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来源:说说大全 发布时间:2019-11-12 点击:
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1.放弃与放手的区别:放弃是牺牲本来属于你的,放手是放下那些从来不是你的。The difference between giving up and letting go: giving up is the sacrifice that belongs to you, letting go is to let go of those who are never you.

2.最佳的报复不是仇恨,而是打心底发出的冷淡,干嘛花力气去恨一个不相干的人。The best revenge is not hatred, but the coldness of the heart, why do you want to hate an irrelevant person.

3.不是每一个贝壳里都有珍珠,但珍珠一定出现在贝壳中,不是每个人努力都会成功,但成功的人一定很努力!Not every shell has pearls, but pearls must appear in the shells. Not everyone will succeed, but successful people must work hard!

4.撑不住的时候,可以对自己说声“我好累”,但永远不要在心里承认说“我不行”。When you can't hold it, you can say "I am tired" to yourself, but never admit in the heart that "I can't do it."

5.人生就像一辆列车,进了站有人会上车,有人就必须要下车,相伴过一段旅程,该放手时就要放手,这才是对彼此最好的结束。Life is like a train. When someone enters the station, someone will get on the bus. Someone has to get off the bus. With a journey, let go when you let go. This is the best end to each other.

6.把脾气拿出来,那叫本能;把脾气压回去,才叫本事!Take out your temper, it is called instinct; to return the spleen pressure, it is called the ability!

7.时间不会倒着走,你也不必回头看。Time will not go backwards, and you don't have to look back.

8.人,总是在一次次痛的经历中成长,越痛,成长的越快。不经历撕心裂肺,怎么能面不改色,处事不惊。People always grow up in painful experiences, the more painful they grow, the faster they grow. Do not experience heartbreaking, how can you not change color, do not be surprised.

9.时间带走了青春,带走了纯真,带走了很多很多。它只留下了两样:一个成熟、一个孤单。Time took away youth, took away the innocence, and took away a lot. It only left two things: one mature and one lonely.

10.放不下就不要放下,忘不了就先记着吧,总有一天你会发现,在念念不忘中,不知不觉就已经遗忘。If you can't let go, don't let go. If you can't forget it, remember it. One day, you will find that you are forgotten when you are not forgetting.

11.我想生活教给我最残忍的一课,大概就是在每一个最无助的时刻,慢慢割舍掉对于任何人的依赖心。I want life to teach me the most cruel lesson, probably in the most helpless moments, slowly severing the dependence on anyone.

12.谁都不知道明天是天堂还是地狱,你唯一能做的就是现在努力,跑不过时间,就跑过昨天的自己。No one knows if tomorrow is heaven or hell. The only thing you can do is to work hard now, run out of time, and run past yesterday.

13.不要在失望中无奈,不要在绝望中倒下,人生没有绝对的成功,失败了,重新再来,倒下了,重新站起。相信自己,相信未来!Don't be helpless in disappointment, don't fall in despair, life has no absolute success, fail, come back again, fall down, stand up again. Believe in yourself and believe in the future!

14.没有人能替你承受,也没有人拿得走你的坚强。每个人都是孤独的行者,在行走的过程中慢慢变得坚强。No one can afford it for you, and no one can take your strength. Everyone is a lonely walker and slowly becomes stronger during the walk.

15.后来才明白,很多事说再多也没有用,就像你拿着一杯开水,虽然很渴,但觉得烫手还是会放下。Later, I realized that many things are useless, just like you are holding a cup of boiling water. Although it is very thirsty, I feel that it will be put down.








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