





一、 生活就是这样,当你觉得过不去的时候,咬咬牙,也许再坚持一下,就能看到曙光。因为,你远比自己想象中更坚强。Life is like this. When you feel you can't get through it, bite your teeth and maybe stick to it again, you can see the dawn. Because you are much stronger than you think.



Only when people abandon the things outside, can they get the space of the soul. If you abandon worldly misconceptions, you will be clear-minded; if you abandon fame and wealth, you will be relaxed. There are many love, hatred, hatred and hatred that have passed and are over. Why not throw them all away?

四、我们在寻找一种感觉,这种感觉是金钱所不能替代的,在心灵上人都是迷茫的它需要依附别人来完成自己内心的满足感,很少有人能化解内心的各种情绪和痛苦,很少有人能挣脱道德的束缚,这必然要建立在阅历和智力之上,所以很多人是迷路的,它们需要所谓的感觉和刺激,需要唱歌需要喝酒需要正视自己的人生观,其实心灵上依旧迷茫。We are looking for a feeling that money can't replace. Mentally, people are confused. They need to depend on others to fulfill their inner satisfaction. Few people can dissolve all kinds of emotions and pains. Few people can break away from moral fetters.

This must be based on experience and intelligence. So many people are lost. They need so-called. Feeling and stimulation, need to sing, need to drink, need to face up to their outlook on life, in fact, the mind is still confused.


Only when you finish the road you have to walk can you live the life you want to live. Some roads you have to walk alone. This is not loneliness, but choice. Fifth, you are a play not performed in your youth, but you have worn out the clown.

六、爱情就是,见不到你的时候,心里有好多话想和你说;你在身边时,觉得得静静地靠近你,即使不说话,也很好。Love is that when you don't see you, you have a lot of things to say to you in your heart; when you are around, you feel quietly close to you, even if you don't speak, it's very good.


Many times, our hearts are like a mirror, knowing that it is the most beautiful thing in the world to be able to have a beautiful mood.

In memory of your face, I no longer seem to be able to describe the outline, the promises have gone with the wind, even a trace of the disappearance has not left. I know, this page of time records, from the moment you turn around, I will no longer have the strength to read.

八、不要问别人为什么不喜欢你,多问问别人凭什么喜欢你。 这个世界多么现实啊!时间、精力、资源、好心情,一切都那么有限。如果,你既不能给人带来精神愉悦,又无法提供切实的帮助,别人为什么要喜欢你? 很现实,很直接,很残酷,但是相信我,这是真理。Don't ask why people don't like you, ask why people like you more. How realistic the world is! Time, energy, resources, good mood, everything is so limited. If you can neither bring spiritual pleasure nor provide practical help, why do people like you? It's realistic, direct and cruel, but believe me, it's the truth.

九、虽说交朋友无需分高低贵贱。 有钱的不巴结,没钱的不看扁。 但看重的是将心比心, 鄙视的是虚情假意! 虽说处感情不必分时间长短。 耿直的人最简单,善良的人最喜欢, 但用心交心的人,拿命换! 拿心玩人的人,趁早散!

Although making friends does not need to be distinguished between high and low. Wealthy people don't want to curry up, and those who don't have money don't want to look flat. But what we value is heart to heart, and what we despise is hypocrisy!

Although we don't have to spend any time dealing with feelings. Gentle people are the simplest, kind people like most, but people who care about each other heart to heart, take life for it! Those who play with their hearts will leave early.

十、不要因为兴许会改变,就不肯说那句美丽的誓言,不要因为也许会分离,就不敢求一次倾心的相遇。有的东西和人,经过时间的洗礼,才知道到底喜不喜欢,重不重要。Don't refuse to say that beautiful oath because it may change. Don't dare to ask for a heart-to-heart encounter because it may be separated. Some things and people, after the baptism of time, to know whether they like it or not, is not important.


Most of the time, we just miss the person in the memory, the beautiful and memorable time. When a person really leaves you, everything will turn into the beautiful memory.

十二、缘分,是红尘中的你我前世许下的约定,是今生相守的契约,来生相聚的承诺。缘分,是生命轮回过程中的一点灵光的闪现,总是无意中悄悄地掠过你的心地。缘分,是冥冥中注定的东西,可遇而不可求。缘分,是梦中虚幻的唯美情境,缘分,是一道美丽风景。缘分,使你我相遇、相知、相爱、相守一生。Fate is a promise made by you and me in the world of mortality, a contract to keep in this life and a promise to meet in the next life. Fate is a glimmer of inspiration in the process of life transmigration, always passing through your heart unconsciously and quietly.

Fate is something destined in the dark, which can be met but can not be sought. Fate is the illusory aesthetic situation in dreams. Fate is a beautiful scenery. Fate makes you and I meet, know each other, love each other and stay together for a lifetime.


You see, year after year, spring does not have to be early, winter frost will not be late, get together and leave, are just right. The most important thing in life is to learn how to give and receive love.

十四、 被最爱的人误解,难过到不想争辩,也只有选择沉默。全世界都可以不懂我,如果你也不懂,我还有什么话可说。爱上一个不爱你的人,就像给自己挖了个坑,然后跳进去,挖坑的是自己,跳进去的还是自己,最后爬不出来的也是自己。Being misunderstood by the loved one, I feel so sad that I don't want to argue, and I have to choose silence. The world can not understand me, if you do not understand, I have nothing to say. Falling in love with someone who doesn't love you is like digging a pit for yourself and jumping in. It's you who digs the pit, jumps in or you, and finally you can't climb out.


But all successful people often go through a dark period of unsupported and helpless, and this period of time is precisely the key stage of self-precipitation. Like the darkness before dawn, when it passes, the sky will shine.

The so-called Qianli horse does not necessarily run fastest, but it must have the best endurance. You can complain, but you have to be patient and save your strength to wait for opportunities, so that you can have hope in life.

十六、人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇。等闲变却故人心,却道故人心易变。生活中没有理想的人,是可怜的人。原来,有的人活着活着就成为了别人眼中喜欢购买廉价货的人。If life is just like the first sight, what is the autumn wind sad painting fan? When we wait for leisure to change, we will change our hearts, but when we talk about it, we will change our hearts. There is no ideal person in life, but a poor person. Originally, some people live and become people who like to buy cheap goods in other people's eyes.


Appropriate sorrow can express deep feelings, but excessive sadness can prove the lack of wisdom.

十八、 任何一个人离开你,都并非突然作的决定。人心是慢慢变冷,树叶是渐渐变黄,故事是缓缓写到结局。而爱,是因为失望太多,才变成不爱。

It's not a sudden decision for anyone to leave you. The human heart is slowly getting cold, the leaves are gradually turning yellow, and the story is slowly written to the end. And love, because too much disappointment, it becomes not love.

十九、人生最好的旅行,就是你在一个陌生的地方,发现一种久违的感动。 哪里会有人喜欢孤独,不过是不喜欢失望罢了。

The best way to travel in life is to find a long-lost feeling in a strange place. & Am; nbsp; Where will someone like loneliness, but not disappointment.
