; "if someone says: in your dreams! I can only answer he said: your this idiot, if Inot a dreamer's words, today we will
Where? I've always believed in Germany, you say I'm a dreamer; I always believe that the rise of the Empire, you said I was a fool; I always believe I can recaptureright, you say that I am mad; I have been convinced that the poor would come to an end, you said it was a utopia. Who is right? You or me?! I was right, I always will be! "
3; "a nation is experiencing turbulence, we, in a fortune. "
4; we should be happy, the future will completely belongs to us! "
5; "Germany tomorrow will expect you, young people in germany! "
6; "we must clench one's teeth, go to all lengths to do one thing; otherwise, we will be without a single success. "
7; "each generation should at least have a baptism of war. "
8; "I to complete the unfinished business of Jesus christ. "
9; "they have to be careful, someday we endure to the end, then we'll make thoseshameless Jews forever!!! "
10; I don't believe, before those who constantly taunt us, now, they still smile!!! "
11; "you must follow my solemn vow: we need peace, we need to be devoted to our cause. "
12 "the weak forget! "
13; "if the Germanic peoples not strong enough to defend its own bloody exists, itshould be dead. "
14; "if my people fail in this field experiment, I would never cry, they are asking forthe outcome of this. "
15; "extraordinary thought is not ordinary people coexist. "
16; "we have set up a target, and will be hard struggle, until death! "
17; "only those crazy masses are tame. "
18; "people are blind and foolish. "
19; "I got everything through be good at giving systematic guidance. "
20; "mass is a term I do as one pleases. "
21; "unshakable women education is to raise children. "
22; women's intelligence is totally useless. "
23; "only useful to me of the treaty is valid. "
24; "we've always, will continue to take on all things. "
"I always want to fight 25. "
26; "in terms of the enemy is no better place than the grave. "
27; "no one can take away our honor. To the German people, we must fight for 15- 20 years. "
28; "I prefer 50 instead of waging war in 55 or 60 years old. "
29; "the times call for war rather than peace. "
30; "final purpose of politics is war. "
31; "we can only use weapons to defend the peace. "
The 32 World War; "there is all the same to me. "
33; "young man was going to sacrifice. "
34; "as long as there is a German war will continue to survive. "
35; "our movement was an anti parliamentary system. "
36; "more difficult to shake faith than knowledge; love than respect more difficult to change; hatred more persistent than disgust. "
37; "understanding of the world on the strongest driving force is not the changerule of science, but to the masses with a power of fanaticism, sometimes even drive people to move on hysteria. "
38; "a great liar is also a great magician. "
39; "people do not think it is the government's fortune. "
40; "I will decide everything. "
41; "we will system, ruthless and destroy the enemy, root and leaf. "
42; "in the launch and war, is not the problem is be of no great importance, it isvictory! "
43; "if they betrayed the nation, the waiting for their only death! "
44; "national security can not be placed on someone else's gift, history is alwaysmoving forward in the sabre, this world is the world of law of the jungle. In order to survive, to dignity, we need strong arms. "
45; "to conquer, exploitation, plunder and eliminate the inferior race, but I have noresponsibilities and privileges to shirk. "
46; "the great history of the rise and fall of the country, is entirely due to racial mixing and damage caused by pure blood. In order to prevent this disaster, so the nation must take responsibility, measures are taken to prevent. "
47; "create the nation state, is not a federation of nationalism will thin can workindependently, only moving iron firm will, to beat all other sports and won the final victory. "
48; "it's an ideal sustenance, no matter what the organization, it's great, is that it's religious fanaticism, and it can not tolerate the stubborn spirit, they attack the other organizations, and firmly believe that the people are wrong, only she is the right. If the ideal reasonable, coupled with this weapon, so, this ideal, struggle over the world, will be invincible. All the pressure in this organization, that is to facilitate the increase of its internal strength. "
49; "the progress of mankind, as if to world without end. Climbing must step upfrom below, so the Aryan must follow the road, move forward, the road is not themodern peace dream road. "
50; "the war has become a kind of Weird Science, is too profound to be understood. But the war is a very natural thing, but also in daily life the most essential things... The war is life.. "
51; "only today will obey, tomorrow can command. "
52; "a leader, a people, a nation. "
53; "soldiers don't thought, for they thought of a leader. "
54; the time has arrived, all the time in the world the most evil of the Jewish enemy,at least let them stop the role of one thousand years. "
55; "not peace achieved something, with the fist to take. "
56; "I have not come into this world to make men better, but to make use of their weaknesses. "
57; "humanity is a mixture of stupid, cowardly and fancy. "
58; "human growth in the eternal struggle, destruction in eternal peace. "
59; "human in the struggle to become strong, no matter he achieved what goal, all because of his creativity and his cruelty. "
60; "human life cannot do without three arguments: the struggle of all, virtue lies inblood, a leader is the first, decisive. "
61; "in front of God and the world, only the strong have the right to carry out his will. "
62; "strong must dominate the weak, only the natural weak will think this is cruel. "
63; the compassion is a sin. Sympathy for the weak is against nature. "
64; "all of nature's work is intense struggle between the strong and the weak --eternal victory of the strong rule the weak. If not, the whole of nature can only decline. Contrary to the basic laws of the countries will also decline. "
65; "people love somber ruler, than the love people who beg for pity. "
66; "most, often is stupid and cowardly policy advocates, set up one hundred fool,can not become a smart person, so wise decisiveness, cannot be obtained fromthe one hundred cowards. "
67; "to reach the purpose of political reform, we must not only by painstaking persuasion, or affect the authorities to achieve the purpose. The only way, in the seizure of power. "
68; "the dictatorship would become the strongest. "