1、生活也可以是想方设法使自己生命维持下去的一个漫长的过程。可是有一点使人大惑不解,那就是:所有有用的东西都有一个价格,你不花钱就买不来,这就是眼下的世道。一包棉花、一夸脱糖浆都有它的价格,这你知道,至于这价格是怎么来的,你就不用多管了。可是人的生命值多少钱却没有人定过价;它给你的时候是白给的,收回去的时候也是无偿的。它值多少钱呢 ? 如果你好好观察一下周围,就会发现有时候它值不了几个钱,甚至是一文不值。有时你累得满头大汗,费了好大劲儿,事情还是没有起色,这时你心灵深处便会泛起一种感觉:你的生命并不太值钱。
2、世界上有爱着者。也有被爱者,这是截然不同的两类人。被爱者仅是爱者心底蕴积了好久的那種爱情的触发剂。每一个恋爱的人都多少知道这一点。他在灵魂深处感到他的爱恋是一种很孤独的感情。他逐渐体会到一种新的陌生的孤寂,正式这种发现是他痛苦。(名人语录 www.fffy.com.cn)
第二段是作者简介The Ballad of the Sad Café and Other Stories伤心咖啡馆之歌一部令几代读者心醉神迷的经典作品。《伤心咖啡馆之歌--麦卡勒斯短篇小说集》收入了美国著名作家卡森·麦卡勒斯的七篇最佳中短篇小说,其中包括最著名的《伤心咖啡馆之歌》,以及麦卡勒斯十七岁时发表的处女作--《神童》。 美国南方一个蛮荒小镇上的一场怪诞的三角恋爱……一个小男孩上了一堂困难的成年课……与故土和过去的情人的一次致命邂逅……这一切属于麦卡勒斯的世界,一个失落者、受伤者和人生盛宴上永远的局外者的世界。这些小说出色地展示了爱情、欲望、苦涩的心碎和短暂的快乐,探究了我们生活的真正核心。 When she was only twenty-three her first novel, The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter, created a literary sensation。 She is very special, one of America's superlative writers who conjures up a vision of existence as terrible as it is real, who takes us on shattering voyages into the depths of the spiritual isolation that underlies the human condition。 A grotesque human triangle in a primitive Southern town。 。 。 A young boy learning the difficult lessons of manhood。 。 。 A fateful encounter with his native land and former love。 。 。 These are parts of the world of Carson McCullers -- a world of the lost, the injured, the eternal strangers at life's feast。 Here are brilliant revelations of love and longing, bitter heartbreak and occasional Happiness -- tales that probe the very heart of our lives。 CARSON McCULLERS (1917-1967)When she was only twenty-three, Carson McCullers' first novel, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, became a literary sensation。 Since that time, her reputation has grown with every successive work。Such novels as Reflections In a Golden Eye, The Member of the wedding and Clock Without Hands have won her comparison with such diverse masters as Melville, Flaubert and Faulkner -- which is to say: no critic has succeeded in easily capsulizing the full dimensions of her talent。 Perhaps none of her works more brilliantly represents the variety and richness of her art than The Ballad of the Sad Café。 In the already classic novella of the title, and in the tales which accompany it, the genius of Carson McCullers shines forth vividly -- and unforgettably。