罗曼诺夫王朝(1613-1917),统治俄罗斯的最后一个也是最强盛的王朝。白手起家建立海军的彼得大帝,击败拿破仑兵临巴黎城下的亚历山大一世,最终的末代沙皇尼古拉二世,历史学家Lucy Worsley讲述三百年历史风云。
Lucy Worsley travels to Russia to tell the extraordinary story of the dynasty that ruled the country for more than three centuries - the Romanovs.
The Road to Revolution
3/3 Lucy investigates how the family's grip on Russia unravelled in the years 1825-1918.
Age of Extremes
2/3 Lucy examines the reign of Catherine the Great and the conflict with Napoleonic France.
Reinventing Russia
1/3 A look at the early Romanovs, from 16-year-old Mikhail in 1613 to Peter the Great.