



1.“You are the lineal representative of the ancient and knightly family of the d’Urbervilles, who derive their descent from Sir Pagan d’Urberville, that renowned knight who came from Normandy with William the Conqueror, as appears by Battle Abbey Roll?( P. 5 Parson Twingham plants the idea in John Durbeyfield’s mind that he and his family are better than their neighbors and thus begins Tess’s path toward destruction.)
2. “Tess Durbeyfield at this time of her life was a mere vessel of emotion untinctured by experience.”(P.13 At the beginning of the novel, Tess is angry when the villagers attempt to make fun of her prideful father riding home in a hired cart he can’t afford. In a state of heightened emotion, she tells her friends that she will no longer talk to them if they laugh at Durbeyfield. From the beginning, Tess demonstrates great love for her family. She will defend them to the death.)
3. “I don’t know; but I think so. They sometimes seem to be like the apples on our stubbard-tree, most of them splendid and sound—a few blighted.” (P.31 As the youngsters ride along at night to market, Tess pessimistically explains to her younger brother Abraham that stars are indeed worlds and that they have the misfortune to live on a blighted star and that this explains all their family’s misfortunes)
4. “By this time every couple had been suitable matched…an inner cloud of dust rose around the prostate figures.”(P. 68 Unlike Car Darch and the other crude working women, Tess keeps herself pure and apart from drinking and sexual activity. However, as Hardy would have it, despite her efforts, Tess’s fate insures that she will fail to preserve her chastity after she rides off with Alec d’Urberville into the woods.)
5.“I wish I had never been born--there or anywhere else. “(P. 87 Tess says this to Alec d’Urberville after he has seduced her and she feels forced to return home to Marlott in disgrace. She will make this wish over and over throughout the novel until she finally gets her wish.)
6. “Perhaps, of all things, a lie on this thing would do the most good to me now; but I have honour enough left, little as ‘tis, not to tell that lie.” (P. 89 After a month with Alec d’Urberville, Tess realizes she must leave him. Although it would serve her well financially to tell d’Urberville she is in love with him, Tess maintains her honor by leaving him and not becoming his paid mistress.)
7. “`Dead! dead! dead!’” he murmured. After fixedly regarding her for some moments with the same gaze of unmeasurable woe he bent lower, enclosed her in his arms, and rolled her in the sheet as in a shroud. Then lifting her from the bed with as much respect as one would show to a dead body, he carried her across the room, murmuring, ‘My poor, poor Tess, my dearest darling Tess! So sweet, so good, so true!’” (P. 279 After telling him of her secret past, Tess finds Angel sleepwalking and looming over her in the dark. Pride keeps Angel from accepting and loving Tess, yet unconsciously he remains deeply in love with her and understands her reasoning for not telling him the truth. This scene foreshadows Tess’s early death.)
8. “Under the trees several pheasants lay about, their rich plumage dabbled with blood; some were dead, some feebly twitching a wing…Tess’s first thought was to put the still living birds out of their torture, and to this end with her own hands she broke the necks of as many as she could find… ‘Poor darlings—to suppose myself the most miserable being on earth in the sight o’ such misery as yours!’ she exclaimed, her tears running down as she killed the birds tenderly.” (P. 312 After changing her mind about asking Angel’s parents for help, Tess despairs after spending the night outdoors. In the morning she spies the dead and dying pheasants and experiences an affinity for the tortured birds. Then, despite her tortured life at Flintcomb-Ash, she optimistically rallies and realizes that compared with the birds, her life is not bad. Despite her attempts to remain optimistic, however, Hardy’s pessimistic views insure that Tess is doomed and that the birds’ wrung necks foreshadow her own death by hanging.
9. “His father too was shocked to see him. So reduced was that figure from its former contours by worry…you could see the skeleton behind the man and almost the ghost behind the skeleton.” (P. 416 Like his forlorn wife Tess, Angel Clare also undergoes great mental and physical hardship when he is separated from her in Brazil. The price of forgoing his immature judgmental ways comes at great personal cost.)
10. “Justice was done, and the President of the Immortals, in Aeschylean phrase, had ended his sport with Tess.” (P. 447 The Greek dramatist Aeschylus wrote tragedies. Like Aeschylus’s characters, Tess ultimately had no control over her life. Her actions were fate-driven, predestined, determined solely by the whim, or the sport, of the gods.)


#电影经典语录# 在他的神态和目光里,隐藏着某种混乱、模糊和心不在焉的东西,叫人一看就知道他这个人也许对未来的物质生活,既没有明确的目标,也不怎么关心。可是当他还是一个少年的时候,人们就说过,他是那种想做什么就能把什么做好的人。——托马斯·哈代 德伯家的苔丝苔丝

#电影经典语录# 在他的神态和目光里,隐藏着某种混乱、模糊和心不在焉的东西,叫人一看就知道他这个人也许对未来的物质生活,既没有明确的目标,也不怎么关心。可是当他还是一个少年的时候,人们就说过,他是那种想做什么就能把什么做好的人。——托马斯·哈代 德伯家的苔丝苔丝

  苔丝本是一位纯洁美丽又非常勤劳的农村姑娘,她向往人生的真和善,但又时时遭到伪和恶的打击。苔丝的悲剧始于为了全家人生计去远亲家打工,却因年幼无知而被亚雷骗去了处女的贞操,成了一个“堕落”的女人,受到社会舆论的非议,把她看成不贞洁的罪人;苔丝后来与青年克莱相爱,又因为新婚之夜坦诚有污点的过去而被丈夫遗弃,而与近在眼前的幸福失之交臂;出于高度的家庭责任感和自我牺牲精神,苔丝为换取家人的生存而再次违愿沦为亚雷的情妇;最后因为丈夫的回心转意使得绝望的苔丝愤而举起了复仇的利刃,终于成了一个杀人犯,最后不得不付出了生命的代价,导致“像游丝一样敏感,像雪一样“洁白”的苔丝最后终被完全毁灭。  这一切悲性遭遇全由于无情命运所精心谋划和设计,安排世事的宇宙主宰通过命运的巨网毫无怜悯地将人伦道德意义上的好人、善良人笼罩于进退维谷的苦难陷阱。[5] 苔丝是哈代塑造的一个全新的妇女典型。她有着双重性格。一方面她敢于反抗传统道德和虚伪的宗教;另一方面又不能长度摆脱传统道德对自身的羁绊。  特别是后者与她的悲剧命运直接相关。首先,造成苔丝悲剧的性格方面的因素是大自然赋予她的纯朴,这本能的纯朴使她不能与人面兽心的亚雷相处,也使她不能向心爱的人隐瞒自己的“污点”,因为她没有沾染多少文明,所以也就缺乏功利的计谋。而且苔丝蔑视宗教,蔑视法律。  另一方面,由于苔丝出身于一个农民家庭,残存于农民身上的某些旧道德和宿命观点使她在反抗传统道德时出现了软弱的一面。她在受到世俗舆论、传统道德迫害的同时,又用这一道德标准来静观自己,认为自己是有罪的。苔丝以失去自我为前提,对克莱尔极度崇拜,极度忠贞。  正是这种思想,这种保守性,加重了苔丝命运的悲剧性。

给你10句经典的引语: 1.“You are the lineal representative of the ancient and knightly family of the d’Urbervilles, who derive their descent from Sir Pagan d’Urberville, that renowned knight who came from Normandy with William the Conqueror, as appears by Battle Abbey Roll?( P. 5 Parson Twingham plants the idea in John Durbeyfield’s mind that he and his family are better than their neighbors and thus begins Tess’s path toward destruction.) 2. “Tess Durbeyfield at this time of her life was a mere vessel of emotion untinctured by experience.”(P.13 At the beginning of the novel, Tess is angry when the villagers attempt to make fun of her prideful father riding home in a hired cart he can’t afford. In a state of heightened emotion, she tells her friends that she will no longer talk to them if they laugh at Durbeyfield. From the beginning, Tess demonstrates great love for her family. She will defend them to the death.) 3. “I don’t know; but I think so. They sometimes seem to be like the apples on our stubbard-tree, most of them splendid and sound—a few blighted.” (P.31 As the youngsters ride along at night to market, Tess pessimistically explains to her younger brother Abraham that stars are indeed worlds and that they have the misfortune to live on a blighted star and that this explains all their family’s misfortunes) 4. “By this time every couple had been suitable matched…an inner cloud of dust rose around the prostate figures.”(P. 68 Unlike Car Darch and the other crude working women, Tess keeps herself pure and apart from drinking and sexual activity. However, as Hardy would have it, despite her efforts, Tess’s fate insures that she will fail to preserve her chastity after she rides off with Alec d’Urberville into the woods.) 5.“I wish I had never been born--there or anywhere else. “(P. 87 Tess says this to Alec d’Urberville after he has seduced her and she feels forced to return home to Marlott in disgrace. She will make this wish over and over throughout the novel until she finally gets her wish.) 6. “Perhaps, of all things, a lie on this thing would do the most good to me now; but I have honour enough left, little as ‘tis, not to tell that lie.” (P. 89 After a month with Alec d’Urberville, Tess realizes she must leave him. Although it would serve her well financially to tell d’Urberville she is in love with him, Tess maintains her honor by leaving him and not becoming his paid mistress.) 7. “`Dead! dead! dead!’” he murmured. After fixedly regarding her for some moments with the same gaze of unmeasurable woe he bent lower, enclosed her in his arms, and rolled her in the sheet as in a shroud. Then lifting her from the bed with as much respect as one would show to a dead body, he carried her across the room, murmuring, ‘My poor, poor Tess, my dearest darling Tess! So sweet, so good, so true!’” (P. 279 After telling him of her secret past, Tess finds Angel sleepwalking and looming over her in the dark. Pride keeps Angel from accepting and loving Tess, yet unconsciously he remains deeply in love with her and understands her reasoning for not telling him the truth. This scene foreshadows Tess’s early death.) 8. “Under the trees several pheasants lay about, their rich plumage dabbled with blood; some were dead, some feebly twitching a wing…Tess’s first thought was to put the still living birds out of their torture, and to this end with her own hands she broke the necks of as many as she could find… ‘Poor darlings—to suppose myself the most miserable being on earth in the sight o’ such misery as yours!’ she exclaimed, her tears running down as she killed the birds tenderly.” (P. 312 After changing her mind about asking Angel’s parents for help, Tess despairs after spending the night outdoors. In the morning she spies the dead and dying pheasants and experiences an affinity for the tortured birds. Then, despite her tortured life at Flintcomb-Ash, she optimistically rallies and realizes that compared with the birds, her life is not bad. Despite her attempts to remain optimistic, however, Hardy’s pessimistic views insure that Tess is doomed and that the birds’ wrung necks foreshadow her own death by hanging. 9. “His father too was shocked to see him. So reduced was that figure from its former contours by worry…you could see the skeleton behind the man and almost the ghost behind the skeleton.” (P. 416 Like his forlorn wife Tess, Angel Clare also undergoes great mental and physical hardship when he is separated from her in Brazil. The price of forgoing his immature judgmental ways comes at great personal cost.) 10. “Justice was done, and the President of the Immortals, in Aeschylean phrase, had ended his sport with Tess.” (P. 447 The Greek dramatist Aeschylus wrote tragedies. Like Aeschylus’s characters, Tess ultimately had no control over her life. Her actions were fate-driven, predestined, determined solely by the whim, or the sport, of the gods.)

Everything has the place which the delightful bird sings, also has poisonous snake hissing sound hissing sound calling
The survival destroys, this is the question which is worth pondering 本回答被提问者采纳


















Everything has the place which the delightful bird sings, also has poisonous snake hissing sound hissing sound calling The survival destroys, this is the question which is worth pondering
