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来源:网络 发布时间:2019-11-15 点击:
经典语录 > 经典语录 > > 秘密花园英文小说经典语录


  To tell the truth, "secret garden" is a good book, no wonder the JK Rowling said: Reading the "secret garden" feeling pretty good。   "Secret Garden" is the U。S。 writer Frances。 Burnett's works。 I have read the "Little Princess" is also her writing。   So I am very interested in her works。 Edison has said so: good book is the author left to the human gift。   This how a good book in that kind of a story? » Pofu story to a mysterious and legendary ancient manor of color as the background, through a day in lost both parents in the small Yuanduchongyang Mary, came to Britain from India took its Gufu - Zhuang Yuanzhu by a series of incredible Erwenmudu Mysterious incident, and reveals the secret of this ancient manor of the vicissitudes of history。   The author is extremely clever idea of art, so that the whole story, Central interlocking, twists and turns of tension, suspense ups and downs, she also delicate psychological description, the book's characters to life, Huzhiyuchu…… However, we feel the novel is moving And sometimes Renjunbujin, and sometimes Cuirenleixia, is also the main author of his profound vision and sharp thinking, and is particularly valuable in a loving, true to reveal the different treatment of people living very different mentality。   Friends, when you read the novel, you will find not only enrich your knowledge, open up your vision, cultivate your sentiments, it will give you stay。  


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