1. what do people think of ourselves, decided the destiny of man.
2.Most people only because of ignorance and error, full of fictional worry, busy not over of unskilled work, but not acquisition life is beautiful fruit. 3. In most cases, we are engaged in is fleeting, not a counterweight chores, in fact, they are the cause of the troubled within us. ...
1 a person how do you view yourself, determine the fate of this person.
Two. Most people just because of ignorance and error, filled with imaginary worries, endless menial jobs, but can not collect life fruit.
3. In most cases, we are engaged in is fleeting, irrelevant trivia, in fact, they are disturbing our hearts.
4. Fit the human body, more than half quickly plow tillage in the past, into the soil fertilizer.
5 Abandon our prejudices, it is never too late.
6. Love is to try to go to the dream world into reality.
7. Even the most intelligent person alive I, he can understand how much the absolute value of the life.
8. The most beautiful character of our nature, like the fruit on the Creme is only softly before the preserved.
9. A person in fact is another person lost.
9. Lead to the house is unique, not their appearance, but inside the house residents.
10. Regardless of the strength of the legs, can make two souls closer.
11. We could give up their own care, they can be faithful to others how much care.
12. Some endless suffering anxiety, became almost cure a bad disease.
13. How many can be drawn from the center of the circle radius, and the lifestyle there is such a multi-
14. Live out your faith, you can rotate the world.
15. Be a philosopher, then, is not only a fine idea, not only to build a school, but also to the love of wisdom, which in accordance with the instructions of wisdom to live a simple, independence, magnanimity, and trust the life .
1 a person how do you view yourself, determine the fate of this person.
Two. Most people just because of ignorance and error, filled with imaginary worries, endless menial jobs, but can not collect life fruit.
3. In most cases, we are engaged in is fleeting, irrelevant trivia, in fact, they are disturbing our hearts.
4. Fit the human body, more than half quickly plow tillage in the past, into the soil fertilizer.
5 Abandon our prejudices, it is never too late.
6. Love is to try to go to the dream world into reality.
7. Even the most intelligent person alive I, he can understand how much the absolute value of the life.
8. The most beautiful character of our nature, like the fruit on the Creme is only softly before the preserved.
9. A person in fact is another person lost.
9. Lead to the house is unique, not their appearance, but inside the house residents.
10. Regardless of the strength of the legs, can make two souls closer.
11. We could give up their own care, they can be faithful to others how much care.
12. Some endless suffering anxiety, became almost cure a bad disease.
13. How many can be drawn from the center of the circle radius, and the lifestyle there is such a multi-
14. Live out your faith, you can rotate the world.
15. Be a philosopher, then, is not only a fine idea, not only to build a school, but also to the love of wisdom, which in accordance with the instructions of wisdom to live a simple, independence, magnanimity, and trust the life .
妈妈要回的“家”,不是任何一个有邮政编码、邮差找得到的家,她要回的“家”,不是空间,而是一段时光,在那个时光的笼罩里,年幼的孩子正在追逐笑闹、厨房里正传来煎鱼的滋滋香气、丈夫正从她身后捂着她的双眼要她猜是谁、门外有人高喊“限时专送拿印章来”…… 妈妈是那个搭了“时光机器”来到这里但是再也找不到回程车的旅人。
每想你一次,天上飘落一粒沙,从此形成了撒哈拉。每想你一次,天上就掉下一滴水,于是形成了太平洋 如果有来生 要做一棵树 站成永恒 没有悲欢的姿势 一半在尘土里安详 一半在风里飞扬 一半洒落阴凉 一半沐浴阳光 非常沉默非常骄傲 从不依靠从不寻找, 任日月星华风吹雨打 没有离别 没有改变
1916年,德意志帝国决定把进攻重点转向西线,力图打败法国,并把法国的凡尔登要塞作为第一目标。凡尔登是协约国军防线的突出部,对德军深入法国、比利时有很大威胁,是通往巴黎的强固据点和法军阵线的枢纽。>16年2月21日,德军集中大炮对凡尔登连续轰击10多个小时,将该地区的森林、山头、战壕等,全部夷为平地,随后以6个师兵力向前推进。 法军总司令霞飞增派援军,任命H • P•贝当为凡尔登地区司令,组织法军抵抗。战争中,德军首次使用光气窒息弹,杀伤大量法军。6月底至11月,法英联军对在索姆河一带对德军阵地发动强大攻势,但未能成功。10 ~ 12月,法军在凡尔登调集部队,开始反攻,夺回大部分失地,德军战略进攻失败。 瓦尔登战役是典型的阵地战、消耗战,双方共投入近1〇〇万人,共计死伤70多万人。由于瓦尔登战役伤亡惨重,所以被人们称为“绞肉机”、“屠场”、“地狱”。德意志帝国在瓦尔登战役失败后,逐步走向最后的失败。