




Yurnero here.
Play I am Yurnero.
Play Juggernaut.
Play Call me Juggernaut.
Play Juggernaut stands ready.
Play You have summoned Juggernaut.
Play Oh, it's the Juggernaut
Play Oh, it's the Juggernaut
Play Yes.
Play As you wish.
Play It's an honor.
Play Onward.
Play Swiftly now!
Play Forward.
Play Of course.
Play To battle.
Play Agreed.
Play A fine idea.
Play As you wish.
Play I go.
Play I fight.
Play I bring my blade.
Play So you say.
Play Very well.
Play On it.
Play Already moving.
Play Attack!
Play Your death approaches.
Play You are mine!
Play At last!
Play You die!
Play Run if you can!
Play Look me in the eye!
Play Stand and face me!
Play What coward runs?
Play You cannot hide!
Play I will mow you down!
Play Death-dealer!
Play Attack!
[edit]Casting a Spell
Play Now is time!
Play You ask and I will answer.
Play The time is upon us!
[edit]Casting Blade Fury
Play Haaaaaaaai!
Play Coming through!
Play Juggernaaaaaaaaaaaut!
Play Mow you down!
Play Mown-ed!
Play All flesh is grass!
Play Yaaaaaaaai!
[edit]Other: Please Classify
Play Can't touch me.
Play Repel!
Play Your magic cannot harm me!
[edit]Casting Omnislash
Play Looks like it's just you and me.
Play Fancy beating you here.
Play May I cut in?
What a waste!
Play Argh, I had such plans...
Play I'm out of here.
Play Hate to hit and run.
Play I'll be back to finish this later.
Play No!
Play Not possible...
Play To see...beneath...the mask...
Play I face...my fate...
Play Unmasked...
Play Is this my fate?
Play What's this?
Play I was the last of my kind...
Play Extinction...
Play And then there were none...
Play My true face...
[edit]Killing a Hero
Play My finest work.
Play You should be honored.
Play To die at my hand is an honor.
Play An honor for you.
Play Face your death.
Play A worthy foe.
Play Blame my blade.
Play My blade has tasted better.
Play There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity.
Play Never will you see my face.
Play Surgical
Play Perfect
Play Here again?
Play Juggernaut returns.
Play Down but not defeated.
Play A minor setback.
Play I may have lost face but I haven't lost heart.
Play One battle is hardly the war.
Play Back from the brink of extinction.
Play If only I could scratch my nose...
Play Each blow sharpens my blade!
Play All enemies fall at the whim of my blade!
Play Nice mask, they said. What mask?
Play Although I don't fear dying, I still would rather not.
Play I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!
Play Oh Maker of Masks, accept this prayer from your sole surviving child!
Play Screw it, I'm going to five blades!
Play By the Visage of Vengeance, which drowned the Isle of Masks, I will carry on the rites of the Faceless Ones.
Play I'm the Juggernaut, Lich!
[edit]Purchasing an Item
Play Mine at last.
Play This is worth an empty coin purse.
Play I'll empty my pouch for this.
[edit]Purchasing Battle Fury
Play Battle Fury, meet Blade Fury
[edit]Taking Aegis of the Immortal
Play Immortality!
Play No more need I trouble with death.
Play Immortality!
Play Denied!
Play Face it, you're a loser!
Play My blade is swifter.
Play All mine!
Play No less than I deserve!
Play Payday!
Play I'll take that as tribute.
Play I accept your death.
Play Paid in kind.
Play Paid in full.
Play See what you've done?
Play Seems fair.
Play Slim pickings.
Play Easy money.
Play No!
Play Defeated!
Play There is no honor in defeat.
Play Victory!
Play In victory is great honor!
Play Yes!
[edit]Bottling a Rune
Play I'll save this for later.
Play Best put this aside for now.
Play Does it matter if I put this in my jug or not. Get it? Jug or not?
Play How do you guys feel about jugs?
[edit]Activating Haste
Play Haste!
Play To the swift, the spoils!
Play Now my stride will match the swiftness of my blade.
[edit]Activating Double Damage
Play Double damage!
Play The Juggernaut's power is doubled!
[edit]Activating Regeneration
Play Regeneration!
Play There is no dishonor in regeneration.
[edit]Activating Illusion
Play Illusion!
Play All is confusion!
Play How many blades am I holding up?
[edit]Activating Invisibility
Play Invisibility!
Play You won't be seeing me around.
[edit]Gaining a Level
Play My power increases!
Play Strength is mine!
Play The fruits of discipline.
Play With practice comes strength.
Play I grow!
Not yet.
Play It is not time.
Play I'm not ready.
Play Not yet.
Play It is not time.
Play I am not ready.
Play Not yet.
Play It is not time.
Play I am not ready.
[edit]Attempting to Use an Ability without Mana
Play I need mana.
Play I have no mana.
Play Not enough mana.
Play I need mana.
Play I have no mana.
Play Not enough mana.
Play I need mana.
Play I have no mana.
Play Not enough mana.
It’s in the bag!
[edit]Shitty Wizard
Play Shitty wizard!
[edit]Crummy Wizard
Play Crummy wizard!







