《爱宠大机密》是由照明娱乐与环球影业出品的喜剧动画,由亚罗·切尼、克里斯·雷纳德联合执导,艾丽·坎伯尔、凯文·哈特、蕾克·贝尔、艾伯特·布鲁克斯、鲍比·莫伊尼汉等参与配音。该片讲述了主人不在家时,各类宠物们形形色色的生活状态的故事。 影片于2016年7月8日在美国上映,同年8月2日在中国上映。电影讲述了在纽约一幢热闹的公寓大楼里,有一群宠物,每天主人出门后、回家前这里就变成了它们的乐园:有的和其他宠物一起出去玩;有的聚在一起交流主人的糗事;还有的在不停捯饬自己的外貌,使自己看上去更可爱以便从主人那里要来更多的零食……总之,宠物们每天的“朝九晚五”是他们一天中最自由、最惬意的时光。 在这群宠物中,有一只小猎犬是当仁不让的领袖,他叫麦克斯(Max),机智可爱,自认为是女主人生活的中心——直到她从外带回家一只懒散、没有家教的杂种狗“公爵”(Duke)。麦克斯和公爵人生观价值观都不一样,自然很难和平共处。 但当它们一起流落纽约街头后,两人又必须抛弃分歧、共同阻止一只被主人抛弃的宠物兔“雪球”(Snowball)——后者为了报复人类,准备组织一支遭弃宠物大军在晚饭前向人类发起总攻。
他后来说了It feels so heroic! 经典片段里英雄为了美人而救人,所以他也想象身边站的就是爱人。这是一种自我感动~题主你想太多了…
1、Can’t be bothered unless you’ve got food.
2、Lady-killer on the inside, dopey pug on the outside.
3、You're not just my owner,You're my primary caregiver.
4、A sarcastic dachshund.
5、50% fluff, 110% tough.
6、You're in love.How gross for everyone.Now move it!
《爱宠大机密》是环球影业、Illumination Entertainment联合出品的一部动画电影。由克里斯·雷纳德、Yarrow Cheney执导,艾丽·坎伯尔、凯文·哈特、蕾克·贝尔、艾瑞克·斯通斯崔特、艾伯特·布鲁克斯主演。
Max: I’m Max and I’m the luckiest dog in New York, because of her.
[we see his human owner Katie]
[Max holds onto Katie’s scarf]
Katie: Come on, Max, I gotta go. See you tonight.
[Max watches Katie leave for the day]
[after Katie has just left to go to work]
Max: Oh, I miss her so much.
[suddenly Katie opens the front door]
Max: She’s back!
Katie: Forgot my phone!
[Katie leaves again and Max looks forlorn]
Max: Oh, I miss her so much.
[after their owners leave for work]
Gidget: Hey, Max.
Max: Hey, Gidget.
Gidget: Any plans today?
Max: Yes. Big, big stuff today, Gidget. I got big plans. I’m gonna sit here and I’m gonna wait for Katie to come back.
Gidget: Oh, that sounds exciting. Well, I won’t interrupt. I’ve got a very busy day too.
[as he hears Katie opening the front door]
Max: She’s back!
Katie: Hey, Maximillian! I have some big news.
[Katie opens the door to reveal her new dog, Duke]
Katie: Max, this is Duke.
[Max looks horrified]
Katie: He’s going to be your brother.
[Duke sloppily licks Max’s face]
[Max goes up to the next apartment to visit Chloe the cat]
Max: Chloe! Chloe! I got a bad situation. Katie brought home a psychopath from the pound! I don’t even have a bed now! I’m sleeping on the floor, like a dog!
Chloe: I’m your friend and as your friend I gotta be honest with you, I don’t care about you or your problems.
[we see Max barking like crazy at Katie whilst she’s brushing her teeth]
Max: Duke is just ruining our lives. He’s ruining… ! It’s an emergen …!
[not understanding what Max is barking about Katie just pats him on his head]
Katie: Aah, you little cutey pie.
Duke: This is my apartment now, and my new bed.
[he slumps down on top of Max who’s lying down in his bed]
[after Duke breaks the vase]
Max: Oh, Duke, Katie’s going to be so upset when she sees that… Katie’s going to flip out.
Duke: It’s just one vase.
Max: Is it, Duke? Is it?
[suddenly Max kicks out to break the vase on the coffee table]
Max: Ah, that’s a shame.
[he then starts kicking out the paper on the table as Duke watches in horror]
[referring to Duke]
Gidget: Hi, Max. who’s your new roommate?
Max: He’s gonna be gone soon.
[as they end up in a back alley]
Sphynx Cat: What’s going on here?
Duke: Mind your own business! Oh, my gosh. What happened to you?
[we see him look in horror at the emaciated stray alley cat]
Duke: Aaahhh! Run!
[to the other neighborhood pets]
Gidget: Max is missing! We’ve got to find him.
[she grabs the Sphynx cat that last saw Max and Duke]
Gidget: Where is Max? Tell me!
[she starts slapping the alley cat]
Sphynx Cat: Help me! Ow!
[referring to Tiberius, who’s standing by watching]
Gidget: Don’t look at him, look at me!
[as they are being taken away in an animal rescue truck]
Max: Katie’s going to be worried sick.
Duke: And we had a great thing going. I blame myself.
Max: Yeah, me too. I blame you a lot.
Chloe: Look Max I’m your friend, okay, and as your friend Ive got to be honest with you I don’t care about you or your problems!
Chloe: Katie is a dog person, and dog persons do inexplicable things, like get dogs instead of cats.
Snowball: Look at my plans, it’s all laid out, right here.
[we see a piece of cardboard stuck on the wall with incoherent lines drawn all over it, suddenly Snowball jumps up and stabs into two red pens into it and does an evil laugh]
Pop: That ball of fluff’s got a screw loose.
[two animal rescue men see a cute little bunny, Snowball in the middle of the road, one of the gets out the truck]
Animal Rescue Guy: Hey, you see that? Hey, there, cute little bunny.
[suddenly Snowball attacks the delivery guy, beating him up]
Animal Rescue Guy: Save yourself!
Snowball: Shut it human! Let’s do this now!
Snowball: Rupert! Rupert where are you at?
[he sees a massive bulldog locked up in one of the animal cages]
Snowball: Let’s go! I’m busting you out of here.
[he quickly bites down on his carrot into the shape of a key and frees Rupert]
Snowball: Liberate forever! Domesticated never! Yeah!
Snowball: The revolution has begun! Liberated forever, domesticated never!
[to Max and Duke]
Snowball: I’m gonna bust the both of you out of here, but from now on you work for me.
[returning to his lair full of pets]
Snowball: We have returned from the surface with two new recruits.
[to Max and Duke]
Snowball: Initiating time.
Max: I’m sorry, what time?
[a massive snake looms down over them and flips out his poisonous fang]
Snowball: Who wants to go first?
Snowball: Advantage me!
[he starts laughing hard as he does he suddenly loses control and rabbit droppings come out of him]
Snowball: Oh-Oh. Just ignore what just happened, okay?
[he goes back to laughing as the cat behind him starts to play with one of his droppings]
Snowball: Yes!
Hound: This is my city, I’ll find your friend. We gotta take the secret route.
[the pets watch in horror as he suddenly falls down a pipe at the side of the building]
Chloe: Okay, the secret route was death.
Hound: Come on!
Max: [to Duke] We can find our way home. We are descended from the mighty wolf! We’ve raw primal instincts. And our moments away from leading us home.
[as they catch a ride on the fairy]
Duke: Isn’t home that way?
Max: Seriously!
Pop: I’ll find your friend.
Buddy: How you been, old timer?
Pop: Paralyzed!
[there’s a moment of stunned silence]
Gidget: Great.
Snowball: I feel heroic, and a little wet, but I still look good. I look good.
Pops: This is, uh, Puffball, Squashface, Weiner Dog, Yellow Bird, Eagle Eye, Guinea Pig Joe. And of course my girlfriend, Rhonda.
Snowball: Who are we? We are the Flushed Pets. Abandoned by our owners, and now we’re out for revenge! It’s like a club, but with biting and scratching.
Snowball: Death’s coming to Brooklyn, and he’s got buck teeth and a cottontail.
[seeing Max on Duke on a ferry]
Snowball: They’re going to Brooklyn!
Tattoo: They say everyone’s going to Brooklyn these days. Makin’ a real comeback.
Snowball: I’m not talking about hipster real estate trends. I’m talking revenge, Tattoo!