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来源:说说大全 发布时间:2019-11-12 点击:
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我想我还有好多事没有做过, 好想谈过一次恋爱,好好爱过一个人 爱的死去活来,好想 醉过一次 醉倒在大街 有几个人扶着我 不是微醺,好想去那么拼命的努力一次 专注的什么都不知晓,好想去澳大利亚 去看看土著毛利人 说说英文 ,住在住宿家庭 像书里说的那样,也想去次酒吧。年轻总是那么多想法冲动

修行不是一个名词,它是一个“动词”动词这个我这几天上了英文课才知道。就是说你要这么去做,你要努力去做,而不是口头上说说:“我有慈悲、有关爱的心。”这样是不够的。当你的心开始动了,譬如说慈悲的力量开始动了之后,它就会带动你身体的行为跟语言也跟着改变。 修慈悲心的人,会变得心胸开阔、助人为乐,并从中找到生命的意义 །།

翻译:i would be harder if i am fortunately to be one of the member

【开学满满正能量 英文说说你算不算蛮拼的】开学啦!又到了小伙伴们下决心、鼓干劲,表示这个学期一定要努力的时候了!想要在新学期里满满都是正能量,不会几句干劲十足的英语怎么行?快来看看哪些英文表达能说明你还是“蛮拼的”吧!O网页链接

最近也没什么太多的交流 可能我知道你每天都在干什么 你却不知道我在做什么 可能放假就是游戏 电影 音乐或是什么 每天仅有几句话聊天的中心就是问你一天来的安排 告诉你个秘密 最近我可努力了最主要的部分是去健身另一小部分学说英文 有时候电影里跟着说说 昨天还看了马丁路德金的i have a dream

如果我有幸成为其中一员,我会很努力” If I have the honor to become a member, I will work very hard"


Reality will tell you that if you don't work hard, you will be trampled to death by life. There is no need to find any excuse, nothing is the reason to fight.


With their own efforts in exchange for success, and then success will be like a big slap, hit those who have looked down on you in the face, how loud, how refreshing.


Money can cure all affectations, money can cure all inferiority.


If others treat you well, you should strive to be able to repay you in the future. If others treat you badly, you should strive to be able to raise your eyebrows and breathe.


Life is too short to regret. If it's not the end, please keep smiling.


You can afford what you like and go where you want to go. You won't lose the quality of life because of the people around you. Instead, you will have more confidence because you spend your money. That's why you should work hard.


There is no wasted effort, no chance of success. As long as you take life seriously, one day every effort you make will be brilliant.


All your efforts, hard work, pressure and endurance are aimed at saving enough ability and capital, doing what you like better, and striving for the right to choose for yourself.


It's better to dance in the thunder and lightning than to escape in the rain and wind. Even if you get soaked, it's also the pleasure of life.


Never indulge in the comfort of living, can give you shelter from the wind and rain, also can let you not see the day. Only by making ourselves stronger, can we really hold up a day.


If you can carry it on your own, don't say anything. You don't look beautiful. Be a brave person and learn to bear every slap from fate.


Not everyone can be what they want to be, but everyone can try to be what they want to be. Believe in yourself, you can break cocoons into butterflies if you can bind yourself to them.


Only those who do not avoid suffering and confusion are qualified to talk about optimism and firmness. Fate will not treat anyone, nor will happiness and sorrow be prepared for you alone.


Ability is not worth ambition. It is the root of all troubles. The world is fair. If you want to get it, you must learn to give and stick to it. Everyone decides what life looks like through his own efforts.


You might as well take a bold risk in life, because you're going to lose it somehow. If there's a miracle in the world, it's just another name for hard work. Nietzsche


There is a kind of sickness that I have seen inspirational speeches, movies, books and songs as if I had struggled hard. Crucially, psychiatric hospitals do not accept such patients.


Life is very tired. If you are not tired now, you will be more tired later. Life is very bitter. If you don't suffer now, you will suffer more later. Only when you are tired can you have leisure. Only through bitterness can we know sweetness.


There is no absolute fairness in the world. Cars and roads are the weights of competition. Long sleeves are good at dancing. Knowing perfunctory is also the means of competition. There is nothing wrong with that. It depends on what you want and what you stick to.


Don't cry because no one will give you money; don't cry because no one will help you; don't want to cry because everyone doesn't care; don't give up because no one wants you to win.


No matter how good you are, there will always be people who can't stand you. You can't stand it anymore. Some people think it's the only limited edition. The value of life lies in self-esteem, and the meaning of life lies in striving for progress.


Where there is a world war fame, it is all steelmaking; where there is a winning general, it is all the more frustration and bravery; only those who can afford to lose, can win; with a willingness attitude, do everything possible, the results will naturally surprise you!

发表了博文《你是潜力股吗?英文说说“可造之材”》虽然现在还没成功,但多加努力今后一定能有所成就。前途大好,潜力无限,英语里想说他人有潜力,都能怎样表达?下面就来看看吧!  1.HavethemakinO你是潜力股吗?英文说说“可造之材”

[144/365] "我们不是赤裸裸地来到尘世,而是驾着一团团朦胧的光辉。" 时间真的过的很快,还有不到一个月就要暑假啦,只是我还没有进入备考状态啊,呜呜呜!!!!最近一直努力地啃着我的英文书,暑假一定要多积攒知识和技能,真希望自己不只是说说,最近买的新衣服太心水了,忍不住拍了个照,嘻嘻。五月要结束了,高考月来了,提前祝2019的考生旗开得胜呀!抄送组织@studyaccount_forever @StudyAccount打卡平台 @StudyAccount分享平台 @TechonSA #studyaccount#studyaccount感谢组织呀

一直都说要把英文学好 我也就是说说的 我真是太难了 我要努力学英文了

【AD091008】英语 O:被外国人搭话就得用英语回答嘛 从这里开始日本人就输了 日本人出国旅游找不到路 就会用英文去问外国人 外国人则是理所当然的不会努力说说日语 要是外国人跟我搭话 我就用日语说我不知道 这样就赢过外国人了 下次去外国的时候就用语速超快的日语问路 这样他们就能体会我们的心情了


If I had the opportunity to become a member, I will work hard.





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