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来源:网络 发布时间:2019-11-16 点击:
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没想到有这个问题。诗歌的话给个网站。http://www.arwen-undomiel.com/poems.html——————————————————————其实我是主要来答句子的。题主说的是书里的句子啊,那就有好多好多了。然后诗歌也不全,因为主要是指环王里的,霍比特人的网站里就没整理。那我就来挖个大坑整理下。——————————————————————在当今的世界,人们大多关注的是视觉与听觉上的图像感受,而这一切音像的源头——书本,却常常被忽视。本回答参考资料全部来自原著。毕竟原著才是最达意的,无论如何译,我总觉得会流失一些东西,难以填补。——————————————————————说是LotR系列,我暂且来扯一扯H与LotR中的句子吧。——————————————————————THE HOBBITC1 An Unexpected PartyFar over the misty mountains coldTo dungeons deep and caverns oldWe must away ere break of day To seek the pale enchanted gold.The dwarves of yore made mighty spells,While hammars fell like ringing bellsIn places deep,where dark things sleep,In hollow halls beneath the fells.For ancient king and elvish lordThere many a gleaming golden hoardThey shaped and wrought,and light they caughtTo hide in gems on hilt of sword.On silver necklaces they strungThe flowering stars,on crowns they hungThe dragon-fire,in twisted wireThey meshed the light of moon and sun.Far over the misty mountains coldTo dungeons deep and caverns oldWe must away,ere break of dayTo claim our long-forgotten gold.Goblets they carved for themselvesAnd harps of gold;where no man delvesThere lay they long,and many a songWas sung unheard by men or elves.The pines were roaring on the height,The trees are moaning in the night,The fire was red,it flaming spread;The trees like torches blazed with light.The bells were ringing in the daleAnd men looked up with faces pale;The dragon's ire more fierce than fireLaid now their towers and houses frail.The mountain smoked beneath the moon;The dwarves,they heard the tramp of doom.The fled their hall to dying fallBeneath his feet,beneath the moon.Far over the misty mountains grimTo dungeons deep and caverns dimWe must away, ere break of day,To win our harps and gold from him!这才是真正的孤山之歌。The song of Lonely Mountain 只是主题曲而已,而Thorin他们在Bag End 唱的就是这首。【虽然电影里只唱了两段】用低沉的声音唱出来后,我自己都要落泪了。矮人先祖的荣耀与此行的使命,已无需再言。C3 A Short RestO! What are you doing?And where are you going?Your ponies need shoeing!The river is flowing!O!tra-la-la-lally!Here down in the valley!O!What are you seeking,And where are you making?The faggots are reeking,The bannocks are baking!O!tril-lil-lil-lollythe valley is jolly,ha! ha!O!Where are you goingWith beards all a-wagging?No knowing,no knowingWhat brings Mister BagginsAnd Balin and Dwalindown into the valleyin Juneha!ha!O!Will you be staying,Or will you be flying?Your ponies are straying!The daylight is dying!To fly would be folly,To stay would be jollyAnd listen and harkTill the end of the darkto our tuneha!ha!Rivendell一直是个好地方。无论是五十年前an unexpected journey的begin, 还是五十年后the council of Elrond, the ring goes south.Rivendell一直热情地接待每一位来客,让他们休养生息,然后开始新的旅程。这是矮人们来时精灵们唱的歌。我很喜欢的一首。脑补一下领主和林秘带着众精灵齐声歌唱的样子……【就先更到这里了,有空再填……【估计有生之年也填不完了吧…… 【真的强行安利一下魔戒中文维基的诗歌分类……我基本上现在整理都到那里整理了……





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