It doesn't matterthat you are not here in person as long as you are here in my heart.
I'll make my joy like this small butterfly.
laugh,and the world laugh with you;weep,and you weep alone
If I could bo your prince.
Truth that's brighter than gem,trust,that's purer than pearl,brightest truth,purest trust in the universe.
All that we need to do.Be we low or high,is to see that we grow,nearer the sky.
I live not in myself,but I bocome portion of that aroud me.
Friends will come and friends will go.But our friendship stays strong and true.
He may always remember the simplicity,the open mind of true wisdom,the meekness of true strength.
Nothing happens unless dream first.
And a sleep full of sweet dreams,and health,and quiet breathing.
You know — one loves the sunset, when one is so sad…
If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. He can say to himself, "Somewhere, my flower is there…" But if the sheep eats the flower, in one moment all his stars will be darkened… And you think that is not important!
Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her…
For she did not want him to see her crying. She was such a proud flower…
My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left on my planet, all alone!
His flower had told him that she was only one of her kind in all universe. And here were five thousand of them, all alike, in one single garden!
I thought that I was rich, with a flower that was unique in all the world; and all I had was a common rose. A common rose…
To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world。
The wheat fields have nothing to say to me. And that is sad. But you have hair that is the color of gold. Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me! The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you. And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat。
It is your own fault, I never wished you any sort of harm; but you wanted me to tame you... but now you are going to cry! Then it has done you no good at all!
It has done me good, because of the color of the wheat fields. Go and look again at the roses. You will understand now that yours is unique in all the world。
And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eyes。
It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important。
Men have forgotten this truth. But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose…
Only the children know what they are looking for. They waste their time over a rag doll and it becomes very important to them; and if anybody takes it away from them, they cry…
As for me, if I had fifty-three minutes to spend as I liked, I should walk at my leisure toward a spring of fresh water。
The stars are beautiful, because of a flower that cannot be seen。
What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well…
The house, the stars, the desert – what gives them their beauty is something that is invisible!
What moves me so deeply, about this little prince who is sleeping here, is his loyalty to a flower – the image of a rose that shine through his whole being like the flame of a lamp, even when he is asleep…
The men where you live, raise five thousand roses in the same garden – and they do not find in it what they are looking for. And yet what they are looking for could be found in one single rose, or in a little water. But eyes are blind. One must look with the heart…
All men have the stars, but they are not the same things for different people. For some, who are travelers, the stars are guides. For others they are no more than little lights in the sky. For others, who are scholars, they are problems. For my businessman they were wealth. But all these stars are silent. You – you alone – will have the stars as no one else has them…
In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night… You – only you – will have stars that can laugh…
And when your sorrow is comforted time soothes all sorrows you will be content that you have known me. You will always be my friend. You will want to laugh with me. And you will sometimes open your window, so, for that pleasure… And your friends will be properly astonished to see you laughing as you look up at the sky! Then you will say to them, "Yes, the stars always make me laugh!"
And no grown-ups will ever understand that this is a matter of so much importance!
ere is in every human being’s heart the lure of won
至尊宝:你应该这么做,我也应该死。曾经有一份真诚的爱情放在我面前,我没有珍惜,等我失去的时候我才后悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此。你的剑在我的咽喉上割下去吧!不用再犹豫了!如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会对那个女孩子说三个字:我爱你。 如果非要在这份爱上加上一个期限,我希望是……一万年!唐僧:悟空,你知不知道什么是铛铛铛铛铛铛?至尊宝:什么铛铛铛铛?唐僧:铛得铛铛铛铛铛,就是(唱道)On--ly you--!能伴我去西经。 。。至尊宝:哎……唐僧:On--ly you--!背黑锅我来,送死你去,拼全力为众生!至尊宝:我真的不行啊,我跟你说……唐僧:On-On--!至尊宝:On你,妈,个头啊!你有完没完啊!(一拳将唐僧打倒)我已经跟你说过我不行了,你还要On-On-!On-On-!完全不理人家受得了受不了,你再On我一刀捅死你!唐僧:悟空,你尽管捅,死我吧,生又何哀,死又何苦,等你明白了舍生取义,你自然会回来跟我唱这首歌的!喃呒阿弥陀佛、喃呒阿弥陀佛、喃呒阿弥陀佛……至尊宝:我一定是太想念晶晶了。 菩提:是啊,你昏倒的时候叫了晶晶这个名字九十八次。至尊宝:晶晶是我娘子。菩提:还有一个名字叫紫霞的你叫了七百八十四次!至尊宝:啊?!菩提:七百八十四次……这个紫霞一定欠你很多钱。 白晶晶:因为那个臭猴子不会对我这么温柔。你到底是谁?至尊宝:我就是你五百年后的老公五百年后你因为我而放弃现在这段感情我千辛万苦回到这儿来和在这儿做的所有这些事情全都是为了你晶晶我想念你我真的想念你我太--想念你了!你相不相信?至尊宝:出来吧!葡萄!菩提:我不是想监视你,我只不过是想研究一下人与人之间的一些微妙的感情。 至尊宝:你只是强盗啊大哥,别学人家做学问。菩提:强盗也有学问。至尊宝:省省吧,睡啦!菩提:紫霞在你心目中是不是一个惊叹号,还是一个句号,你脑袋里是不是充满了问号……至尊宝:紫霞只不过是一个我认识的人!我以前说过一个谎话骗她,现在只不过心里面有点内疚而已。 我越来越讨厌她了!我明天就要结婚了,你想怎么样嘛!菩提:有一天当你发觉你爱上一个你讨厌的人,这段感情才是最要命的!至尊宝:可是我怎么会爱上一个我讨厌的人呢?请你给我一个理由好不好?拜托!菩提:爱一个人需要理由吗?至尊宝:不需要吗?菩提:需要吗?至尊宝:不需要吗?菩提:需要吗?至尊宝:不需要吗?菩提:哎,我是跟你研究研究嘛,干嘛那么认真呢?需要吗?(转身走了)唐僧:你有多少兄弟姐妹?你父母尚在吗?你说句话啊,我只是想在临死之前多交一个朋友而已。 唐僧:所以说做妖就象做人一样,要有仁慈的心,有了仁慈的心,就不再是妖,是人妖。(小妖甲开始呕吐。)唐僧:哎,他明白了,你明白了没有?。