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经典语录 > 经典语录 > > 春季早起的经典语录


一、为什么人们总是那么喜欢怀旧,那么怀念童年时光,主要是因为小时候和周围的朋友,还没有那么明显的穷和丑。没遇见你之前,我,随遇而安,遇见你之后,我,以你为安。Why are people always so fond of nostalgia, so nostalgia for childhood, mainly because childhood and friends around, not so obvious poverty and ugliness. Before I met you, I was at ease. After I met you, I was at ease with you.

二、无论是普通人还是大人物,其实真正想要的东西并不多,无非是父母健康,朋友忠诚,爱人专一。你像一场大雨像一阵狂风,席卷我心里所有,留给我狼藉不堪自我回首。No matter ordinary people or big people, there are not many things they really want, just parents'health, friends' loyalty, and spouse's single-mindedness. You are like a heavy rain, like a gust of wind, sweeping through all my heart, leaving me in a mess and unable to look back on myself.

三、要想活得不累就得少点攀比,要想活得不烦就得少点计较,要想过得不苦就得少点懒惰,要想活得不悔就得少点鲁莽。那些曾经以为时间终会帮你抹掉的回忆却在时光的过滤下留下了深刻的痕迹。本以为会慢慢淡忘的故事却有的刻了骨,有的铭了心。If you want to live not tired, you have to compare less, if you want to live not bored, you have to care less, if you want to live not bitter, you have to be less lazy, if you want to live not regret, you have to be less reckless. Those memories that once thought time would help you erase have left deep traces under the filter of time. Some of the stories that I thought would fade away were engraved with bones and some with hearts.

四、无情才是真豪杰,浪荡才是真汉子,带种才是真男人,飘撇才是真浪子。有时候,我们活得很累,并非生活过于刻薄,而是我们太容易被外界的氛围所感染,被他人的情绪所左右。其实你是活给自己看的,没有多少人能够把你留在心上。Ruthlessness is the real hero, wandering is the real man, bringing seeds is the real man, leaving behind is the real prodigal son. Sometimes, we live very tired, not too mean life, but we are too easy to be infected by the outside atmosphere, by other people's emotions. In fact, you live to see for yourself, not many people can keep you in mind.

五、人这一辈子,走到哪里或许都是命运,命运到现在的孤身一人,我在默默反抗,说真的你什么时候来呢,不然我真的可能要败了!后来以为我们永远不能再相见,为了忘了她,开始随意滥情恋爱,把她埋在了心里的最深。People in this life, wherever they go may be fate, fate to the present alone, I am silently resisting, really when do you come, otherwise I really may be defeated! Later, I thought we could never meet again. In order to forget her, I began to fall in love at will and bury her in the deepest part of my heart.

六、如果过去的岁月逝去了,那就让它随风去吧,只是让我很伤心。一个人的孤单,未曾有过的寂寞心情被这暗夜层层包裹。有些故事不一定要讲给每个人听,有些悲伤不一定谁都会懂。宁愿放在心里埋起来,再疼也不说出来。If the past years are gone, let it go with the wind. It just makes me sad. A person's loneliness, never had the loneliness mood is wrapped up by this night layer by layer. Some stories are not necessarily to be told to everyone, and some sadness is not necessarily understood by everyone. I'd rather bury it in my heart than say it again.

七、 我喜欢的样子你都有,和你在一起的时候,我从来没有羡慕过任何人。有时候,我们就像鱼缸里的鱼,想说的很多,一开口就化成了一串省略号…最后都默默的留在了心里。所谓人生就是:有钱,把事做好;没钱,把人做好。就是这么简单!You have the look I like. When I am with you, I never envy anyone. Sometimes, we are like fish in a fish bowl. We want to say a lot. When we open our mouth, it turns into a string of ellipsis marks. In the end, they silently stayed in their hearts. The so-called life is: rich, do a good job; no money, do a good job. It's that simple!

八、短暂的时间,仓促的心,多少明白,多少珍惜,只是人生的读懂,爱情的惋惜,一个人的错,一个人的冷漠,是再见的情,是温柔的错,也是辜负的明白。Short time, hasty heart, how much understanding, how much treasure, but the understanding of life, love regret, a person's fault, a person's indifference, is a farewell feeling, is a gentle fault, but also the understanding of disappointment.

九、后来才发现,你的名字对我来说是一场灾难。可能是自我感觉太良好,以至于我都忘了,我被你拒绝过。有人问“明明太在乎一个人,为何要故意伤害他?”---人就是这么奇怪,用攻击来试探底线、用伤害来索要关爱。总说最好的爱,是让人尽善尽美。却无可否认,太爱一个人的时候,恰是内心最虚弱的时候。It was later discovered that your name was a disaster for me. Maybe I feel so good about myself that I forget that I was rejected by you. Someone asked, "Mingming cares too much about a person, why intentionally hurt him?" People are so strange that they use attack to test the bottom line and hurt to ask for care. Always say that the best love is to make people perfect. But there is no denying that when you love someone too much, it is the weakest time in your heart.

十、相比于春天的百花,一株梅,几十朵花,一样有湖山之胜,它不屑与凡桃俗李在春光中争艳,在天寒地冻、万木不禁寒风时,独自傲然挺立,在大雪中开出繁花满树,幽幽冷香,随风袭人,独步早春。Compared with the hundred flowers in spring, a plum tree and dozens of flowers have the same lake and mountain victory. It disdains competing with the peach and plum trees in the spring. It stands proudly in the cold weather and the cold wind, blossoms and trees in the snow, fragrant and cold, and strides along with the wind in the early spring.

十一、生命,多少的冷漠,人生,多少的看不清,一份冷,懂了自己的心,一份梦,散了自己的情,冷暖自知的世界,感悟一世的繁华,梦醒人散,多少的无奈,懂了自己的失去,心疼。Life, how much indifference, life, how many can't see clearly, a cold, understand their hearts, a dream, disperse their feelings, cold and warm self-knowledge of the world, realize the prosperity of the whole life, wake up people scattered, how many helpless, understand their own loss, heartache.

十二、后来你不再逢人就掏自己的心,你开始计较起付出和回报是不是成正比,在意那个人值不值得,你变得很成熟也很自私。好消息是你懂得爱自己,坏消息是你很难再去爱别人。Later, when you stop pulling your heart out from meeting people, you start to wonder whether the effort is proportional to the return, whether the person is worth it or not, and you become mature and selfish. The good news is that you know how to love yourself. The bad news is that it's hard to love anybody else.

十三、每个人在成长中都会受很多伤,会哭泣悲伤,会觉得痛。许多事情,总是在经历过后才明白。痛过了,便坚强了;跨过了,便成熟了;傻过了,便懂得了适时的珍惜与放弃。总是在失去了什么,才能学会珍惜什么;总是在碰了壁,才能学会改变什么,放弃什么;总是在疼过之后,才能学会做一个全新的自己。Everyone will suffer many injuries in their growth, cry and grieve, and feel pain. Many things are always understood after experience. Pain, then strong; crossed, then mature; silly, then understand the timely treasure and abandonment. Always lose what, can learn to cherish what; Always touch the wall, can learn to change what, give up what; Always after the pain, can learn to be a new oneself.

十四、我没有惊天动地的大事情可以做,只想做一个小人物,给一个可爱的小孩做父母,给一对老人做孝顺的子女,给我未来的另一半一个简单而幸福的人生。I don't have earth-shaking big things to do. I just want to be a little person, to be a parent to a lovely child, to be a filial son to an old man, and to give my future half a simple and happy life.

十五、保持微笑,停止抱怨,无论开心与否,一如既往一路向前;保持微笑,从容应对,逆境的磨练将会成就一个与众不同的你。 对于疏于经营情感的情侣来说,时间才是最让人担心的小三。Keep smiling, stop complaining, be happy or not, keep going all the way; Keep smiling, take it easy, the training of adversity will make you a different person. For couples who neglect to manage their emotions, time is the most worrying junior three.

十六、闭上眼睛,并不能使内心的担忧和恐惧消失;逃避真实,并不能保证自己就能守住惨淡经营的小天地,虚假的东西总有分崩离析的一天,乘坐一艘漏水的船,可以驶过小渠小河,但绝对经受不住大海大洋的考验,成早直面真实,才是人生的首选。Close your eyes, can't make your worries and fears disappear; escape from reality, can't guarantee that you can keep the miserable business world. False things always fall apart one day. Take a leaky boat, you can sail through the canals and rivers, but absolutely can't stand the test of the ocean, and face the truth in the morning is the first choice of life.

十七、欺骗自己、麻醉自己的时间越长,痛苦越多,人生越悲戚。因为有星,夜才不会黑暗;因为有天,海才一片蔚蓝;因为有梦,生命充满期盼;因为有你,我的世界一片灿烂!The longer you cheat yourself and anesthetize yourself, the more pain you suffer and the more sorrowful your life is. Because of the stars, the night will not be dark; because of the day, the sea is blue; because of dreams, life is full of expectations; because of you, my world is brilliant!

上一篇:成功的路上经典语录,成功路上的的经典句子,成功的路上 经典语录




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