直线距离大约30公里 100%的人选择坐飞机
Again I ask: whence does it happen that Adam's fall irremediably involved so many peoples, together with their infant offspring, in eternal death unless because it so pleased God? Here their tongues, otherwise so loquacious, must become mute. The decree is dreadful indeed , I confess. Yet no one can deny that God foreknew what end man was to have before he created him , and consequently foreknew because he so ordained by his decree.(除非神喜悦,否则亚当的堕落怎么可能发生呢?要让所有的口舌都归于无言。我承认这教义听起来确实可怕。然而没有人能够否认上帝预先知道人的结局,因为这是他凭着他的意旨所注定的。)
加尔文主张上帝必要保守圣徒到底,救恩不会失去。奥古斯丁认为圣徒要持守忍耐到底的才是真正得救真正被拣选的。所以奥古斯丁常常鼓励圣徒要为自己信仰的持守(perseverance)祷告,这样的祷告对加尔文来说是没有意义的,而加尔文这样的确定在奥古斯丁的眼里看起来是自大之举。他在《责备和恩典》(On Rebuke and Grace)的第四十章指出﹕「没有人能肯定自己的预定和得救。」 “No One is Certain and Secure of His Own Predestination and Salvation.”
For who of the multitude of believers can presume, so long as he is living in this mortal state, that he is in the number of the predestinated? Because it is necessary that in this condition that should be kept hidden: since here we have to beware so much of pride, that even so great an apostle was buffeted by a messenger of Satan, lest he should be lifted up.(谁能在有生之年肯定自己已在预定得救之列?这是至今隐秘之事。我们必须小心我们的自大,就是主的门徒也被撒旦掳去,使得耶稣被钉十架。)
参考文献:Vanderschaaf, Mark, 《Predestination and Certainty of Salvation in Augustine and Calvin》